Chapter 59: The Coronation.

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He let a small, side smile grow. "A little..." He looked up at the warlock. "But really the shock of becoming king... just hit me"

Jeongguk looked at the prince before walking closer and wrapping his arms around the other's neck, being careful of the fur of his cloak.

"You know I'll be here.." Jeongguk looked into Taehyung's eyes. "...probably not at the level that people would be seeing, but I'll be here"

"You know one day they'll see you with the same respect as they see me and how I see you" Taehyung replied.

"One day, but not today, or in the next week" Jeongguk felt the others hands on his waist. "Now, you need to get ready by the door" He placed a kiss on the prince's cheek.

"You missed," Taehyung smirked.

"I did, did I?" The warlock raised an eyebrow. "Show me where I should've done it then"

Taehyung smiled before leaning down to Jeongguk's lips and taking his bottom lip between his own. They stayed like that for a few seconds; which felt like minutes and before they knew it, they pulled away to take a deep breath. Just as they were about to go in for another passionate kiss, there was a knock at the prince's door.

"Sire! You must be ready by the doors shortly!"

Taehyung groaned. "I'll be out soon!" He shouted, making the warlock giggle.

"I'll see you in there" Jeongguk smiled before walking to the door and opening to leave.

"See you soon," Taehyung smiled.

The soon to be King took a deep breath and let it out slow. He did it a few more times to clear his mind before walking out of his once owned quarters. Taehyung stopped and gave it one last final look before closing the door behind him.


Taehyung turned his head to look at the knight next to him.

"It's time"

"Thank you, Ji-hun," Taehyung nodded. "You've been a very good friend to both Jeongguk and me"

The two made their way down the halls and to the stairs that lead to the level in which that had the throne room on it. There were a few knights standing outside the door waiting for Taehyung to approach and as soon as they saw him they placed their hands on the door handle. They waited for Taehyung's signal for them to open it.

Then he gave them a subtle nod; they opened the door and he stepped through. The knights, who were standing along the rows of the seats, pulled their swords out and held them up so the tips were touching the one across from them.

Taehyung made his way down the aisle as everyone rose in their seats. As soon as Taehyung passed the first row of knights they lowered their sword and placed it back in their scarab before following after the soon to be King as he approached the front of the throne room. He saw Yoongi, Hoseok, Jin, Jimin and Jeongguk standing in the front row waiting for him to approach.

Taehyung stepped forward to the podium where he saw Namjoon, who was addressing the coronation. The soon to be King stopped in front of Namjoon and waited for him to speak.

"Today, we honor the passing of our past King and welcome in a new" Namjoon started. "Today, we say goodbye to Prince Kim Taehyung and welcome King Kim Taehyung"

Namjoon turned to pick up the crown of gold with red material that had been placed and looped in by hand delicately, that had been sitting on a red cushion to his right.

"Do you, Taehyung, take all responsibility and duty as King, to rule over your people with a kind heart and lead us through a peaceful reign?" Namjoon asked the male in front of him.

"I do," Taehyung nodded. "For my people" Then he lowered to one knee to allow the other to place the crown upon his head.

"Then I crown thy, King Taehyung" Namjoon placed the crown on the males head. "May he live long!"

"Long live the king!" The crowd shouted and cheered as Taehyung stood and turned around to face his people. Taehyung looked at Jeongguk and saw him smiling and clapping in celebration with the rest of the crowd.

"The fest shall begin!" Taehyung shouted to the crowd as the knights moved the tables of food in for the people and moved the rows of wooden chairs around the sides for it to be easier to walk around, sit and eat.

Jeongguk walked up the stairs along with the rest of the group behind him. "So, King Taehyung~ huh?" He teased the other.

Taehyung smiled. "Ggukie, no need for the teasing please"

"Why not?" Yoongi smirked. "King Taehyung??" They all started to laugh, enjoying the small teasing that they knew was harmless.

"So, what will you do with your items in your quarters Taehyung?" Jimin asked.

"Oh.. right, yes," Taehyung nodded. "That... I'll have to have the knights help me move my things to my father's old quarters and move his things out..."

"We can do that for you now, Sire" Ji-hun spoke up as he approached the new King. "Besides, you need to enjoy the festivities"

"Are you sure, Ji-hun?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm sure," He nodded. "Just let us know what we should and shouldn't move"

"Okay, just my clothes, books, papers and pens, and a few of my pillows too, Father would only sleep on two" He shook his head with a smile. "Thank you, Ji-hun and tell the knights I said thank you to them as well"

"Will do, Sire" Ji-hun nodded and bowed before walking back to the knights.

"Moving to your father's old quarters already?" Jeongguk asked.

"Any new King has to, right away, Jeongguk," Namjoon explained. "But don't worry, the bed is bigger than Taehyung's old one" He winked at the warlock.

"Hush-" Jeongguk muttered as he felt the tips of his ears heat up. "-You, we haven't even said anything to his people yet, they'd find these jokes suspicious" He pouted.

"They can't hear us, they're enjoying the feast" Taehyung smiled at the warlock. "Namjoon-hyung, when is it expected that there is marriage?"

"Oh.." Namjoon blinked at the sudden question. "Probably in a year or so..why?" He questioned.

"Do not worry, I was only curious," Taehyung smiled.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter
Thank you for understanding and waiting for this update!
I purple you 💜💜💜

The Boy of The River; K.TH & J.JK .:Completed:.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن