Chapter Nine: October 5th 1969

Start from the beginning

"Thanks, Hilda," I replied. She smiled at me and began to read a book, leaving the rest of the flight with me and my own thoughts.


Elora's point of view:

My mind was racing. Where was Flynn? He was supposed to be here. I was worried, and I had no idea why. He was supposed to come, and so was my mother. I seemed to be the only one who was worried right now. Why was everyone acting so nonchalant?

"Relax, Elora, they'll be here," Lorelei said to me. She was five months along in her pregnancy now and growing by day. She was glowing though, and she was lucky to have a pregnant that didn't make her too sick or tired. She seemed to have more energy than before, and one could see how that was surprising.

"I'm just worried something may happen," I replied. Lorelei shook her head and laughed as she left to go to the bathroom. My father was sitting on the sofa, his crutch in hand as he watched the clock above the mantle of the fireplace in our living room.

"Everything will be alright, baby girl. I don't want you getting anxious over it," my father said to me quietly. I found that ever since he lost his leg, he had become more nurturing. My mother was gone to war, yes, but he seemed to have altered to become more close and affectionate with us. When we were children, he would be the regular father with a few additives since he had such a unique personality that always wanted to care for us. But he was seen as the protector while my mother was the one to attend to our wants rather than our needs.

"Alright, by the way, I made your doctor's appointment. It's on Friday," I said to him. The doctor had asked us to make an appointment to fit him for a prosthetic leg now that he was able to walk with the crutch successfully and with ease. We figured it was time for him to move on at some point and to start walking again, for the most part anyway. So, in a few days from now, I would be taking him to get a fitted leg. It wouldn't arrive until at least a month after, though.

"Thanks, Elora," he replied. I nodded and before I could say another word I heard the rumbling of a car engine that was coming into the driveway. My eyes widened as I went to the window to see who was here. When I saw Mihn and my mother come out of the car, my whole body lit up with excitement.

"They're here!" I exclaimed. My father stood from the sofa and Emmaleigh and Lorelei came rushing to where we were. We waited patiently but apprehensively for them to come in. I was mostly excited that Flynn was here, although I would never say that to anyone here.

The first to come in were my mother and Mihn. They smiled happily as they came to hug all of us. Mihn kissed Lorelei romantically as she giggled. He had his hand on her stomach the whole entire time I saw him. He was so excited about having a baby he just couldn't stand not touching her belly for more than ten minutes. My mother and father reunited like it had been years since they saw each other, this was obvious. Then, my mother came to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hi, mommy," I said to her quietly as I relished in the embrace of my mother. I was twenty one and I still loved having her hold me like I was ten years younger than I actually am.

"Hello, Elora, I missed you so much," she whispered to me as she kept holding me. I almost didn't want to let go. My mother was always there to wash the worries away, even if it was only temporary.

"By the way, Flynn would like to speak to you. I'll tell him to meet you upstairs?" She asked. When she brought up Flynn wanting to speak with me, I could feel my cheeks getting warm and I didn't have to look in a mirror to know they were probably as red as tomatoes. I tried to hide it but the laugh my mother presented said that she knew exactly what I was thinking. I simply thanked her and went upstairs to wait for him, not wanting to talk about it to anyone else but him.

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