"... I'm not in the mood to joke right now. I-I think you didn't get enough sleep, g-go get some sleep"

- Jin knew Yoongi doesn't joke around, not about such things. But he really wished it was actually a sick joke or a dream... anything just not truth

Yoongi wiped his tears and sighed... trying to keep it together.
What else he could do? He has to explain

"H-hyung, I'm going with Hobi hyung. I asked him last night if I could go back to the shelter where I came from...but no, this time I'm old enough. I'll do something f-for myself. Find a job or whatever....I-"

"Yoongi! Shut up"

-yoongi's eyes widened. Jin just yelled at him...he didn't feel bad for being yelled at, he just felt hopeless.
The look in Jin's face- he's almost about to break down... Yoongi never wanted that. To witness that state of his hyung...he wanted to burn himself alive because of how awful he felt right now

"A-are you fucking out of your mind? Are you crazy! You know what you are saying?"

"Hyung I know, you know, we both know how it is for me to stay here"

Now Jin didn't say anything. He just stared at him with a hurtful expression...a few tears rolling down.
He knows, how hard it is but right now that doesn't make sense.
He just doesn't know how to feel

"H-hyung...every single moment here is a blessing to me but the pain is overtaking it. I don't k-know hyung. I feel like dying everyday. I don't feel like myself anymore. Every time I see h-him...my heart can't take it anymore hyung. Everyday under the same roof as him b-but getting avoided, hated, ignored... is it really what I deserve? I-I only love him hyung...he doesn't understand, he doesn't see. And seeing him with someone else, I can't take it hyung...I..."

- Jin hugged him again. This time, both of them crying in each others hold.
Jin knew, what will he say to beat that?
He knows quite well how the younger feels, what's going on with him and after knowing all this...he wished he had something to say and stop him- but it'll only hurt the omega more...he doesn't want that.
He's been through a lot and now if he puts his happiness first, what does he have to say?

" l-love him. I love him so much hyung! He doesn't understand. He doesn't feel it.
I know I'm not good enough but it still hurts hyung. It hurts a lot to know he'll never be mine...out of all the people, why did I fall for Jeon Jungkook? Why him? It's not fair. I can't bare this hyung... under the same roof, seeing his face every single day. I want to forget it! I want to forget everything. B-but my feelings are only growing wider. I might die hyung. it's too much...I want to escape! Run away"

"It's my fault. It's my fault I brought you in all of this. I-if I won't bring you that day, you wouldn't have been hurt like this... you could have been happier. I wanted to give you a good life and peace without knowing it'll be such a hell. You deserve a lot and I couldn't give you that. If you can, p-please forgive me baby. F-forgive your hyung... I'm s-so sorry"

They cried... letting all the feelings out. If only tears could erase all the pain - it would be so great.

Jin never felt this bad before. He felt awful. He blamed everything on himself. He felt his heart getting ripped open.
All the moments they spent together, the memories, all those years.
Who will annoy him, call him hyungie, make his heart warm if this little omega is gone?
How can he live without him?

But he can't stop him. He can't ask him to stay, he can't make it right. A certain alpha made everything wrong.
He felt hatred as never before... he's never been so disappointed before. It's all the alpha Jeon fucking Jungkook's fault.
Even tho Jin raised him, he respected him....but today, all the respect for the alpha had turned into anger and disappointment. Jin thought he'll be good and Yoongi will be okay. But no, things are only going downhill
It's too much for a pure soul who only gave love.
But that alpha....
How could he be so blind. He knew the omega loved him but still played him as if it's nothing. That is so unexpected from the great alpha Jeon. But maybe a pure beautiful love isn't for him...
... some people just don't deserve a few things

ʜɪs Omega (Yoonkook)Where stories live. Discover now