chapter 10

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Author POV

After that event of yesterday. The alpha was flustered. Jin told him everything, he knows....he knows very well who did this.

He's sitting on his office, fingers on his temple....his head aches at any further thought about his hated enemy.
It's been few months he's been thinking about him and a few days since he became a headache.

No matter how much his head hurts, he alpha will take revenge.
Jungkook is determined.

Not only that alpha made him loose a big amount and embarrassed him in front of his business partners but he also dared to throw a fucking piece of paper down the omega's window. Inside his house, his territory....he dared to do that.

Jungkook was planning to kill him as fast as possible but no, he changed his mind.....he wants it to be slow and painful, he wants to paint his hands with park Jimin's blood. Until then he will not give up, not stop.
He will do it soon, just at the right time. He never misses a target.

Pushing away his thoughts he looked at the door which someone just knocked. He replied with a cold "Come in" and continued to look through his laptop.

The door opened, his assistant Junsoo came in with a small smile.
Jungkook was surprised to see him smile at such a moment. It's rare to see she alpha smile, must be a good news? He wondered.
The other alpha bowed and finally said something

"Sir, I got a good news for you"

"Ohh really? Spill"

He didn't expect much to be a good news. A big deal with another company? More profit? Nothing impressed him anymore. It was a daily normal thing to him. The only thing that will make him happy is when Park Jimin stops breathing.

Uninterested, he continues to look through the folders of his laptop with a cold gaze

"Sir, Park Jimin arrived at the Seoul airport just now. He's here in Korea"

Just when the alpha thought the news won't surprise him, it did.
He looks up at the other alpha as if he's crazy. His ears can't believe what he heard.

Not wasting another moment Junsoo grabs the iPad and shows the article about the famous Park Jimin stepping in Korea.

He looks at it with cold eyes but inside he's burning with rage.
He was thinking that he himself will have to approach the alpha to tear down his throat but no.....the prey is here himself. Asking to be uprooted. He's here inside his territory, inside the trap already. After so many things, that alpha has the guts to be here? He wonders.

The alpha won't let it slide....the game only started and Jungkook is a pro

"Now our work is a lot easier, Sir"

"Sure it is"

"Yoongiiiiiii" calls the pretty omega from the kitchen. He's been waiting for the younger male for long.

"Minnnn Yoongiiiiii get your ass from the garden now! How long will will you water the plants?! It's been two hours!!"

The said male comes running with a pout on his lips. Looking at his Jin hyung with those pretty doe eyes, making an innocent face so that his hyung won't scold him more

"Hyung~ you know how pretty those flowers are! I was just taking care of them"

"Yeah, you don't need to stair at them for you to take care of them .... it's been hours yoongi. You'll get sunburned, baby"

ʜɪs Omega (Yoonkook)Where stories live. Discover now