chapter 12

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Author POV

Days have passed by....... weeks also, almost a month since the weird tension had been rooming around the house.
weird acts when they are together, the heavy tension, the weird feelings, awkward silence- it was all too awkward for all of the members living in the house.

The alpha of the house has been grumpy, cold and rude, he has been drowning himself in work. He doesn't stay at home much.

Namjoon and jin are confused. Getting the cold act from the youngest alpha was something unusual for them.
Namjoon being the right hand man, always had been around him but never brought himself to ask about the unusual behaviour....he too himself was always distracted by work

Jin thought about it tho, he did tried to talk the the grumpy alpha but would always get a straight answer like- " hyung I'm fine/ don't bother be right now I'm busy"

Meanwhile, the youngest among all of them, the omega didn't let anyone know what happened or what's going on.
His condition was only getting worse. The doctor gave him some meds and told him to eat more......but who listens?

He has been starving himself now to the point he's losing too much weight.
Of course, Jin tried thousands of times but after he ate he'll throw up everything at the toilet without the elder male noticing. He took meds but he throws up them too. It's not like he doesn't want to eat- he just feels like he's too ugly, overweight and fat to eat.

There's only one thing in his head-

..."If I get skinner, will he finally love me?"

It was just another day in the household. But it was somewhat beautiful....the bright light coming through the omega's window, the cold wind- winter must be near, not too hot but a little cold- Yoongi's favourite time to sleep inside the warm and soft blanket. But he couldn't sleep any longer. It was 9:45 already. He slept alot.

The small omega slowly got up and looked at outside the window
"Could this day be a little better?"- he thought. Nothing has been going right those past few days.

Meanwhile, the alpha was sitting at his office for 'god knows how long'. Suddenly his assistant Junsoo came in.

"Sir, we just got the news" - he said with a very low voice, just above a whisper. He sounded like he doesn't want to say it.

The alpha quickly left the papers in his hands and looked up hearing about the news. Eager to know more
"And? What happened there?"

"The team we sent to alpha Park at midnight just sent us the details......sir, they did a lot of damage to them. His men are all dead or some terribly injured, they did a lot of damage to the headquarters he was staying at- destroyed everything they got their hands on and took every documents they could reach"

"And what about that son of a bitch? Did they chach him? I want him alive, I want to kill him with my own hands "- the alpha's expression darkened

Junsoo visibility tensed at that-
"Sir, well ......we didn't get any important information from the documents we got and about alpha Park.....they almost got him b-but... before that he ran a-away sir. We have no clue where he escaped by. Every single entrance was guarded by our men so that he doesn't escape but s-sir... our men searched everywhere...."

-junsoo stuttered and lowered his head in fear of how the alpha would react.
After all, his massive plan to destroy the alpha Park become a fail.
.....Jeon Jungkook never fails.

The room fell completely silent. It wasn't awkward but distressing silence.
Junsoo didn't dare to look up at the alpha but he was sure Jeon Jungkook was mad as fuck. He could smell the heavy rage in his scent.

After what felt like hours the alpha finally said something which wasn't really good-

"Kill all of those fuckers who can't even succeed in a single mission properly. I don't need any losers with me"

"Oh...b-but s-sir-"

"-Get out!"

There was nothing left to say. Junsoo bowed and left fearing his life.

Jungkook sat in his chair, pulling his hair in anger. The alpha wasn't too similar of failure. Not a single mission would ever fail. Everything, every detail would be at the point. He'll take his time, will wait for the chance and shoot.... he'll never miss a single shot. His plans were always on point.

What is this then? After so many days waiting for his revenge. Waiting for the right chance. It was all neatly planned. There was no chance Park Jimin would escape.
-it all hurt his pride.

", he must really want me to go and tear his throat myself. Crazy fucker"

On the other side

" You okay now?!"

"Yeah, I'm fine. That pice of shit really sent a whole army to kill me. I'm surprised but it's not that easy to catch me, you know. I escaped. I'm gonna end that pi-"

"No! You can't talk about ending him! You know I love him"

"Ehh? Hahahaha what you call love isn't love. You don't love him"

"I do! Of course I love him! I've been loving him for decades. It's all our deal is about! You take over that company or whatever and I take him."

"Can't believe you're acting like a dealer to your childhood friend. And that shit ain't love. It's just lust and your attraction to the things that just aren't for you"

"Whatever, that doesn't change that deal. He'll be mine sooner or later. Jeon Jungkook is mine"

"Hmm whatever Lisa"


Hey guys! Hope everyone is fine.

I'm sorry . I can't update on time.

Actually, I haven't been very active at anything lately. I feel anxious and stressed even doing nothing.
My final exam is in November, so studies have been shit.
I hate maths, I hate studies, I just wanna go to Korea and get married to a rich mafia boss. Lol

Guys, I hate updating late but I can't do anything about it.

All I can say is- I'll update whenever I can.

Please stay healthy and eat lots of goodies. The weather is getting colder- winter is coming ~ stay warm. Love y'all

Have a nice day <3

Update coming soon~

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