chapter 13

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"CWAHHHHHHHHH!" Bellon let out a gutteral groan. 

 "WATH DO YOU WANTH?!" President Swoon screamed in his phatt juicy lisp.

"Har har har, Relax my hubby, you just woke up from a wacky groovn' acid trip!" Swoons wife, the third lady giggled. 

A fat ugly lopsided drooling cat who was missing an eye, an ear, and 2 legs hobbled over and scratched the presidents toes off.

"HAR HAR HAR!" Edwrina the third lady chortled at their cat's antics.

"AH! Weneseman, i'm gonna wip your wemaining wegs off!!"

"Come in prezy babe, we gotta go to your inauguration speech, kill that weird lady that stands outside with an army of rats!"

"Edwwina, you could just sick Weneseman on hew!", he said, annoyed at the lady with a rat army.

"HAR HAR HAR! YOU'RE A HOOT BABY" Edwrina guffawed.

"Let's go baby buns!" Edwrina peeled her husband's tiny sweaty body off of the carpet and walked him to his speech.

And they lived happily ever after, right after Reneseman the cat absolutely DESTROYED the crazy rat lady.

The End.

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