chapter 7

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Bellon's blue spheres slowly blinked open, the brightness stinging his poor emo orbs. 

“W-w-w-what happened?” He stuttered, raising a hand to put pressure on his aching head. He looked around, he was on the street, the rain hadn't stopped, the birds were tweeting, and he was alone. 

No one was there, not Edwrina, Jacella, or any of Edwrina's family. Bellon looked at the asphalt, on it was a single handwritten note, the ink smudged from the rain. With trembling hands, he began to read.

I'm so so sorry Bellon, but I have come to realize that my family, and our ways, even me are just too dangerous for you. I have left you here, in the middle of the highway to show you that I care, I care enough to leave you, safe, away from me

That these violent delights might not have violent ends. 

And while Bellon cried, looking at the smudged, ripping, dripping, paper, a honk was blasting in his little emo ears, and with a crunch, Bellon blacked out. 



    Bellon's whole body hurt, it felt like he had been hit by a bus full of middle-aged orphans. His ribs felt cracked and his legs felt numb. Even though he was trying super hard, he was having a hard time opening his eyes, his head just twitched and flopped. 

    “He's stirring!” someone said, and he felt a hand on his face. 

    “Sir, are you awake?” And Bellon's little emo orbs opened up. He appeared to be in an emergency room of some kind, 

    “W-wha-?” Bellon’s throat felt like a frog had laid eggs in it and all the eggs went moldy and a million mosquito larva had eaten the inside of his esophagus. 

    “Shhhhhhh, you have had quite a rough day,” The nurse said, getting a clipboard out. 

    “Rate your pain on a scale of one to ten.” She chirped, clicking the pen. 

    “P-p-physical pain, or e-e-e-emotional p-pain?” Bellon whimpered, clutching at his throat. The nurse rolled her eyes and clarified that it was the physical pain she wanted a rating of. 

    “Put m-my p-p-p-pain at 10, i-i-its never-ending a-a-agony.” the nurse looked concerned, 

    “Sir, do you normally stutter?” 

    Bellon nodded his head solemnly and asked why he was in the emergency room. 

    “Well, you were hit by a bus full of middle-aged orphans, then a frog laid eggs in your throat, and mosquito larva started to eat your esophagus before the ambulance arrived.” the nurse explained to him. Bellon looked at her aghast. 

    "I-i-i-i-i-i was hit b-b-b-by a b-bus? And an fr-fr-frog laid-its eggs in m-m-my th-throat?", he exclaimed emo-ly.

    "Don't forget the mosquito larva sir.", the nurse reminded him, sounding bored. Bellon was in shock, he was bewildered, astonished, befuddled, bamboozled if you will. He stared at the nurse with his bright blue spheres. She just nodded at him and handed him a cup of something.

    "Drink this, it'll help you feel better.", she told him. She walked out and turned the corner when Bellon took the cup. He could hear her scream in frustration before she walked back into Bellon's room.

    Bellon took the cup to his lips with trembling hands and took a large emo boy sip. It tasted like rotten breast milk. 

He screamed out and exclaimed, “C-c-c-c-cruelty thy n-name is n-n-n-n-nurse! I h-h-have t-to get o-o-o-out of h-h-here!”

NOON a fang-tastic love storyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang