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Edwrina is mega confusion, Bellon was obviously like her, he had the sideways abs. But when she crept into his room and saw his crumpled boney tiny emo body crunched up in a heap on the bed she wondered what was going on with her tiny, emo, petite boy. She crept back over and sat on his bed looking at her dwarfish small emo child of a man, and with a start saw that he wasn't breathing. The tall elegant sexy giant chunk woman grabbed Bellon and laid him down, she knew she had to give him mouth to mouth.
Edwrina lowered her large pink mouth onto his tiny worm sized black hole of a mouth and blew her precious flowery breath into his traichia tubes and down into his lungs. After a few puffs Bellons crystal orbs opened wide and saw the giant pale lady kissing him on the mouth. Bellon started to feel his sweet jaundice colored juices seeping all over his bed.
Edwrina felt her knees get warm and wet and she pulled away and saw that her tiny emo man had peed all over her.
"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-im so sorry!" Bellon yelped quite embarrassed with the whole ordeal.
Edwrina smirked the smirkiest of smirks and sauntered out of the emo boys room.

Edwrina slinked around the kitchen, her long pale legs prancing like a spider as she recalled how cute Bellon was and how warm his sticky peepee was. The tall woman grabbed the rooster she had left on the floor the night before and stuck the crunchy mangled rooster body into Bellon's fancy blender. The long legged and even longer fingered lady daintily put the bloody roster into the spinning blade tunnel and flipped the switch.
The sounds of the crunching bones, the spilling marrow, and the whirring of the blender calmed Edwrina's mind, she watched as the spinning blade tube turned her favorite snack into a lovely warm, chunky smoothie.
Edwrina smoothed her shirt and shut the blender off, pouring the smoothie into a nice cold glass. Chunks of bloody bones and feathers slopped into her cup, Edwrina raised her cup to her plump pink lips and drank the mixture, the clunky sharp edges slicing her strong thick throat on the way down, just like she liked it. The pale woman decided that Bellon deserved a small sip of her delicious smoothie as well, so she took the glass back up to his room and lightly rapped her knuckles on the door.
"Bellon? Can i come in, i made a smoothie for you"
Bellon quickly jumped up off of his bed and rolled his half-pint body over to the door and kicked it open like how he imagined a ninja would, poor emo boy wanted to show Edwrina that he could be cool, and not just a baby who should probably start wearing a diaper.
Slowly the large wooden doors creaked open and the voluminous woman was revealed, holding a cup that looked oh so small in her colossal hands.
"F-f-f-for m-mm-m-me?" the micro tiny emo boy trembled.
"All for you, but I imagine it's too thick and chunky for your tiny emo mouth to absorb."
Bellon was unsure of how he felt about this, his mouth wasn't that small, I mean sure he wouldn't eat with normal sized utensils, heck even baby forks and spoons were too big. Bellon was embarrassed to admit it but he always got specially made tiny utensils for his tiny emo mouth.
"M-m-maybe your right..." He sighed and started to close the door, but an immense hand stopped him-
"No, no, little one, maybe I should just return the favor."
The tiny petite emo boy watched as the muscular woman stuck her abnormally large hands into the red drink and pulled out a chunky little chunk. She squished the chunk up in her hands until it was a chunk small enough for his little emo boy mouth.
Bellon looked up at the tall woman as she brought her fistfull of chunky rooster gut smoothie to his mouth. He opened his mouth hesitantly and Edwrina shoved it all into his mouth.
Bellon gasped at the metallic taste, the smoothie was not good, it tasted like rotten blood, or how he had imagined rotten blood to taste like; since Bellon was emo he spent a lot of time imagining what rotten blood tasted like so he was fairly certain he was correct.
The emo boy shot the bloody concoction out of his mouth, but his lips were so tiny it all came out like a mist from a fine spray bottle. He spat out what remained in his mouth before looking back up at Edwrina.
"W-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-what was that E-e-e-edwrina?!", he exclaimed. He looked at the cup in disgust. His tiny blue beads peered up at her.
"It was a rooster smoothie Bellon. Did you not like it?'' she [questioned?]. Bellon shook his head. He clearly did not like it, he didn't know why she was asking him this incredibly stupid question. Bellon started to cry like a wee little tot at the mess he had made, his spit and blood smoothie was all over his walls and Edwrina's pale beautiful face. She looked at him for a minute, analyzing him, before she grabbed his little black hand towel, and wiped off her face along with the walls.
Bellon was still crying for a little bit before he realized Edwrina had taken his towel, so now he was only in his batman underwear. He quickly got some pants and stood awkwardly, watching Edwina as she cleaned up his mess. When she finished, she looked at him watching her. He looked nervous, but it seemed he wouldn't pee this time. She smirked at him and watched his face get purple, the little emo boy's blood was so dark because he was emo.
Edwrina smiled a kind smile at the emo boy, showing him her razor sharp teeth. She slowly slinked and dinked her way over to the trembling gagging boy when a haunting sound of deep bells erupted throughout the mansion.
Bellon gasped and punched his wall, breaking his fragile emo hand, and he let out a pathetic little wail, like that you would hear out of a newborn puppy.
"What's wrong my tiny boy?" Edwrina asked growing worried
Bellon sniffled and threw himself on the floor wailing "My b-b-b-best friend is coming over today, but i hate her s-s-s-s-s-tupid ugly f-f-ace, she is so a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-nnoying"
Edwrina smirked in amusement at the young emo boy's woes and ushered him down the stairs.
With tears and eyeliner streaming down his tiny face, Bellon opens the door.
"H-h-h-h-hello J-j-jacella."

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