chapter ten

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Bellon woke up on the couch, breathing heavily. He had just had a nightmare of him killing his beloved blood-sucker. He sighed in relief when we saw her sleeping on the other couch that was in the living room. This was the third time he had had this nightmare, and it was in a word, disturbing. He looked over at the sleeping woman and wondered if these dreams were a sign that he must follow his parent's legacy and kill blood-suckers. Bellon shoved that thought out of his mind and stood up for his daily morning bladder emptying.
    He ran up the stairs to his bathroom and let out the chunky golden yellow sticky emo urine into his tiny urinal, the chunks splattered against the crystal sides with a satisfying squish. He sighed in relief, as he hadn't gone to the bathroom before going to sleep so his bladder was extra full. It almost felt good to hold in but it was also painful.
    Edwrina walked into the room with bleary eyes.
    “Bellon, why didn't you just pee in your diaper?” Edwrina asked him, looking disappointed.
    "C-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cause i don't wa-want to wear a-a-a-a-a stupid-id d-d-d-d-d-d-d-diaper!", he shouted at her. "Diapers a-a-a-a-a-are for ba-babies and I am N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-NOT a b-b-b-b-b-b-b-baby!" he screamed tears streaming down his emo cheeks.
    “Of course, you aren't Bellon but-” Edwrina stopped realizing that there was yellow squishy urine nuggets clogging the urinal drain.
    “Bellon, why is your pee chunky?” Edwrina asked looking weirded out.
    “I-I-I-Its just a b-b-bit c-c-congealed, I h-h-h-held i-i-it for t-t-to long,” Bellon whispered looking ashamed. Edwrina walked over to the fancy crystal urinal and pushed a congealed urine clump through the drain, it felt a lot like jello much to her surprise.
    “That is really weird Bellon,” Edwrina murmured looking at the urine globs left under her long fingernails.
    Bellon started to quiver with anger. “T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-thats w-w-what the d-doctor s-s-s-said!” wailed Bellon, feeling betrayed by his great big towering pale pasty ashy looking girlfriend. Then he turned on his heel and ran all the way to his bedroom, diaper on his butt and shorts around his ankles.
    Edwrina pinched the bridge of her nose, taking a deep breath. As much as she loved Bellon, sometimes he was hard to deal with. With a sigh, she washed her hands and started following the sounds of Bellon's emo weeping.
    The giant lanky woman wandered up the stairs and into Bellon's room.
    “Belly, please talk to me, all this crying is excessive and only hinders our ability to identify and solve the issue,” Edwrina stated caringly and sat down next to the lump under the bedsheets she knew to be Bellon. Bellon shuffled and popped his head out of the sheets, wiping his snot off on the pillow next to him.
    “I-I-I-Its j-just that I l-l-love you and y-you see me as a b-b-b-baby!” He screamed and disappeared back into the snuggly sheets.
    Edwrina frowned, she did sometimes look down on Bellon, but it was hard not to when he constantly pissed around the house, cried at every inconvenience, and seemed to be completely incompetent. She loved Bellon with all of her heart but sometimes he acted like a child and she often treated him accordingly.
    “Bellon, I know that you aren't a baby, but sometimes I forget to treat you like the big hansemo boy you are, when I give you diapers I'm not trying to demean or embarrass you, I just am trying to help you.”
    Bellon sniffled and peeked back out of the bedsheets, his big blue orbs filled with love and adoration peering up at her big black orbs.
    “E-e-edwri-na, I-I-I-I-I g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-otta ask you s-s-something.” He stuttered out, and he rolled out of bed and flopped to the floor, getting the wind knocked out of him. When he finally caught his breath he stood up in front of Edwrina.
    “I am k-k-k-k-k-k-know t-t-that I am just a-a-a-a e-emo b-boy,” Bellon started out, looking at the floor in a nervous emo fashion. Edwrina started to smirk, she was pretty sure she knew where this was going.
    “You want me?” she smirked staring into the emo boy's emo azul spheres.
    “I-I-I w-want you b-b-b-b-b-baby!”
    “My sugar boo”
    “Im l-l-l-l-l-levitating”
All of a sudden, a beam of light hit Bellon and he started to float, his black greasy emo hair floating off of his forehead. His pale emo skin started to twinkle and Edwrina watched him, getting excited.
    "Bellon! This is your first twinkle time!" she exclaimed. Bellon started freaking out, trying to wipe his glittery skin off.
    "T-t-t-t-t-this is a-a-a-awful! Why ar-ar-ar-are you s-s-s-s-s-s-so excited ab-about th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-th-this?!" he shouted at her, still trying to scrap the glittery skin off. Edwrina shed a single tear, wiping it away with her long slender pale muscular finger. Her little greasy emo man was growing up.
Bellon at this point had accepted that this was happening and was just floating limply in the air, looking defeated and badly emo. His twinkle time only lasted about 45 minutes, the beams of sun that were keeping him in the air disappearing as night came. He fell from the air into Edwrinas arms and was breathing heavily.
"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i don't un-understand h-h-how you do-do that al-all the t-t-t-time," he said pathetically. Edwrina just shrugged and set the tiny man down on the floor.
“But what were you going to ask me before?” Edwrina smirked down at him questioningly.
“Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh u-ummmmmmm.” Bellon started to stutter, his blush enhancing his emo features. He tucked his hair behind both his ears at the same time and looked up at the ginormous woman in front of him.
And for the first time in his life, Bellon didn't stutter, Bellon didn't feel any fear, he spoke his words proudly.
“Edwrina, my lovely, please make me that happiest emo boy alive and marry me," he said, getting down on one knee. Edwrina had to tilt her head all the way down, as Bellon was now basically all the way on the ground. Tears welled up in her orbs as she nodded aggressively, her pale thin neck looking like it was going to snap like an old lady's spine. Bellon jumped up and Edwrina caught him in her arms, hugging him tightly.
“Y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-y-yay” Bellon stuttered, wrapped up in Edwrinas large hunky thick jumbo-sized arms.

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