Chapter Nine | I Spy

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, no. I'm gonna go back to my job, and I think you should too. Don't you have a meeting in twenty minutes with your department?"

I run up to my colleague, shaking his arm. "Come on, Daiki..! You know it's true."

"No, I don't think I do," Daiki says, slowly yanking his arm back and walking back to his desk.

I stand there and glare at the stubborn colleague. "You just wait and see..!"

"Yeah yeah yeah, see you." Daiki waves his arm, his back turned towards me.

"Fine. I'll just have to prove it for myself then." I pout, marching my way towards the many sets of elevators, pressing the up button.

I wait patiently for the elevator door to open, the all too familiar hallways welcoming me on the 16th floor. I get my stuff and prepare to head over to the meeting rooms.

I bet if I went to go visit boss, Y/N would be in his office.

I smile at the thought and skip to my office to grab the necessary stuff for the department meeting.

Endeavor's POV: Office

I sigh at the big and empty office, feeling lonely without the company of my secretary to fill it. I slump into the chair and open my laptop to see the many emails of works from each department head. Great. More work on top of my not yet finished paperwork.

Knock Knock

"Come in." I look up from the laptop to see the door open, revealing the one person you were hoping to see. "Hi Y/N."

Y/N slips through the gap in between the doors and gently closes it, flipping her body to face me and of course, her closed eye smile accompanies her. "Hey Enji. I came to help you with the papers."

"You sure you still want to work on them?" I motion my hands at the two fat stacks of paperwork.

Y/N flutters towards my desk and plops down across from me on the same chair as last time. "Yep! I may have been buzzed, but I meant it when I said that I want to help lessen your load."

I couldn't help but let my lips curl upwards. "Thank you Y/N."

"No problem! Let's get this paperwork thing done with." Y/N stretches her arms out and takes out one of my many pens from my pen holder, immediately moving onto the paperwork.

1 Hour Later~

Y/N and I are once again chatting and doing work, enjoying each other's company. I pour a drink for the both of us, this time limiting Y/N to two drinks so that she doesn't have another meltdown.

But I on the other hand, had a few too many than what I allowed Y/N. I'm far from lightweight, but I had added the amount of whiskey each time I got up to make another cocktail. I guess that's why Y/N got so drunk last time.

Oh shit. I'm getting...emotional? What the hell. Maybe doing what Y/N did last time wasn't the best of ideas. It's okay Endeavor...just play it off. Use your flames to cover your face.


Y/N's POV:

I actually enjoy doing work with Endeavor. It's been a while since the last time I got to sit and drink with someone and just talk about stupid things. Especially since Hizashi and Aizawa are as busy as ever I basically sit around and do nothing.

I wonder what Enji's thinking about. He's just sitting there in silence. Maybe the work's getting to him?


I whip my head up from what's left of the paperwork and see Enji's flames hiss suddenly. "Are you okay Enji? We can take a break if you want."

"Hmm? Oh, no need. Just hate how there's so much reports I have to go through." Enji coughs an obviously fake one, retracting his eyes towards the screen again.

My eyes grow worried, but quickly fix it because I hated the look of pity, and I doubt he would appreciate it if I suddenly had that look. I slide the chair to the other side of the desk, a respectful distance between the two of us.

I place my hand on top of his shoulder, not caring about the unusually hot temperature. "If you need me to listen, I'm always here Enji."

"Thank you Y/N. I'll have to take a rain check on that." Enji gives me a smile, taking my hand off his shoulder so I don't get burned.

I smile back at him, returning to the papers. "Okay. But that's enough drinking for you. Don't want you turning out to be a crying mess like me."

"Me? Why, I would never," Enji says in a teasing way, making me roll my eyes, taking both glasses to the counter.

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