Chapter 9

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Okay! New chapter! Sorry it took so long! Thank u to everyone who has been reading and if u want me to update more, PLEASE spread the word about this story! Anyway, enjoy this chapter!!!!! ;)


"So, will you finally agree to be my girlfriend?" he asks. I smile at him and nod.

"Yes, yes I'll be your girlfriend, Li!" He smiles and stands up. He snatches me up into his arms and twirls me around causing me to giggle uncontrollably. He sets me down and kisses me again.

"Liam, you have no idea how long I've waited for this," I state and wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair.

"You? I've loved you for so damn long," he replies and rests his hands on my waist. I smile at the thought.

"How did we both love each other without the other one knowing?" I ask.

"We were blind," he replies and brings his lips to meet mine again. I'm happy. Finally happy with Liam in more than a friend way. I've wanted this for so long. Maybe it could've happened long ago if Liam wouldn't have messed up. He just better not do anything like that again.

*Next Morning*

I have to go to the hospital today. Another treatment and the doctor has to discuss something with me. Usually he does that stuff with my parents but neither of them can get off work so I'm on my own. Well, with Liam of course. When we get there, Liam sits in his normal chair close to my bed. After I get my treatment done I get back in my bed and he takes my hand. We intwine our fingers and sit in silence for a moment. A nurse comes in and says,

"Dr. Jones will be with you shortly." I nod at her and she exits the room.

"What do you think he's gonna tell me?" I ask Liam. He shrugs.

"It's probably no big deal, babe. Don't worry," he replies and kisses my hand.

"Okay." But I am worrying. What if something bad, or should I say worse, is happening to me. I'm scared. Liam rubs the back of my hand with his thumb. I smile at him. He helps me calm down, he comforts me, he makes me feel at ease. Moments later the doctor comes in.

"Hello, Ms. Walker," he greets with a smile.

"Hi, Dr. Jones." He looks from me to Liam.

"Who's this?" he asks.

"This is my boyfriend, Liam Payne. He's with me today instead of my parents," I introduce and Liam and my doctor shake hands.

"Ok, Ms. Walker, I know I usually tell these things to your parents but seeing as they can't be here, I'll just tell you. Unfortunately, the treatments aren't making progress. You're condition is slowly getting worse. If we can't get a response from any treatments, we can predict you will pass away within the year. We are going to add additional treatments in hopes that that will help. We are going to try anything we can to keep you alive," he explains and leaves.... I'm frozen, I can't move or speak. I'm going to die. I don't even have a year. I'm going to die... I feel tears prick my eyes.

"Lily..." Liam calls me.

"Liam..." I respond, my voice shaky.

"Hey, it's going to be ok. They're gonna find something to save you. You're gonna be fine," he says but I can tell he's about to cry too. He knows the chances are slim. I bring my hands to my face and cry into them. "Babe, please don't cry," he begs, his voice shaking. I feel my mattress dip down and turn to see Liam sitting next to me in my bed. He lays down down beside me and brings me closer to his body so that my back is against his front. He puts his arm around my waist and tangles his fingers with mine. "I promise, you're gonna be ok," he whispers in my ear, and even though I am well aware that he can't keep a promise like that, I'm comforted by his words.

"I love you, Liam," I say.

"I love you, too, and I'm never gonna leave you." I smile to myself even though tears are still in my eyes. Yes, things aren't going well and I might die. But all I care about right now is that Liam is with me, he loves me, and he's not going to leave. I close my eyes and listen to the rhythmic beat of Liam's heart and feel his chest move up and down and I fall asleep.


I hear someone squeal excitedly and wake up. I sit up slowly and so does Liam. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and proceeds to stroke my hair. I look to the source of the squeal and see my mum with a huge smile on her face.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you. That was the most adorable thing I've ever seen," she says and I roll my eyes. I feel Liam vibrate with laughter. "Does this mean you two are...?"

"Yes, mum. Oh my gosh you're so weird!" I groan and Liam just laughs more.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Finally!" she says. I cover my face in embarrassment and Liam just continues to laugh.

"It's not funny!" I whisper yell at him.

"Yes it is! I love your mum!" he says back.

"So, what did the doctor have to say?" my mum asks. My heart sinks as I remember the news I received. I look at Liam, with a look that says, "will you tell her?" He reads the message as nods. He looks to my mother and repeats everything my doctor said. After he's done, my mum looks nervous, scared, just like me. She comes over to me and wraps her arms around me in a warm embrace. I wrap my arms around my mother and let all my emotions come out. I cry away the fear and the helplessness and the self-pity. I let my mom hold my in her arms like she did when I was a young girl with a scrape on her knee. She rubs my back, whispering hopeful words into my ear. After a few moments, she pulls away and looks to my eyes.

"I have to go back to work, sweetie. It's gonna be fine. You have your boyfriend now," she smiles along with her last statement and I chuckle a little bit.

"Bye, mommy."

"Bye, honey," she says and kisses my forehead. She leaves me alone with Liam again. I look at him and give him a long kiss.

"What was that for?" he asks as I pull away.

"For being here for me. For making me feel better when I'm crying. For being you," I say and we both smile.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love you too, Li," I reply pecking his lips once more. I cuddle back into him and he continues to stroke my hair.

"So, we're finally going out and I want to take you on a date. What do you want to do?" he asks.

"I don't care. I don't want any special treatment. I want to go out like a normal teenager who doesn't have cancer."

"I can do that."


Awwwwwwwweww that's all I have to say. WAIT! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE COMMENT PLEASE. ok bye!

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