Save him

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Damain instantly swallowed whatever insult he had prepared for the team. His big brother, they know where he is. Although he would deny it, he couldn't help but become happy with the thought of his big brother holding him in his arms again.

Tim felt similar, he missed his big brother so much. He missed how Dick would visit him late at night to make sure he would go to bed or help him complete his project. He missed how his brother would ruffle his hair when he was proud. He wanted him back.

"Chesire told us Deathstroke took Nightwing with him to a hide out in Antarctica. Apparently he's got a base their on private land in between the other parts that are already claimed by other countries." Wally explained.

Batman looked at him questioning look, why would Chesire just give them that information after all that isn't just something you just tell.

But before Batman could say something about the source being a trap or being illogical, Jason said something.

"Figures, Chesire has always hated working with people who think they're better than her and with Deathstroke's big ass ego she probably hates his guts." He said smirking inside his helmed.

The team looked at the masked Hero questioningly, how did he know Chesire and why did it sound so personal.

"If you don't mind me asking, how do you know Chesire so well?" Aqualad asked Jason, the suspicion was clear in his voice even though he stayed polite.

"Well, I do mind you asking." Jason snarked back. He didn't want these so-called heroes prying in his past.

"Calm down Hood, it's no time for fighting. Or do I need to remind you why we're here?" Signal asked, a bit agitated.

Cass nodded, she wanted, no needed to find her older brother. So, she could smack him for being so stupid, but also so she could hug him.

'Okay now that you ladies are done bickering. I've located Nightwing's location. I'm sending you the coordinates now. The helicopter has already been installed on those coordinates. If you leave now you'll be there in a hour or so.' Oracle told them

*Dick pov.*

Dick had been awake for about half an hour now or was it more. He didn't know, he was so disoriented and his whole brain felt as if the were put in a blender. Deathstroke wasn't much help, the only thing he did was stare at him as if he was the most interesting thing in the world. It made him sick.

"Never thought I would see you in a state like this ever again, Goldie." Deathstroke said in a mocking tone. He slowly walked over to his soon to be apprentice and held his chin.

"Seems like the drug we gave worked well, thank you for being my guinea pig for it." He continued looking straight into the eyes of Dick.

Deathstroke pressed a button on some type of controller and one of his robots appeared. The robot and controller were both Deathstroke themed.

"Why do bad guys always theme their stuff after themselves? It's so stupid." Nightwing said, although it sounded as if was calming down from a hyperventilation.

"Are you really the one to complain, doesn't the whole Batclan make their stuff in their own logo." Slade answered a bit bored.

"Touché." –

Deathstroke rolled his sheathed eyes and pressed the button. Dick felt a hot pain all around his body. It felt as if lava replaced the blood inside him and was burning all his nerves.

Dick wanted to cry out in pain but was too weak to even release a sound. He glared at Slade, who seems extremely happy with how Dick was suffering.

(A/N: sorry to disrupt the story, but I kinda wanted to use an element of the 2003 Teen Titans animated series. So sorry if you don't know what I'm talking about!)

"Do you remember these probes?" Deathstroke asked. Although he was wearing a mask Dick could hear how smug he was.

"Ah of course, you can't even speak." He continued taunting the fallen vigilante. "These are the same probes I used on your little friends, The Teen Titans. Right?"

Dick felt his blood boiling and not only because of the probes making his blood feel like lava. Of course, he remembered how Slade used his love for his friends against him. If Slade would've never done that, Nightwing might've been more approachable by other heroes.

Slade was the reason he would never join another hero team. Although the other Titans forgave him, he could never forget how he had fought them and how he was hurting them, never again.

The anger that had been building up inside him was released and he lashed out at his enemy. Deathstroke easily evaded the sloppy and uncoordinated attacks.

"That's its Birdie, embrace the anger!" Deathstroke yelled like a psychopath.

After a little bit of punching and evading, Slade had enough and struck Dick once making him fall down on the ground.

"Never knew that the Golden Boy had so much built up anger. I thought you wanted to kill me for second. You know beat me to death, just like how you did with the Joker." Slade taunted as he took of his helmet and smirked at Nightwing.

(A/N: Sorry second authors note in a chapter, but I have to apologize. Next week I won't be posting and the latest chapters are a bit rushed. But I hope y'all are having a nice day/night!)

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