Family dinner

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*Dick pov. *

*Road 02; 6:45 P.M.*

It didn't take long for Dick to grab his car and ride himself back home. He was super exited seeing his brothers and sisters again. Babs would also be there so it will be even more fun.
The drive was a little stressful though since everyone was driving as if they decided that today they wanted to try out dying, because of a car accident. It didn't bother Dick though, what did bother him was the phone call he received while driving. It was Kid Flash, wait how did he even get this number.

"Hello? Dick Grayson-Wayne speaking." Dick answered the phone.

"Oh yeah um, hey. So, what we wanted to ask you do know on what time Nightwing usually stops patrolling." Kid flash asked. Dick rolled his eyes at him, he didn't even say who it was.

"I don't know, but his less seen around 5 A.M. in the morning." Dick answered him.

"Okay cool cool, wait are you in a car?" Wally asked.

"Yeah why?" Dick replied confused why him being in a car was so surprising.

"Well, I just thought you were going to stay in your apartment instead of going out since you were so tired today." Wally explained worried.

"Oh yeah, well I'm going to a family dinner and I've actually just arrived home so I gotta go." Dick lied, he actually still had to drive 15 minutes.

"Ok, thanks bye." Wally said, while he hung up.

Dick sighed and continued driving having arrived in Gotham, but to his surprise he got another phone call. This time from someone he did want to talk to.

"Hey Babs, what's up?" Dick asked his girlfriend (A/N: sorry if you don't ship this but I do and it's my book).

"Hey Dick, can you please pick me up from the police station. My dad was going to bring me to the manor but he got another case and Alfred said you hadn't arrived yet so I could call you." Barbara Gordon said.

"Of course, I'm almost there even I had just arrived in Gotham when you called." Dick said with a big smile.

"Thank you so much!" Babs thanked him.

"No problem, wait stand still I think I see you." Dick said, seeing a certain redhead in a wheelchair in front of the police station.

"Yup, I see you to." Babs said, hanging up.

Dick stopped right in front of her and helped her get her and her wheelchair inside the car.
"Everything okay Dick, normally you call and text every day, but you didn't yesterday and today." Babs asked concerned about her boyfriend.

"Well, you see I'm very busy and tired. I'll tell you with the rest later on what's happening at the station. I bet it'll get a good laugh from Jason." Dick said grinning like an idiot.
Barbara looked at him with a raised eyebrow and decided to change the topic.

"Speaking over Blüdhaven, is it ok if I stay at your place?" Babs asked. Even tough they were together, they hadn't moved in with each other, especially since Dick moved to Blüdhaven. They were planning on doing it one day though.

"Of course, I do have to warn you we have very nosy new neighbors." Dick said laughing, making Babs confused.

*Wayne manor; 7:12 P.M.*

They've arrived at the manor and Dick opened his trunk to get the wheelchair out and help Babs in it.
Dick pressed the bell and the door was opened immediately as if someone was waiting by the door to open it.

"Hey Alfie!" Dick said while hugging his grandfather.

"Master Dick, it's good to see you again." Alfred said. "Same goes for you miss Barbara." Alfred continued after Dick released him.

"So, is everyone here already?" Babs asked, surprised Dick wasn't already getting crushed from a hug from his brothers.

"Ah yes, they're all in the dinning hall. You see this is a surprise for them, they know miss Gordon is coming, but Bruce and I didn't tell them anything about their brother coming this evening." Alfred explained mischievous.

Dick smirked he absolutely loved surprising his brothers.

"Wait I have a plan, Alfred could you please take to the kitchen with you?" Babs asked, confusing the two men standing next to her.

*No one pov.*

Barbara quickly went to the dinning room and when she entered, she saw that everyone indeed was here.

"Hey Babs!" Staphanie yelled in excitement going over to her giving her a hug.

"Hey Steph." Babs said returning the hug.

"Hey, Babs who brought you here. I thought Alfred said your dad had a case to work." Tim asked while taking a sip of his coffee.

"My ride is in the kitchen helping Alfred right now." She answered nonchalant, while seating herself into the chair that she always sat in.
Barbara's answer confused almost the whole family (except Bruce). But when they wanted to ask her what she meant, Alfred and Dick came walking in making all the kids jump up and trap him in a hug.

"Dicky-bird, why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Jason asked after getting of his older brother.

"Well, you see I thought Alfred told you guys since he was the one who invited me." Dick said while walking over to Bruce.

"Hey chum." Bruce said while he gave his son a hug.

"Hey dad." Dick replied smiling, happy to be home.

The dinner could finally start and it did they talked about how everyone's life was: Jason called his teacher mom today for the whole school to hear to; Duke and Tim aced their exams; Damian won the art competition and Cass learned Stephanie how to dance.

"How is work Dick?" Barbara asked remembering the conversation from earlier.

"Well, you see the Junior Justice or as dad calls them the young justice came to Blüdhaven to recruit Nightwing and I got assigned to help them. Don't worry dad, they have no clue it's me." Dick told them, the whole story of course made Jason laugh as the Joker.

"Hahahaha, do they really, hahahaha, think you'll just come with them? Hahahaha!" Jason while laughing.

"Speaking of Blüdhaven, can we come to patrol with you?" Damian asked Dick creeping everyone out since when did he speak so polite to Dick.

"Sure little wing." Dick answered kinda concerned.

Recruiting NightwingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora