Meeting the team

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*Dick Grayson pov. *

*September 03 7.30 A.M *

Dick couldn't help but feel absolutely miserable, he didn't even sleep last night. He was to busy with being Nightwing and completing his paperwork for BPD. The fact that the chief told him that he had an important case to do today didn't make him feel better.

He grabbed his coffee from the coffee machine and started making himself some eggs with bacon. When he just finished making his eggs with bacon, he of course wanted to taste them but disturbed by knocking on the door. He sighed and shuffled over to the door. In front of the door stood Larry the owner of this building who also sold Dick his house. "Hey Dick, I'm sorry to bother you this early in the morning but I just got new renters and they'll be here around 8.30 A.M., could you please help them out if they need anything?" Larry asked Dick, Dick smiled kindly at him. "I'm sorry but I have to be at work at 8.30 A.M. and I'm already running late since I still have to put on my uniform." Dick replied but when he saw Larry's disappointed face he quickly added: "But maybe if I return, they can come and drag me out of my apartment." Larry looked at him and thanked him immediately.

Dick sighed and quickly shoved his eggs with bacon in his mouth and put on his uniform. Around 8 he was ready and started walking to his car. The car wasn't an expansive car, honestly if you saw Dick, you wouldn't say he was the son of a billionaire. Even though he could easily ask Bruce for money he didn't because he wanted to earn everything he had on his own without the help of his adoptive father. Speaking of his family on his way to work he suddenly got a message from everybody's favorite butler (grand-father), Alfred Pennyworth. "Hey Alfie, what's up?" "Nothing is 'up' master Dick," Dick couldn't but chuckle at this, "I was just calling to see if you ate breakfast. You sometimes forget eating if you're too busy." Alfred continued, Dick pouted even though he knew Alfred was right. "Also master Bruce requested you to come to dinner tomorrow since it has been way to long since you've been home. Even though master Bruce won't admit it he and the boys miss you." Alfred added, Dick's pout immediately changed into a large grin. "Okidokie Alfie I'll try to be there tomorrow, but I've got to go now since I just arrived at work and I can't be late." "Very well master Dick, goodbye and be careful." "Bye Alfie and I'm always careful." Dick hung up and got out of the car.

His eyes were scanning around the building seeing everything that's going on. It was nothing ordinary going on which was great. Dick stepped inside the building greeting almost everyone he liked on his way to his desk. Dick was greatly loved by a lot of his co-workers or well he was loved with non-dirty cops. Dick sat at his desk which was across the desk of his co-worker Amy Rohrbach. "Good morning detective Grayson, you look very miserable." Amy said in a joking way. "Yeah, well I kinda feel miserable, I barely slept and I got some special case today." Dick replied while putting his case files he brought back home to work with back in his shelves in his desk. Amy couldn't help but release a deep breath. "Yeah, I heard about that special assignment. Seems like a huge drag though." She said adding unintentionally more tiredness to Dick. Before they could continue their conversation, Dick was distracted by multiple walking into the station. Even though he couldn't see them they caused quite the commotion, some feeling in him told him that these people might be the reason of his special case. Only a few seconds later Mike Bing the assistant of the chief came running to him asking him to come with him to his chief his office. Dick groaned while getting and went over to the chief's office. When he stood in front of the office, he could tell there were around 6 (without the chief counted) people in this room he didn't know. He went inside and had to pretend to be shocked to see there were 6 super-heroes sitting in the chairs. Dick looked questioning at his chief but he could already guess what this was about, they were probably here for Nightwing. The Justice League probably thought they were being sneaky but Dick was on to them, some of their members had been in Blüdhaven, one of them has actually been very close by Nightwing but didn't notice him.

There was an awkward silence, covering the room for about 2 minutes. It was chief Migraine (A/N: This is a reference to something if you know please tell me in the comments) who broke the silence. "Ok, detective Grayson can you please sit down?" Dick obliged and sat down on the last not empty seat. "Like I told you detective Grayson, you were gifted a special case, the case is that you have to find Nightwing. This case came from the Justice League and they send the Young Justice team to do this, you'll be helping them find leads on the Masked Vigilante." Dick nodded as if he understood, but honestly, he knew that his chief absolutely did not mind Nightwing, there was fear evident in his voice indicating that he was scared of something or someone probably the Justice League. Dick couldn't help but groan, when he stood up and said: "Alright sir I'll make sure to help them." Chief Migraine smiled at him gratefully. "Ok everyone you can follow me please." Dick said kinda feeling like he was the teacher of some 25-26 years old. They went over to the gathering room so they could all sit. "Okay so my name is detective Grayson and I'll be helping you on your case." Dick said smiling brightly at them, even though this is a drag it's Nightwing who has a problem with them while Dick Grayson doesn't. Dick barely separates Nightwing with Dick Grayson since if he's Nightwing he's still Dick Grayson but if he acts all hostile to these heroes now, they'll probably get suspicious of him. "Pleasure meeting you detective, my name is Aqualad and this is Kid Flash, Miss Martian, Artemis, Superboy and Zatanna." Aqualad said while pointing at the heroes he just named.

Dick already knew who they were and he even knew their real names and he could see how nervous Artemis was. He and Artemis knew each other already, they used to go to the same school. "Pleasure meeting you all..." Dick's sentence was broken off by a song going off: Zombie. Dick already knew who was calling, Jason (he had different ringtones for each of his family members). "Excuse me please my brother is calling this could be an important." Aqualad nodded and Dick went out of the room. "Hey Dickhead." He heard over the phone. "Hey little bird," he heard a groan from Jason, "what's going on I'm kinda busy here." "Yeah, yeah, so what I wanted to ask can I use your motorcycle. Mine is wrecked and B won't have it fixed until I grow a sense of responsibility." Dick groaned and made some kind of 'are you kidding' me face. "You can but please I'm busy and before ask I'll tell you tomorrow." Dick said, Jason sight and said his goodbyes and hanging up the phone.

*Team pov. *
*During the phone call*

As soon as the detective was out of the door the team started speaking on the mind link. "OMG, why didn't the league tell us it was Dick Grayson helping us." Artemis complained angrily. "What's wrong with him, he seems cool?" Wally said, Artemis glared at Wally, "Well kid mouth, he used to go to my school and we talked a few times and it wasn't a lie that he's smart, he's only 19" The team was so absorbed by Artemis and Wally that they didn't see Dick getting back in the room. "So ummm, when do we start?" He spoke.

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