Nightwing Protection squad

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*Damian; Jason; Tim; Cass; Duke; Stephanie pov.*

The plan was ready to be put in action, everyone was in on it even Bruce, oh well Dick was the only who didn't know about this. The plan which Damian came up with was quite smart, but even though he hated to admit it he needed everyone's help. He send the plan in a group message when Dick went to help Alfred with the dishes and everyone agreed to help, those heroes should stay away from their older brother.

When it was time for patrol to start, Bruce told his eldest to come with him because the Joker has been spotted together with Harley Quin, it wouldn't be that hard since it was very clear that Harly still hated Joker and the only reason they were working together was because they wanted the same diamond and would fight it out after they got it.

The rest of the batfamily (except Babs/Oracle) went over to Blüdhaven to have a 'chat' with those so called heroes.

It was around 11:55 P.M. when they arrived immediately seeing the team. Now they knew if they revealed themselves, they would be in big trouble with their older brother. So, what would they do? Well, they'll scare them away, they knew the team wouldn't be able to see them in the shadow the only person they had to look out for was the Kryptonian. But Cass already had a plan for that.
During her time with the league of assassins her mother taught her about all the weak/human spots of the Kryptonian race, they had the same pressure point as humans that if you'd hit it right you would make them temporarily knock them out.

Then it was Duke's turn to do something, since Duke was the only vigilante who kinda gives light, he would be spotted most easily so what he needed to do was play civilian who was in 'danger' so he could lure the heroes in a dark alley where they couldn't see a thing.

Tim, Damian, Stephanie, Jason and Cass would hide in the shadows and speak to them like that.
Now it was time to execute the plan. The first step take out the Kryptonian.

*Everyone pov.*

The team was just waiting on a rooftop discussing through the mind-link if they should call it a night, but then it happened. It was as if a shadow came falling from the sky and landed next to Superboy hitting him with one strike. Superboy fell face first down on the rooftop and before anyone could react the shadow was gone.

To say the team was panicking was an understatement, Megan came flying down to help her boyfriend and the rest of the team started looking around for the shadow.

'What the hell was that!' Artemis screamed in the mind-link.

'Could, it be Nightwing? Could it be Nightwing he patrols around this time of the night?' Wally asked the rest of the team.

'No even though Nightwing wants us out of the city, but he wouldn't attack us besides the shadow was smaller than him.' Kaldur said, even though he saw the shadow he couldn't make out what sex (A/N: sex and gender is something different and should never assume somebody's gender) it had and how it exactly looked like.

They quickly called the bio ship and put Conner in it, but they couldn't go away since they heard a scream from an alley not that far away from them.
They all went quickly but to their surprise there wasn't anyone, though before they could get away, they were trapped by some kind of force field (Duke's tech, I don't know if that's possible but imagine it for the sake of this fic).

"Hello, there." Jason said with a voice changer, they all used a voice changer for if they ever heard their vigilante or civilian persona talk, they wouldn't link them together, not like they would since none of them figured out that Dick was Nightwing, but anyways Tim said it might be helpful and he was smarter than all of them.
To say the young heroes were afraid was again an understatement, they've encountered a lot of scary villains and they weren't scared, but this was different. They were trapped and couldn't go anywhere, besides they couldn't fight the person who put them here they couldn't even see them.

"What do you want from us?" Wally said trying to seem more confident than he was.

"We just you to leave this city alone." Tim said also with the voice changer which made him almost sound like his adoptive father.

"We?" Artemis questioned, she knew the shadow was here, but until now there were already 2 different voices, but there could be more.

"Yeah, you heathens. We are here with 6 while you're just here with 4." Damian said sounding like an old man with a deep voice instead of a young boy who just started puberty.

"I don't get why people see you idiots as threats, you can't even count how many people there are here." Damian mocked them.

"Well maybe if you'd come out of the shadows, we could see with how many of you there are!" Artemis yelled, losing her temper.

"Artemis, don't lose your temper." Aqualad said hoping to calm down his teammate.

'Miss Martian, can you infiltrate their minds to make them come out of the shadows?' Kaldur asked the Martian, she was quieter since she was still worried about her boyfriend.

'Yeah, I can try.' She said and her eyes started to glow.

The bats knew exactly what she was going to do, but it wouldn't succeed if they wouldn't let her. SO now it was Jason time to shine a little bit more. He'd allow her to feel one memory, his resurrection. He knew everything about psychics and sometimes they could feel the same thing you fell if they looked at a memory. So, he'd let her feel what's it like being dead and then being revived and honestly it would probably emotionally scar her for the rest of her life.

Miss Martian could only feel one mind open enough to enter and she immediately regretted it. She felt cold and lost for one second and the next thing she knew she was screaming from agony. She felt as if her body was ripped apart and put together again, she felt uncontrollable rage/anger and sadness. She couldn't escape it, until she was shut out of the memory again and back to the 'real' world.
Jason grinned when he could see her reaction she was crying and not even a bit, earlier she even screamed.

Her teammates came rushing to help her.

"Please let us go so we can help her!" Kaldur yelled.

"Ok, but you have to make a deal." Stephanie said, they knew they couldn't leave the town and their older brother alone because they had a mission but they could promise to not attack their brother and infiltrate his mind anymore.

"What do you want?!" Artemis yelled at them.

"We know you can't leave until you finished your mission so we won't ask you to leave Nightwing alone but we will ask you to stay out of his mind and don't attack him or try to arrest him. Besides don't tell anyone about this we will know" Stephanie finished.

The team couldn't do anything but agree ad then leave. As soon as they were gone, the family got out of the shadows to high five each other. Even though some of them (Jason and Damian) wanted to hurt them so they'll be way to scared to come back to Blüdhaven, they knew their older brother would be very disappointed in them.
They could hear Oracle call them over their comms.

"Okay guys, Nightwing and B are done with the Joker and Wing will return to his apartment since he wants to sleep." Oracle said and the kids decided to go to their older brother's apartment to sleep there.

They knew Bruce wouldn't be angry at them since it was Dick's apartment, but they still sent their father a message. Now it was time to have a sleepover with Dick.

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