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*Team pov. *

 *Mount Justice September 03 5 A.M.* 

It was still way to early in the morning for the team, you see normally if they had to go somewhere Zeta tubes were always close by but since no superhero ever set foot in Gotham or Blüdhaven, so because of that they couldn't teleport there so they had to leave early if they wanted to be on time for their meeting with the BPD. 

"Do we have to wake up this early." Wally whined, earning a fist from Artemis hitting his shoulder. "You know that comes with our cause Wally." Kaldur reminds him in his usual calm voice. As expected from their leader. 

Before anyone could say anything else could say something the Zeta tube announced that Superman arrived, he stood before looking awkward and stressed than stern. 

"Ok team, are you all ready?" He asked them although he was more looking at Kaldur than any of the others. "We are sir." Wally said making a mocking salute. 

Superman sighed and said: "Okay then team, I sent the bioship the coordinates of where your apartment is. You'll be going to your apartment first and then you'll go to the precinct and the assigned detective." 

Kaldur replied to him on his most polite tone: "Thank you, Superman we'll make sure not to fail the league on this mission." Superman nodded and left the mountain again. 

"Okay team, pack your things and load them into the bioship. We'll leave in 15 minutes if we want to be there on time." Aqualad ordered his team. The team did just what he asked they took their bags and headed over to the bioship. When most of them arrived, they saw that Kaldur was busy getting his disguise ready since he doesn't really have an extra ID or something, Black Canary made him an ID so when they were walking around Blüdhaven as civilians to explore he looked like a human and that he could show an ID if he was asked to confirm his identity. 

"Is everybody ready?" Kaldur asked when he entered the cockpit of the ship. Zatanna looked at him with the biggest smile on her face. 

"We sure are Kaldur'ahm!" She said happily, her dad had just accepted that she'll join the team, so she was super exited for her first recruitment mission even if the rest of the team also never had this type of mission. Kaldur smiled at her with his adoring smile, he mostly used with the team, after all the missions they went on he'd grown pretty fond of everybody even seeing them as his family. 

"You can just call me Kaldur." He told her sweetly. She smiled at him. "Ok, we're ready to leave now." Miss Martian announced, the hanger opened, and they flew away. The flight to Blüdhaven was long but everyone had their own way to keep themselves busy: KF and Artemis were busy bickering, Megan and Conner were talking to each other in their own personal mind-link and Zatanna and Kaldur were both reading their books. 

After Artemis fell asleep since she didn't sleep all that much and the ship was quiet and peaceful. It was Miss Martian who disrupted the silence saying they would be arriving outside of the city, so they'll better wear their civilian disguises and head over to their appartement on foot and when they arrived in their apartment change into their hero costumes. She herself took on the mantel of Megan Morse up again. 

They slowly landed on the outside of the town. "

Finally, I love the bioship and all, but I never liked sitting still." Artemis rolled her eyes at the speedster who decided to share this absolute idiotic piece of information. 

"You know there's something that's called shutting up right, maybe you should try it sometime." She shot back at him, he glared at her wanting to insult her back, but he couldn't find anything to say. 

"Stop it you two." Kaldur said already feeling a headache coming up. 

The walk to their apartment was well eventful: Artemis got into a fight with a random guy catcalling her and Megan and after Wally explained Conner why Artemis was angry he joined Artemis in yelling at those guys not being able to hit them since he was being hold back by Kaldur and Zatanna, speaking of Zatanna she herself also had her own problem since she fell over the broken up sidewalk that should be called a hazard to the human life and lastly Wally was almost attacked if not for Kaldur talking their way out of it. When they finally arrived in their apartment around 8.30 A.M., the building was run down and kind off creepy. The people who lived in it seemed pretty nice though. 

They were talking with their landlord. The landlord gave them the key and made a comment of them being quite young. 

"You all seem very young and you're definitely not from here." He said observing. 

"Indeed, some of us are 28 and some of us are 25 years old and we came here because we wanted to witness what it was like to live in a city with a lot of crime." Kaldur answered calmly. 

The sighed at the answer and shrugged before he went back upstairs, he said: "If you need help with something just go to your neighbor, if he's not at work he'll surely help you. Grayson knows all this type of stuff way better than me." 

Kaldur nodded and they all went upstairs. They went into their apartment and honestly everyone (except Artemis since she also lived in this type of apartment with her mom) was frankly underwhelmed. The wallpaper was torn showing the ugly brown wall, the furniture also saw its best days before and they were quite sure the refrigerator wasn't supposed to make this type of sound. 

"Okay I know this isn't a 5-star hotel but it's all we have for now. Let's just change into our costumes and go to the police station since we're almost late for our meeting." Kaldur said while looking around the room, he was quite worried since it didn't really look like a good living space. 

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