Important Update

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I'm sorry this has been dead for so long.

To be honest, I had no real plot in mind when I made this beyond them finally leaving and having a moment where they break apart but make up - I wanted fluff and drama. I mainly wrote this because I had a lot of fun writing fluff and was experimenting with it... and that one embarrassing part where I was experimenting with lime Lol. I am going to discontinue this version of the story and rewrite it completely.

i am going to rewrite it into something more mature. I was too chicken to reread this story all the way through because I was cringing so hard at it (I will try to reread it at least once before I start on the rewrite though). i wrote this when I first started high school I believe (when I think I was 13 or 14) but now I have graduated and am 18 with a job and more developed mind, which has caused my writing style to change drastically compared to back then - I kicked a lot of bad habits. When I wrote this story, I wasn't taking it very maturely and seriously, but I want to start taking it seriously and make it more mature, which is why I am rewriting it. I will leave this version up for people to read, but will be posting a new version on all three of my platforms: Wattpad, Archive of our Own, and Quotev. It may be renamed to "Symbiosis with a Devil" but I haven't completely decided yet.

This rewrite may not come for a while. I am currently mainly working on my Bill Cipher x Reader story "Another Form, Another Time" as I am very passionate about that story and have a lot of fun writing it. I even halted my other Bendy x Reader (Dripping Ebony and Grinning Ivory) for it. I will work on this story again though, as I am well aware of how popular it is - i am still getting vote and bookmark notifications for this story to this very day (I got a few just a couple of hours ago, actually).

In the rewrite, i will stop writing in goofy memes and obvious references everywhere like i did when I was younger. It might also have smut in it, so if you are inappropriately young for a story like that then do not read it. Bendy will be way more mature and his personality will change into a more commanding, possessive, and aggressive in nature kind of ordeal; he will no longer be that bubbly and friendly mumbo jumbo; and he will become more dominant and bold. The Reader will be less... cringey. Reader will be more sheepish but know when to speak up, though get more quiet and easily intimidated and be less mushy. Bendy will no longer be insecure either, or care that he is "a monster" or have the reader affirm him. I'm basically going to give a new dynamic to Bendy and the Reader.

 I will also stop describing every single thing in a room with multiple paragraphs just talking about the colors of the furniture or describing what is on a desk, like how I used to obnoxiously do, which is probably why most of my chapters were 10,000+ words on average. The chapters will either be an average of 7,000+ words long, or 10,000+ words long (I haven't started rewriting the story yet, so I haven't quite grasped the pacing I will use). I just want to rewrite the whole thing with a plot actually decided beforehand. This story was aimless and had practically no end goal. To put it bluntly: it had bad writing. I think the big crossover where I made Eddie and Venom main characters was a goofy move, and I no longer like crossovers like that. i think i may have only done that because I was so lost on where to take the story and what to write about. I am thinking about giving this story its own lore on symbiotes, much like how they did in The Ultimate Spiderman where I believe Doctor Octavius created the symbiote from Spiderman's DNA, rather than the symbiote being a member of the canon Klyntar species that made contact with Earth. Maybe I will still include the Klyntar lore, but i haven't decided that yet. i am close to deciding though. I also may or may not include The Dark Revival lore in my story. I have yet to play the game, but i am going to buy the game on Steam in a few days and soak the new sequel to BATIM in.

I still don't want to let this story go yet. This may sound a bit prideful and self-reveling, but I love the idea I came up with for this story. I may not like how I wrote a lot of my story, but i still love the whole idea of a symbiote Bendy, the science, and how I explained some of the backstory. I want to jump back into this story at some point, and I will let you guys know with an update here when I do. Let me know your thoughts on this story to help me improve the rewrite and flesh it out easier. Tell me what you liked and disliked, what you think should change, what you think should go, and more. You can write me as much as you want and I will not mind, and I'll read it all. Sorry again that this was so dead for years. I doubt most of my old readers of this story are even going to see this.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my other Bendy x reader and my Bill Cipher x Reader if you are interested. I would love to see more comments on those stories - especially my Bill x Reader.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2022 ⏰

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