Chapter Seven | Family

Start from the beginning

I lean my head against his chest—a sense of comfort washing over me. He was the only one I had ever cried to like this before. It just felt like time had stopped for a moment, and I was given a chance to properly heal my wounds.

Every time someone asked me that question, I always waited until I was in the comfort of my home to cry it out. But for some reason it's different with him. He just makes everything calm and safe. He made me feel safe.

I finally calm down and look up to see Enji staring back at me. I nod my head, signaling that I'm ready to talk. Enji leads me to the loveseat and holds my hand in his. Warm. Reassuring.

"Tell me when you're ready. I'm all ears," Enji says firmly, but softly, rubbing circles onto the back of my hand.

"Can I? I—I mean...lean on your shoulder," I asked, my voice shaky and slightly embarrassed.

"Of course." Enji scoots closer towards the middle and repositions himself so I can lean my head on him comfortably.

"Thank you, Enji," I said, giving his hand a squeeze.

Enji puts his arm on the back of the loveseat, still using his other hand to hold mines. "You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you."

Those words. I'm here for you. When was the last time I heard that? Or ever?

I sigh a shaky one, still trying to calm my nerves down. "My family..."

Enji puts his arm around my shoulder, squeezing it gently to ease me, which he successfully did.

"I lived in a toxic household. My parents were always fighting and...I used to cry myself to sleep whenever they did because I was scared they would split," I admitted, nestling my head deeper into his shoulder, almost to the crook of his neck.

"My mom had anger issues and she would always lash out at everyone, especially after she had my sister. And it wasn't fair to her that I treated her badly because I was a confused kid who didn't know what to do anymore." I felt the tears coming back, instinctively biting my lips.

"Let it all out Y/'s the only way you'll get better," Enji said calmly, hugging me closer to his chest, tears seeping out of the corner of my eyes.

"Growing up my dad was always angry and was always so mean to everyone. It made me angry, and I hated him for that...but the funny part was that when it came to choosing sides, I always chose his." Enji looks down at me, staring off into the wall ahead, tears still rolling down my cheeks.

"I only realized one night why I always chose his side despite my hatred for him; we viewed things the same. Not such a surprise since he raised me. But he was such a giant hypocrite it drove me to the edge," I explained, feeling my chest and breathing becoming more and more clear as I finally shared my pain.

"My mom always made excuses, and I hated her for that. I told her I was depressed when I was 14 and she decided to make it about her, and how it wasn't her fault. That talk was supposed to help—yet it felt like I took one step forward and twenty steps back. Back to hiding my feelings and waiting until everyone slept to cry till my eyes were dry."

"Best part—none of them talked it out. Always argued just to make a point. Feelings were never considered for themselves and for their children. I took the chance to get work studies as a first year and made enough money to leave at 18."

"When I became a pro hero and quickly gained fame, they called me and "apologized" for what they did. I had my guard up and still got used in the long run. They still have no shame to this day," I look up at Enji to see he was staring at me the whole time. "You probably think I'm an ungrateful brat—just like everyone else."

Enji squeezes my hand and shoulder, a serious look on his face. "No. What you did was right. As children, you didn't ask to be born. And as the parent you have to take full responsibility for that child. You did what was right. Though I can't really say that I did any better."

I laugh at his joke, feeling the familiar feeling return: happiness. It was good to be able to finally be heard for once—and not like I'm being judged. I finally had someone by my side. I lean head back onto his shoulder, a smile appearing on my face at the thought.

"Hey, Enji?"

"Yes, Y/n?" I was too busy fighting my sleep to even notice Enji turned his head to face me.

"W...hat was...your," Before I had realized it, I had fallen asleep in Enji's arms.

Enji watches me fall asleep, a smile forming on his face. "Messy. Very messy."

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