Chapter 19: End of the Year Feast

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Chapter 19: End of the Year Feast

Three days had passed. Three agonizing days waiting for Harry to wake up. The morning after Harry was brought to the Hospital Wing, Hermione, Ron, and I tried to visit him, but Madam Pomfrey would not allow it. So instead Hermione pulled me to the library, Ron didn't follow. The library was abandoned due to the fact that exams were over and there was no more classes, therefore no need to study. There, she told me everything that happened after they entered the trapdoor up until her and Ron met back up with me. The only piece of the story that was still a mystery was Harry's.

It turned out that it wasn't Snape who was after the stone, but Professor Quirrell which came as quite a shock. Somehow the news of what had happened spread around the school like wildfire, but just like any story, the facts were exaggerated and new details added each time it was told. Crazy rumours were circling the school most of which were extremely far from the truth, but they all heroized Harry, well except for the rumours the Slytherins were spreading, but that came as no surprise.

During those three days, I spent most of my time in my tree by the lake avoiding Draco and the other Slytherins with Felix curled up in my lap. The little black cat didn't grow much since Christmas and I think that he will always be rather small. I was sitting in the old oak tree reading a Potions book, Felix purring softly in my lap when I heard footsteps approach. I looked down and saw Hermione standing near the base of the tree.

"Mira, Harry's awake!" She said, smiling happily.

"He is? Thank goodness!" I climbed down out of the giant oak, Felix tailing after me. "Can we go see him?"

Hermione frowned. "Ron and I just saw him and Madam Pomfrey kicked us out. She wants to let him rest so she isn't allowing anymore visitors. Sorry."

"Oh." I said slightly disappointed. I really wanted to hear Harry's side of the story. "Did Harry tell you what happened?"

"Yeah he did!" As we walked back towards the castle, Hermione told me the events that followed after her and Harry had parted ways. I couldn't believe that Harry had faced Voldemort, that must have been terrifying!

When we arrived at the Entrance Hall, Hermione, Felix, and I proceeded to the Great Hall where dinner had just started. Hermione sat down across from Ron. Ron shot me a glare and I decided to sit further down the Gryffindor table next to the Weasley twins who were currently seeing how many peas they could fit in their mouths while trying to sing the school song. That ended in Fred choking and sputtering peas all over George and Lee, earning a murderous glare from Professor McGonagall who was sitting at the High Table.

I laughed at the twins antics and George, wiping peas off of his lap said, "Why don't you give it a try, Mira?" He held out a bowl filled with peas towards me.

"No thanks." I said.

Fred muttered something that sounded a lot like 'Party Pooper'.

I playfully slapped him on the arm and he acted as though it had actually hurt him. I rolled my eyes and continued to eat my dinner.

"You are so heartless!" He fake-cried.

After desert, Fred and George walked me to where the entrance to the Slytherin common room was hidden. I bade them goodnight and entered the common room. I received cold glares from the other Slytherins as I made my way through the crowd and towards the staircase that led to the girls dorm rooms.

"Well look who it is," I heard Draco's voice cut through the noise of chattering students, he walked up and stood right in front of me, a smug look plastered on his face. "It's the Potter-loving Mudblood. Why don't you do us all a favour and not return next year?"

I Don't Belong Here ~Book 1~ (HP fanfic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara