Chapter 3: The Hogwarts Express

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Chapter 3: The Hogwarts Express

The morning of September 1st could not have come quickly enough. I had spent the remainder of summer reading my new school books, learning everything I possible could. With every new spell, potion, or charm I read about, I became more and more excited to go to Hogwarts. I was so anxious that I couldn't fall asleep last night and I was wide awake as the sun slowly crawled up over the horizon. I laid in bed waiting for a reasonable time to get up and get ready. Time seemed to drag on and I finally just gave up on waiting and jumped out of my bed. 

I cautiously opened my door peering down the hall for my father. I heard his loud snores from the room across from mine and sighed in relief, I would be able to get ready in peace. I crossed the hall to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Once I was done I brushed my teeth and ran a comb through my wet hair. I went back to my bedroom and got dressed. I looked at the clock, it read: 7:13 AM. I still had a few hours to kill. 

My trunk was already packed and ready to go. I paced around my room for a while, hardly being able to control my excitement. I couldn't wait to learn magic, I couldn't wait to finally get out of this house. A short while later, I heard my father's door slam and I tensed praying against all odds that he wouldn't come in my room. My prayers weren't answered and my door was flung open.

My father's cold eyes glared at me and then he noticed my clean, almost empty room, and my trunk lying on my bed. 

"Where do you think you are going?" He asked, venomously. 

"To Hogwarts." I replied, my voice was soft, almost inaudible. 

"No you are not!" He said, his voice was full of hatred. 

"What? You said I could go!"  

"I changed my mind, you are not going! Now unpack your trunk!" He yelled.

 I just stood there shocked, my hopes being crushed, my excitement turning into disappointment. My vision started to blur as tears threatened to escape my eyes. The one chance I had to get out of this house, away from my father, was now gone. My father had taken away my one chance at escape. He didn't deserve the authority of telling me what I could and couldn't do. He never acted like a parent to me, so why should he be able to tell me what to do? He shouldn't. Said a voice in my head. 

For the first time in my life I stood up to my father. I drew myself up to full height , stared coldly into his eyes, and said, "I am going to Hogwarts and you are not stopping me." 

"Oh really?" He said, his voice was stone cold. He advanced towards me and it took all of my will power not to step back and cower. Lightning quick, his hand shot out and slapped me across the face. My cheek tingled and throbbed from the blow, and instinctively I brought my hands to my face, only to have my father grab my wrists. 

"YOU ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE!" He yelled at me, his face, red with anger, inches infront of me. He squeezed my wrists harder and then swung me into the wall and stormed out of my room. The right side of my forehead throbbed from where it hit the wall and I could already feel a lump forming there. I collapsed onto the floor, brought my knees to my chest and just sobbed.

I don't know how long I sat there but after a while I looked up at my clock and saw that it was 9:23 AM. I could still make it to Kings Cross Station if I hurried. But should I risk it? If my father caught me trying to sneak off to Hogwarts, he would, well I'd rather not want to find out what he would do. On the other hand, I would have to deal with him everyday if I stayed.

I glanced at the packed trunk on my bed, determining whether or not I could get it down the stairs quietly. I slowly stood up and walked to my door, listening for any signs of my father. All I could hear was the television downstairs. I might have a chance if he's drunk and watching TV, he would most likely not notice me if I'm quiet.

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