Chapter 12: Malfoy's Homework

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Chapter 12: Malfoy's Homework

I woke to the awful noise of Pansy's shrill laughter. I immediately rolled over, trying to drown out the terrible sound.

Suddenly I heard Millicent's voice say, "Shhhh! I think she's awake!"

Pansy, along with the other girls immediately quieted and I could feel their eyes on me. I remained still and silent, pretending to be asleep.

"I can't wait to see the look on her face when she wakes up!" Pansy screeched.

"Be quiet!" Daphne snapped at her.

Suddenly I felt something crawl across my leg and a few moments later I felt a sharp pain on my thigh. I sat up and ripped my covers off of me. I about fainted when I saw what was in my bed. Crawling all over me and my sheets, were about two dozen large brown spiders.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, and jumped out of my bed while trying to brush the spiders off of me. Pansy, Millicent, Daphne, and even Tracey were all laughing hysterically.

Pansy, barely able to talk through her fits of laughter, looked at Tracey and choked out, "Tracey, you are a genius."

So this was Tracey's idea? That hurt a lot. I would expect something like this from Pansy and the other girls, but not from Tracey. I looked to her, hurt and disbelief written all over my face. She stared at me coldly with icy blue eyes and an evil smirk, much like the one Malfoy's notorious for, plastered across her face. With her blond hair she looked frighteningly like him too.

Unable to take it anymore, I ran out of our room and into the bathroom. I immediately jumped in the shower, paranoid that there still might be spiders crawling on me. I noticed that I had about five or so bites on my body from those disgusting creatures. Each bite was an angry red colour, swollen, and burned in the hot water from my shower.

After I was done, I wrapped a towel around myself and walked back into my dorm room, which was now empty. I quickly got dressed, grabbed my wand, and used a vanishing spell to rid my bed of any remaining spiders.

After I vanished all of the spiders, I left my dorm and headed up the stairs to the Common Room. Pansy, and my other dorm mates were sitting on the couches near the fireplace giggling with Malfoy and his two cronies.

I attempted to cross the room undetected, but I was halfway across when Malfoy looked up and saw me.

"Speak of the devil." He said, grinning evilly. "How'd you sleep?"

Everyone around him started laughing, and he held up a glass jar filled with the same spiders that were in my bed.

I wanted so badly to flip him the bird, but I just kept my head down and continued walking.

"Oi! Mason, I'm talking to you!" He yelled.

I ignored him and was at the door leading to the dungeons when I heard Tracey say, "Stupid Mudblood!"

I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned around. "Really Tracey?" I asked. "Don't even go there with me. You knew perfectly well that I was muggle born at the beginning of the year and you were okay with that until you started hanging out with these jerks. Quit being two-faced!"

I instantly regretted saying that. First of all, it wasn't like me to snap at people like that, and secondly, it would just make matters worse now that I have retaliated.

I walked out of the door and into the dungeons. From their I climbed the staircase up to the Entrance Hall and into the Great Hall where I sat down at the Gryffindor table and quietly ate my breakfast (an omelet). A few minutes later, Hermione joined me.

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