Chapter 11: Kidnapped and Caught!

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Chapter 11: Kidnapped and Caught!

The last class of the day on Friday was double potions with the Gryffindor's. It was absolutely awful. Two full hours of having to work with Malfoy was bound to put anybody in a bad mood, and I was livid by the time I left Snape's classroom at the end of the day. The only thing that went well was the fact that we got top marks on our potion, well more like my potion because my not-so-helpful partner did absolutely nothing. I also turned in my essay which Snape seemed pretty impressed with.

I swear if Malfoy calls me one more name, I'll hex him into next week. During class, every time Snape was out of earshot, he would make some snide remark to me. I did my best to ignore him, but that's a hard task when he's sitting right next to you. 

I honestly don't understand the kid. He was nice to me when I first met him on the train, but as soon as he finds out that I don't have a drop of wizarding blood in my veins, he becomes this cruel jerk. I mean if he had the decency to be nice to me on the train, whether it was fake or not, he should at least act civil in class. It's not like any of the other Slytherin's care, they are all to busy during class to even notice if he's being mean to me or not. I'm not saying he needs to be friendly, but the name-calling can stop at the very least.

Hermione and I were making our way from the dungeons to the Great Hall for dinner when suddenly I was grabbed and pulled behind a suit of armor. Moments later I heard Hermione's voice frantically calling out my name. She must not have seen what happen. 

I tried to call out to her, but someone placed a hand over my mouth, and said, "Shh! You'll blow our cover!" 

I instantly recognized the voice, and just for a little payback for kidnapping me, I licked the hand covering my mouth. 

"EW! Gross Mira! What was that for?" George said, whipping his hand on his pants. 

I smiled sweetly and shrugged, saying, "Just a little payback."

"For what?" Fred asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe for scaring me half to death by grabbing me and pulling me behind a statue." 

"Well we couldn't let anybody know that we are sneaking you away from dinner." George said. 

"And why would you not want anybody to know that?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, the adventure we are about to take you on, is not exactly allowed." Fred said slowly.

"And what is this adventure?"

"You'll see when you get there!" They both said.

"I don't know... I really don't want to get in trouble."

"It'll be us that gets in trouble, not you. Don't worry about it. All we gotta do is wait here until the feast starts and then we are golden." George said.

We waited, cramped in the small space behind the suit of armor, for about fifteen minutes before they deemed it safe to leave. As soon as I stepped out from behind the statue, George grabbed my arms while Fred took off his Gryffindor tie and tied it around my head, covering my eyes.

"Oh come on guys, is this really necessary?" I asked.

"Yes!" The both said at the same time.

"Don't wanna ruin the surprise." One of them said.

"You two suck!"

"You won't be saying that in a moment!"

They each grabbed one of my arms and led me to God knows where. When I felt a cold breeze, I asked, "Are we outside?"

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