What's his is mine

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Red blaster bolts decimated the enemy in a flurry of shots aimed at getting them closer to the queen's palace. Insolent fools! Vader thought. Did they think their puny rebellion could defeat the Empire?

Then he remembered the Trojan Horse from his studies of ancient literature. A battle too easily won, is nearly always a trap.

Perhaps his enemy believed his past with [Name] had rendered him too weak to step afoot on Naboo again. Much less, attack it. But he'd show them. He'd conquer his fears, his pain, he'd bury the past once and the destruction of Naboo would see him to it. No more Padme. No more [Name]. No more emperor. Only Vader.

The rebels had lured him to Naboo to hurt him. To stun him. What could he do but try to prove them wrong once and for all? To demolish the palace and any trace of its past so he could forget how terribly painful his memories were. Memories of seeing Padme for the first time, and even [Name] as a member of the queen's delegation would plague him no more.

As the Executor descended onto the dusty soil, he remembered the grass that had once grown there. The flowers, the beautiful lakes. He'd seen to its destruction when he'd last taken [Name] away.

The ship settled behind his stormtroopers, avoiding the flash of rifle fire. Rebels fell left and right, but had managed to take several of Vader's troopers with them.

But Vader's thoughts laid elsewhere. A familiar presence awakened his senses and his heart... alas, the Trojan horse was revealed.

Vader marched across the battlefield, rejecting incoming fire with use of the force. After sending more than a dozen rebels to their deaths with the returned blaster bolts, Vader drew his lightsaber, slashing and dicing his way to the Queen's palace.

He walked inside, an unsettled feeling washing over him.

The halls were eerily quiet and each step he took rang out, like hard ringing blaster bolts in the night. He felt a presence. A familiar one... but not the presence his heart longed for.

Danny Maxo stood outside the queen's chambers, a lightsaber in the palm of his trembling hand.

Vader approximated a laugh. A full bellied laugh for several minutes at the sight of a low ranking ex-storm trooper prepared to battle him with a lightsaber.

"Your queen is beyond those doors?" Vader began.

"Yeah," Danny nodded. "But you'll never see her."

"It is you who are afraid," Vader replied. "That perhaps your queen should want to see me..."

Was [Name] still in love with him? Somewhere inside, Vader wished it was true.

Danny waved the lightsaber. "I've been trained in your Jedi arts."

"The Jedi are no more!" Vader roared. "You will tell me who the rebels are and who is responsible for this uprising."

"You'll know when you have fallen at the end of my blade!"

"It is you, who will fall, Danny Maxo. Yes, the Jedi are no more. And so you shall be."

Vader gave a noble bow of his head and Danny swung the lightsaber in a 360 degree spin, cutting into a nearby pillar where he missed Vader by an entire foot. Again, the Sith Apprentice laughed.

"You are feeble!" Vader taunted.

"You may laugh now, but you won't be laughing when I cut you down."

Danny swung the lightsaber wildly, again and again, slashing at air until he was out of breath. But Vader parried the swings, swirled around, and slashed Danny's arm with his crimson, searing hot lightsaber, separating flesh from bone. The ex-Storm Trooper fell to his knees as the singed limb fell from his body. Grunting, he looked up, staring into a mask of death.

Using the force, Vader lifted the sheared appendage , lightsaber still clutched in Danny Maxo's twitching fingers and struck him across the neck with his own lightsaber. The blow severed the young man's head.

Vader watched as Danny Maxo's headless body fell to the ground.

Kicking the Danny's head across the room, Vader used the Force to blow the door to the queen's chamber open. A vision of loveliness sat before a vanity, a tube of makeup in hand. The woman did not look around, but stared officiously at his reflection in her mirror.

"My Trojan Horse," Vader proclaimed.

His heart thundered and the blood in his veins swam. He was angry, in love, in hate. He wanted to strike her, he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to cut her down, he wanted to make love to her.

[Full Name] rose with the grace of a queen as she spun around on her heels to face him directly.

"My guards were unable to keep you away, Lord Vader," she said.

"Nothing ever could," Vader replied. "And what will keep me apart from you now?"

[Name] reached for the lightsaber at her side, and unleashed a breathtaking fiery steam of blue light, pointing it at Vader. She stilled the shaking of her hand and swallowed the pain in her heart as if it were a piece of fruit.

"I am the Queen of Naboo," she replied. "We will never give in to the Empire."

"So you have turned against me and joined the Rebellion?"

"We are the Rebellion!"

"Then your Rebellion will be squashed and you with them, [Full Name]..."

To this, she shook her head. "You may no longer call me [Last Name], but by my husband's name. Queen [Name], Maxo."

Vader stared at the tiny sliver of a woman, now a red glare through his mask as she slowly clutched her throat, gasping for air. The lightsaber fell to the ground, its silver light dissipating.

"Go on, choke me, you coward," she spat.

Using the Force, Vader held her by the throat as he walked across the room. Then suddenly, the invisible fingers around her throat loosened but held firm to her collar.

With a defiant lift of her chin, she met the orbs of his mask with her eyes defiantly.

A Trojan Horse indeed, Vader thought. If they meant to disarm him with [Name]'s and Danny Maxo's marriage, then they have succeeded. He knew not how to react.

"Danny Maxo is dead. You needn't concern yourself with now..."

Vader loosened his grip and [Name] fell to the floor and curled her body into a tiny ball. Danny Maxo? Dead? Her chest heaved in and out as she sobbed into the palm of her hands.

"It's over, [Last Name]. The Rebellion has been crushed... The Imperial Army is sweeping Naboo of its rebels as we speak."

The doors to [Name]'s chambers reopened and with a wave of Vader's hand, two stormtroopers entered the room. She could see Danny Maxo's headless body just outside of her door, far away from his body.

"I want her disrobed and the paint from her face washed," Vader demanded.

[Name] shook her head as the troopers descended upon her, stripping her of her formal royal regalia down to a sliver of petticoat. She gasped in frustration and anger as one of the men pushed her head into a bucket of water while the other held her down, rinsing the makeup from her face.

When the ordeal was over, Vader ordered his evil minions out of the room. [Name] stood before him, humiliated, grieving for Danny Maxo, wet hair wavy and clinging to the side of her face as her chest heaved up and down. She turned, looking into the hall, wanting to place Danny's head with his body again before the minions came back to desecrate his remains.

Then she looked forward again. Vader was standing before her, feelings of lust residing in him with renewed vigour. Feelings he'd deemed useless in the time he and [Name] had been apart. He slid an arm around her waist and drew her close, his hands caressing her gently. He felt her body slacken against him in defeat as tears fell from her eyes.

"If you're going to kill me, do it now. I have no reason to live," she cried, thinking of Danny Maxo and their failed rebellion.

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