Does she love him enough?

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One of the queen's men pushed a blaster into Han's spine, forcing him to walk. Chewbacca followed. He growled angrily at the betrayal. "Why are you doing this?" Han grumbled. "We're only doing what we were hired to do."

"The girl told us to keep you. She said you threatened to go to Vader," [Name] said in a stubborn voice.

"I guess saving your life was a big mistake."

"You did it for the money, not me. Now walk. Don't worry... we'll treat you well."

"You're not the one I'm worried about," Han frowned.
Vader stood at the control station, arms folded across his massive chest. The control room aboard the executor was large, with a holoscreen that read statistics and other information viable to their operation. Men scurried to and fro with the Sith Lord a hand away. Even worse, was the dreaded report they were to give him. Anyone could fall victim to Vader's frustration.

An imperial commander stood beside Vader, body shaking with fear as he read the report.

"My lord, it appears our battalions have fallen to a rebel force stationed on Naboo. The rebellion have installed a new queen at the palace." This was how the Rebels operated, slowly trying to reinforce the old order.

Vader listened without reaction to news almost too stunning to believe. The commander stood back as tall dark warrior walked to the viewing screen and eyed the small lush planet. Who would do something so foolish? he wondered.

Vader had taken some time away from the Empire in pursuit of a personal matter, but had only a few weeks earlier decided to give up. And now this. For him, the situation couldn't have come at a worse time. But then, Vader decided, it might have been what was needed to mend his broken black heart. To get back into the action of things.

The commander's head rose to meet Vader's mask. "I'm sorry, my lord."

Sorry? "No, commander... but you will be."

Vader spun on his heels. "Set our coordinates for Naboo and send communication to our station on Savic. We are to rendezvous at 0900. We will crush this rebellion and restore Order to the planet... but the queen is not to be touched. I will deal with her myself." Vader left the control room, his dark black cape blowing behind him.

Queen? Defy him? -who would dare? Vader almost smiled. Sometimes, they made it too easy. Easy for him not to to have any remorse when he destroyed them. There was peace in the Empire. And that peace was not to be disrupted. He had sacrificed too much. His wife, his child, his old life, even his body, for that peace.
[Name] stood before a mirror in the queen's master bedroom with Danny Maxo behind her, arm encircling her waist. He nuzzled her neck with his lips and she giggled.
"Stop it before someone sees you."

"See us? We're in your bedroom. Who would come in here?"

"I don't know," [Name] shushed. "But it's not appropriate. Not in the palace. A long time ago, a queen could not marry until long after she had left office."

"Those days are over now with the ambassador's assassination, along with the rest of the delegation. You can do whatever you want."

"It's not about doing what I want, it's about restoring order and returning Naboo to its former glory."

Danny traced his lips along her arm, his body pushed against hers. [Name] slipped out of his grasp.

"I like you better with the makeup off."

"Thank you. I'll only wear it on formal occasions."

"You know, I'm glad you're doing this."

"Really?" she replied.

"Of course. Someone has to stand up to Vader. Who better than you?"

"Because I know him so...intimately? I'm afraid that isn't enough to spare my life."

"I won't let him hurt you, [Name]."

She recalled the time Vader stormed her villa on Rea and nearly decimated poor Danny. What could he do to protect her from Vader?

"I don't need protection. I've already accepted my fate."

"Our fate will be the same. No matter the outcome."

Danny pulled her into his arms, but [Name] shrugged away. He wondered just how much Vader had done to hurt her... he hadn't even properly consummated their marriage. There had been interactions, but nothing serious. [Name] always backed out. Danny couldn't help but wonder if she still loved the evil tyrant. After all he had done to her and the former Republic...

"One day soon," he said, cupping her chin. "We'll be together as husband and wife. I'm trying to be as understanding as I possibly can. I know you need closure, to finish this thing between you and Vader."

Danny moved toward the door and [Name] stared after him.

"Where are you going?"

"To rally the troops. There was a report from field intelligence. Vader might well be on his way here now. And I have just the welcoming party."

"And you're just now telling me this?" [Name] shrieked.

"You're the queen. They fight for you, for this palace, for Naboo. I don't expect you to deal with Vader or the storm troopers directly. Our Rebellion forces will do it for you. Stay here where you will be safe until I come back."

"Be well, my love. And take care. I know how Vader operates, and he's very methodical."

"I used to be a stormtrooper, and that will work to our advantage. I know just how to counter his attacks."

She almost forgot. Danny was so unlike them. So full of life and spirit. There was a reason why she loved him. The question was... did she love him enough?

[Name] painted her face. Ending the session with a red stripe down the middle of her lips.

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