Endor Hand and Leia

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Han Solo had been thinking.

A rarity for him... but he just couldn't get her off of his mind. That woman, the one on the run from Vader. Ah! She was beautiful. He couldn't deny it. A few years older than him...but who cared?

Wait a minute... What was he thinking about? He wasn't actually...?

Han Solo stood and kicked the console of the Millenium Falcon. The thump jolted his sleeping best friend, Chewbacca out of his sleep. The beast released an angry howl.

"Who are you yellin' at?" Han griped.

Chewbacca cocked his head to the side and grunted suspicions.

"What makes you think there's a woman on my mind? Or that you know what I'm thinking? What are you? A Jedi?"

Chewbacca let out a series of howls and grunts. Han shrugged.

"Whenever I'm this frustrated, there's a woman involved! You think you know me so well? Just pilot the ship and shut up," Han ordered.

Chewbacca released a low chuckle, set the ship to auto-pilot, propped his feet on top of the console, and rested the back of his head in the palm of his hands.

"Look at the kind of trouble we're in. Who is she anyway? Why is she so important? And what's to stop me from telling Vader where they are? There's probably a very handsome reward involved..."

He was lashing out again. It was easier to betray the woman, than admit to having a small crush or her. Hell, she was dangerous as far as he was concerned. Dangerous enough to break his heart. How many times had he been there?

And even if he wanted to talk to her a little more, there was an even bigger problem. Danny Maxo. Who was he anyway? A boyfriend? He paid a heavy sum to smuggle the poor woman to the Outer Rim. He seemed quite attached to her too.

Chewbacca grunted and howled.

"The only reward he'll give us is death?"

Han sighed. "I'll be the judge of that."

The Millenium Falcon drifted toward Alderaan. There were rumors of rebels meeting there. And where there were rebels there was work. And where there was work, there was money. Han took the ship off of auto pilot and set the coordinates to the planet. Vader was on the other side of the galaxy by now. So nothing to worry about there.

Besides... Han had friends there. "If we can get work, we'll have enough money to put some distance between ourselves and the Empire."

Han's comlink suddenly buzzed. An official on Alderaan seeking identification. Drats! Han, of course, lied about the purpose of their visit, claiming to have cargo for the Senator and Prince, Bail Organa.

When the Falcon finally gained clearance and landed on a airstrip on the warm and normally friendly planet, it was under immediate siege by authorities. A young girl wearing a long braid at the back of her head approached the descending landing platform. Chewbacca was the first one to walk out, Han Solo followed shortly after.

He immediately appraised the girl's appearance, bearing a sheepish grin. She wore a dirty pair of blue overalls and had oil smudged on her cute little round face.

"Good evening sir," she said in an arrogant manner. "I understand you have freight for Senator Organa."

Han smiled at the sheer audacity of the young girl. He was only twenty-three summers old. But she couldn't have been more than fifteen.

"What?" she griped. "What are you smiling about?"

The girl shoved a wrench in her back pocket and folded her arms. "You have no business here."

"Really?" Han Solo ground out. "And who the hell are you?"

"Who I am is of no concern. But I will tell you one thing... I have a lot of clout here, and I don't like spies. So I suggest you leave?"

Han gaffed.

"A SPY!?"

CHewbacca howled and Han leaned against his friend in laughter.

"I'm no spy, kid. I'm looking for work."

"What kind of work? Did the Emperor send you?"

"I'm no friend of the Empire, young lady. What are you so paranoid about?"

Somehow, looking at him, the rogue, the girl began to believe him. There's no way the emperor would deal with someone so uncouth!

"I hear..." Han whispered... "There are rebels here."

"Rebels!" the girl laughed. "Don't be ridiculous. But if you're looking for work, I know someone who might have an assignment for you."

"Really? And how would you know this, little girl?"

The young woman, unknown to Han Solo, was Senator Organa's daughter... Leia Organa.

"I have my ways," she answered enigmatically. The guy was looking for work... well he's in for a ride. Vader was on the hunt for some woman, and things were hot. The Rebels needed to be moved elsewhere... to Endor.

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