Queen's ransom

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Han Solo lugged cases of illegal cargo onto the Falcon. Nothing new here. The girl, whoever she was, had plenty of clout and all the money in the world to go with it. She ordered the shipments to Naboo, and for quite the hefty sum. But Han wasn't keen on going to the planet. It had recently taken a new queen, something unknown to the empire. Han tried telling the girl that sending rebels to Naboo would be a big mistake. But she wouldn't listen.

"Listen, kid... word across the galaxy is that there's about to be a big war on Naboo. Apparently someone decided to reclaim the territory and the Empire will be none to happy about it. You go there, rest assured, this alliance of yours is going straight to hell."

"Listen scum-bucket," the princess hotly replied. "I may be young but I know exactly what I'm doing and so does my advisor. You do what you're paid to do. If you're that worried about it then perhaps you should find another job."

The girl moved a strand of hair from her eyes. Her hand left a smudge of dirt on her cheek. Han growled then grabbed a bag of beans from the cargo truck and tossed it onto the deck of the Millenium Falcon. "Suit yourself," he griped. "Just make sure you pay me before we get there or else-"

"Or else WHAT?" the girl barked.

Han got close to her face. A gust of rum tinged breath blew out of his mouth into her nostrils. The girl cringed. "I tell Vader about this little operation of yours. I wonder how much THAT will get me?"

"You'll get your money, don't worry," Leia said with a sneer.

And with that, she was off. Her dirty overalls hung from her body like a sack.

A few hours later the Millenium Falcon trudged slowly across the galaxy to Naboo, the ship almost too heavy to fly with all of the smuggled cargo hidden below its deck. Chewbacca howled when he heard the amount of the treasure they were to collect.

"We're takin' it right to the queen," Han replied, to the howling wookie. "Though... I gotta tell you Chewy, I have a real bad feeling about this."

Chewbacca howled again.

"I know, it's worth it. Maybe we can buy our lives back and find legitimate work, or business for ourselves with the money," he said, almost to himself.

Han navigated MF through Naboo's seemingly harmless atmosphere and set his coordinates to the palace docking area. The ship landed a few minutes later. Han raced from the cockpit down the hall to deck, opened the landing platform and scurried under the ship. He didn't care to meet the queen. He wanted no part of the Rebel Alliance or the war that was sure to follow his delivery. The queen had no business opening the palace when Vader had already shut it down.

Beads of sweat marked the pirate's forehead as he and Chewbacca finished unloading the last rest of the contraband. Han wiped his face with an old dirty rag. Chewbacca howled. Han stuffed the rag into his pocket then turned, finding a group of heavily armed men around them.

"Halt!" one of the guys yelled. They wore Naboo military regalia. Official regalia. What was happening here? The men trained their weapons on the pilots.

"Hey, I'm just making a delivery. Some kid on Alderaan paid me to smuggle this stuff here. It's not mine."

"I know," A feminine voice rang out. "But unfortunately, we cannot allow you to leave."

"What are you talking about?" Han laughed nervously. "Are you taking me and my friend prisoner?"

"Too much of a risk. We don't want you talking to Vader or the Emperor."

"Nobody meets the emperor..." Han droned. "I'm just a pirate."

"A greedy one," the woman replied.

Han smirked. "What's that got to do with anything? Who are you anyway?" he said, narrowing his eyes.

"I'm Queen [Name]. [Full Name]."

Han's mouth fell open and his arms dropped.

"Oh shi-"

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