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Lady [Name] sat aboard The Executor and stared out of the viewing window at the planet below... Prassius. When her beloved Darth Vader promised her "the world" he meant it. Prassius was the most beautiful planet in the known galaxy and he was giving her the keys.
From outer space the planet glowed a radiant plum color coiled in seas of blue. The planet was largely absent of trees and used grass, foliage, and an abundance of flowers to feed its breathable atmosphere. But Vader warned her about the smell, a powdery perfumed scent he found unpleasant and noxious. Luckily for him, filters in her villa would sift the smells out at her command.

The ship descended on Spring Falls, in an open field meters away from where she would live. But to [Name]'s surprise, the house was not a villa, It was a castle surrounded by green pastures, mountains that seemed to melt into the horizon, and cobbled beneath it , rocks cooled by plentiful waterfalls.

A brigade of white-armored troops filed out of the ship behind her.

The first troop , a Commander, spoke, "Escort the prisoner to Sector one, and secure the parameters."

[Name] bristled at the word "prisoner", but it was necessary the troops thought her as such, for sake of appearances. These were Vader's trusted men. Her relationship with him was an open secret among the troops, but a carefully guarded secret outside of their elite circle.

"Will Lord Vader be joining us?" she asked

"Lord Vader is with the Emperor. Apparently, the situation with the rebels is escalating."

"He's not in danger, is he?"

"Lord Vader in danger?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in the trooper's voice. [Name] imagined the face beneath the helmet...smiling.

"Lord Vader will make contact with you via holovoid, Milady."

"Thank you... what shall I call you sir?"

"Commander 6527," he answered.

The man dawdled behind as a small brigade of troops carried her belongings across the field. Suitcases, supplies, dresses, trunks... all the things she needed, including her medical facilities.

[Name] graced the cross bridge that would lead her into the castle. This was home. Beautiful, elaborate... and hers. Hers and Vader's... even with troops swarming about, searching and setting up communications, which [Name] happily raced to upon hearing that Vader was on Holovid, awaiting her presence.

"I trust everything is to your specificaaaations," said the living, "breathing" black hole.

"How long until you get here?" [Name] asked, casting formalities aside. "I miss you so much," she said.

"I cannot sufficiently engage you from herrrre," Vader thundered. "But I will arrive soon, milaaaaadeeeee. I suspect the emperor knows you are alive. I felt it through the force," he continued.

"What will we do?" [Name] asked, worry in her eyes.

Vader had seen that look before. Padme made that face whenever their secret marriage was under the threat of being exposed. And now, he found himself in a similar situation. The Sith are to be married to the dark side. And although he had not married [Full Name], his affection for her was considered a betrayal to their oath. He the adulterer, power, and her the betrayed wife. And now, the emperor wanted her dead.

"I will deal with the emperor," Vader warned. "Leave him to me."

[Name] felt him through the force, the gentle caress of his hand upon her. She waved as his image faded away.

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