Chapter 18: Questions!

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Her forehead collided with a solid surface, throwing her back.

As she fell, her neck bounced off a cushion, sending a shockwave throughout her body.


The air rushed out as she collided with the floor.

Off in the distance, footsteps thundered towards her.

Moments later the area was lit up.

"Vee!" two voices cried.

"Huhn?" she groaned.

"Oh Mavis your head!"

"We're going to the infirmary!"

She felt her body get lifted into the air.

"Mavis she's light," a deep voice noted.

Vee's head throbbed as lights kept swinging in her eyes.

"How rude! Don't comment on a woman's weight!" a higher voice shouted.

"I'm saying I think she's still starved!"

"Well remember Wendy adamantly told us to NOT feed her outside of the prescribed diet. Which right now is just nutrient-rich broths."

Moments later all of the blinding lights turned into stars against a rising sun.

"I remember what she told us! I'm not dumb," the deeper voice growled.

Pain surged in her neck and head with each bounce.

"Okay good! So don't stuff her with pizza!" the higher voice snarled.

"I wasn't stuffing her with pizza! It was out and she took some."

"We're lucky she didn't die of the refudging system or whatever."

"Refreeze system?"

"No, not quite. Maybe it was refood system?"

"Hmm that doesn't sound quite right, either."

"Refeeding system! No? Refeeding...hmmm"

"Sitcom?" the deeper voice offered.



"Definitely not."

"Cynical dome?"

"NO! Oh! Wait! Syndrome!"

"Ahhh yes refeeding syndrome."

"Hunnnggg," Vee groaned.

"Vee? You okay?" the higher voice asked.

"Of course not, Diva!"

"Your shouting isn't helping s***, Bodybuilder!"

"I don't see you calling Wendy or Skyler!"

"It's not even 6:15am! They need to sleep!"

"Wendy said to call if anything was seriously wrong!"


"Before we took Vee home for dinner! After her checkup today!"

"I don't remember that!"

"Just call her!"

As the shouting match continued, the Vee's vision faded to nothing.

Fairy Tail Adventures Await Volume 2: Undercover InvestigationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin