We always spent Christmas's with them, although the last Christmas I had with them was 6 years ago. It was a lot of fun when I was younger but now all I felt was a tugging sensation of dread.

I could hear them all talking and laughing like normal. Ivy gripped my hand and smiled reassuringly at me when she saw how deep in thought I was.

As soon as I walked in everyone turned to face me, I was right about who I knew would be here so at least that was a plus. I looked at Ravi and Isaac in the corner, they too looked uncomfortable, especially Isaac.

Jas smiled widely at me while mostly everyone else scowled or looked neutral, to be honest I don't really think Harveer Massar knew what was going on half the time.

"Hi." I finally felt myself say something.

"Sasri-akal (hello) is what your supposed to say." My mom replied.

"Yeah sorry, Sasri-akal." I said.

They all let out a chorus of hello's as I sat down with Ivy on one of the couches in the corner beside Isaac and Ravi. I saw the tree with all the presents underneath and food spread out everywhere. It felt like home.

But I knew it wasn't. We ended up sitting there awkwardly making small talk about our lives for about half an hour before Kanchan Masse decided to stir some drama up.

"So Priya, do you have anything you'd like to say?" Kanchan Masse said.

"Uhm no I don't think so." I replied nervously.

"I think you should apologize for the scene you made at Aman's wedding, we all do." She replied.

"Oh no, that's really not necessary." Esha tried to cool down the situation.

"This is a family matter." My mom replied to Esha.

"Excuse me but I became apart of this family when I married Aman and his wedding was just as much mine as his." Esha explained angrily.

"Still we just think you should apologize." Balvinder Mama said a bit softer.

"I already did, to Aman and Esha. I won't apologize to any of you." I replied.

"Stop being such an ungrateful-" My father meant to yell before being interrupted.

"Enough Papa! I only said I'd invite them to come if you all could keep calm enough to just talk." Aman cut in.

"Sweetheart why don't you girls go upstairs." Sona Mami said to her kids which made them walk upstairs.

"Who is this?" Kanchan Masse gestured towards Ivy.

"This is my girlfriend, Ivy." I held her hand and I swore my mom was about to faint.

"It's really nice to meet you Ivy." Jas shook her hand and smiled which earned her a glare from her mother.

"I don't know why you both felt the need to bring your spouses but we all need to talk about a few things." My mother said while giving nasty looks to Ivy and Isaac.

"Ok then talk, I only came here to listen to what you had to say to me." I said to which Ravi nodded his head in agreement.

"Well we've been talking to some of our friends and there's these sessions you can take to fix yourself and afterwards one of our friends has a son who'd love to be engaged to you, he's a doctor." My mom replied.

I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say but before I could react Ravi started to shout. "Hell no! She doesn't need to 'fix' herself and neither do I!"

"Look, you are our kids we only want what's best for you and we think these sessions could really help you both." My dad explained.

"No! I've spent so long hating myself because of you two, just to make you happy! And I'm done, I'm finally happy so let me have this! I have a great life and it could be amazing if you all could just be accepting enough to just be ok with this." I felt tears start to well in my eyes.

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