Chapter 1: First Day

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"Well I'm only working 4 hours, so I'll be home by 8." I tell her. "What did you have in mind?"

"I thought we could meet up with Emma and Lana, or watch movies or something." She shrugs, walking in and flopping down on my bed.

"We should watch movies, I'll probably be worn out when I get home." I pull my pants up and put my shoes on. I apply a bit of foundation and mascara, and put my hair up in a messy bun. "When are you working next?"

"Tomorrow night." She sighs. She works at Coles. We both hate working at supermarkets, but they were the only jobs with good enough pay when we first moved here. She's hoping to get a job at a radio station some time soon, before getting into the industry of music. She loves singing, and she's damn good at it too. I don't exactly know where I want to get a job yet, but I know I want to be doing something in the field of either Psychology or Criminology. Which I know will be hard to find, especially when I'm only just starting at Uni. But hopefully something will pop up in the next few years.

"This will be over soon and we can get our own jobs." I reassure her, but not truly believing myself.

"I doubt that."

"Well, don't give up hope, I know we'll both find somewhere soon."

I grab my bag and walk out the door, pulling it shut behind me. I unlock my white BMW Convertible, and start the engine.

My dad bought me this car when I finished year 12, he said he thought it suited me, and he was right because I love it. I hadn't known that he was saving up for a car for me, in fact I didn't expect either of my parents to give me a car. I had been saving up myself, so when he surprised me with it, I had an extra $8000 in my bank. There's about $2000 left after 5 months, using it on groceries and paying off some of the mortgage.

I pull out of the driveway and down the road to Woolworths. It's about a 5 minute drive. Most of the time I like to walk, but the weather is bad tonight and I don't want to arrive all hot and sweaty.

I pull into the car park and kill the engine. I get out of the car and groan. I swear the humidity has increased since I left home. Queensland is known for its heat and humidity, and tons of rain. That's why I have always loved it so much, because you never know what you're gonna get each day.

I walk through the back doors as the rush of air cools me down. I walk up the stairs to the lockers and see Brad, one of my co-workers, making a coffee.

"Hey." I call across the empty room. He turns his head and a dimpled smile appears on his face. His short chestnut-coloured hair falls on his forehead, as he brushes it away from his face.

"Oh hey, what are you doing here? I didn't think you worked Monday's."

"I don't, Andy called in sick so I'm taking his shift." I tell him, unlocking the small locker as I place my bag inside. I take out my water bottle and shut the door, closing the padlock around the somewhat rusted metal.

"He's such a little shit, always comes up with some stupid excuse. What's the bet that he's at home in his scrappy apartment jerking off while getting high." A laugh escapes my laugh. Brad is by far the most outgoing and confident person I know. He doesn't care what anyone thinks about him, and he never fails to make people laugh. In some ways I wish I was like him, I wish I never cared what people thought of me.

"I'd say very likely, but I really don't want to imagine that." I cringe and he laughs. Andy is one of those skinny, shady guys that talks shit and doesn't do much work. We all know he shows up to work high, the only person that doesn't is the manager.

"Yea, I don't exactly like to spend my thoughts thinking about him getting off." I shake my head and laugh.

"Changing the subject.... Have you heard anything from McCullough?" He applied for a job at McCullough Robinson, a big Law firm closer to the city. He finished Law school a few months ago with an honours. Which is pretty damn good.

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