Chapter 40

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Chad’s dark SUV pulled up to my house at exactly 7:00 a.m. I took one quick look in the mirror before heading out the door.

“Bye family. Love you all!” I called over my shoulder.

The cold air bit at my skin. I pulled my jacket tightly, trying to keep warm. Walking to Chad’s car seemed to take forever.

Lucky for me, Chad had gotten out and opened the door for me. A small smile lay on his lips. Words weren’t exchanged as I climbed in.

Once I was in the car, I shoved my backpack in the backseat. My butt was warm and I was thankful Chad turned the seat warmers on. The radio played an old song softly.

“You look cute,” Chad said as he climbed back in the car.

I looked over at him and smiled. “You do too.”

He had another beanie on today. This one was green. It accented his eyes.

I laid my head back on the seat as we took off. It hurt to know I would be leaving things with Chad unsolved. He obviously was mad when I rejected the previous night.

“You tell everyone you’ve got a boyfriend, you hear me? Everyone,” Chad pulled my attention to him.

That was controlling. I don’t know how I felt about that. Usually if Chad mentioned us being exclusive butterflies would flutter around in my stomach and I’d be lost for words. “Don’t you think that’s a little silly, Chad? Boys don’t like me. I’m not the prettiest girl. Don’t worry. Besides they won’t care.”

Chad chuckled; it wasn’t a nice cute chuckle though. It reminded me of Brennan’s. It was nasty and rude. “You don’t think that when they find out you’ve been hooking up with me that they won’t want you? Aubrey, come on. Also you’re mad hot, that doesn’t really help the situation.”

“What is that suppose to mean?”

Chad shook his head with another laugh. He briefly looked at me before putting his eyes back on the road. “Aubrey anyone who knows me knows that I hook up with the finest bitches; always the girls who can show you a good time. I’m with you, therefore they’ll be all over you.”

My heart felt like it was being tugged in a million different directions. Where was my sweet Chad? Who was this nasty one? I thought I helped him move past this.

“Are you purposely trying to piss me off because I didn’t sleep with you last night?”

“I don’t know. Why? Is it working?” Chad’s lips curled into a smirk.

I was so confused. What was happening? “Chad is something wrong? You’re not acting like yourself.”

“Damn straight, something’s wrong. But I can’t tell you,” Chad’s smile faded.

That just topped it. Everything since I’ve gotten in the car has spiraled out of control. What was going on?

“Chad what do you mean you can’t tell me? You know you can tell me anything,” I rubbed his arm.

Shaking my hand away, Chad slammed one of his fists against the wheel. His face turned hard and ice cold. Something was aggravating him. I was afraid he wasn’t stable to be driving right now.

“Pull over, Chad!!” I shouted.

Running a hand over his face, Chad shook his head no. “It’s fine. We are almost there, Aubs. It’s okay baby. It’s okay. Everything is going to work out just fine. It’s okay. It really is fine.”

I wasn’t the one who needed the reassurance; it was him.

Finally making our way into the school parking lot, Chad pulled into the drop-off lane. He pulled the car over and put it in park. To no surprise, he got out to open my door.

Before my feet even hit the ground, Chad had wrapped my body into his. He held onto me tightly, allowing no air pockets to form. His long lean fingers danced their way into my back pockets. I tensed at his touch.

Craning his head down and whispered directly in my ear, “You’re my girl. You remember that you hear me?”

If I wasn’t so annoyed with him, he might have sounded sexy.

Chad didn’t stop there though, “You go into those doors with a smile on your face. Don’t you worry about me baby girl. I’m fine. I promise.” He squeezed me tightly.

I let my hands tie around his back, pulling him even closer. I liked having no space between us. We were inseparable.

“C’mon time to go. Go to class beautiful.” Chad unwound our bodies.

“Don’t I get a kiss goodbye?” I whined. Although we were arguing I wanted a kiss. Just a quick peck, I really didn’t care.

“Of course you can,” Chad leaned down and kissed my cheek.


“You’re at school, Aubrey. A make-out session wouldn’t look too good here. I’m leaving,” Chad walked away without letting me speak.

Standing in the cold, I waited. He would have to roll down his window and say something before he left. Chad just couldn’t leave me for a day with a goodbye like that.

Thankfully, Chad did. The tinted windows slowly crept down. He stopped half way though. “You’re mine.” He smirked before driving away.

Chills rippled down my spine. I wasn’t sure if I should be scared or turned on by that. My mind was screaming that Chad was up to no good but my heart told me to be turned on by his actions. It’s only 7:15 in the morning and my mind is already fuzzy. I shook everything off and strutted into school.

Everyone in the hallway was smiling and in cheerful moods. Friends hugged each other, obviously missing one another. People shouted and gossiped. The scene was almost overwhelming.

At last, I reached my locker. My mind blanked and I forgot my combination. Lucky for me, when my hand reached the lock, it naturally turned the numbers, 5,11,7. I tiredly shoved my bag in and grabbed my binder from the top shelf.

Right as I was about to shut the door, a voice startled me. “Aubrey?!”

Oh god.


Author’s note!

Hey guysJ xx

I’m just writing a quick note here, haven’t really thanked you guys in awhile. I’m so thankful for all the votes and reads I get. It makes my day to come on here and see that people are hooked and inlove with this story. I love you all so much for making my dream come true!!

Well anyway, I’m writing this because of this chapter! What the heck is going on!? What do you think Chad is hiding? Why can’t he tell Aubrey?

But here’s the real question….who is the mysterious person to call Aubrey’s name at the end?!

Tell me what you think loves in the comments below.

Vote comment whatever. Do your thing(;

Everyone have a good day/night.

Love you all. Xxx

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