Chapter 9 "Welcome Home"

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"Unnie!!!", Inkyung came running towards Injoo at the airport. Jong Ho was behind her, smiling.

"Yay! I missed you so much Inkyungah!", Injoo embraced her tightly.

"Congratulations unnie!! I can't wait to see you in the white gown, but this time I really like my Brother-in-law. Haha", Inkyung said smiling brightly.

"I will listen to your gibberish at home, let's hurry up now. I am sure Jong ho is hungry", Injoo tilted her face and looked at him.

"Noona, congratulations!" He came forward and hugged her.

"Thank you", Injoo said patting his back.

She was brighter, warmer and more in love this year. She has bought her own car, has planned her own dream wedding with Do-il in Jeju island.

Inhye and Hyorin were also coming the next day.

After they reached home, Do-il welcomed them.

"Congratulations hyung", Jong Ho said and spotted Do-il's mother sitting on the couch in living room. She was looking alright, though her treatments are still ongoing.

Inkyung went towards her and sat beside her, "How are you?", She asked with a smile.

"Just trying to live. I am happy to see my son getting married. I thought I would miss it in this lifetime", she said.

Injoo also came towards her, "Don't say  such things omoni. We all need you with us.", She kneeled down in front of her and held her hand. She kept her hand on Injoo's face and smiled.

The wedding is in three days, so both the families will travel to Jeju after Inhye and Hyorin joins them. Meanwhile, everything that needs to be carried were getting packed by Injoo and Inkyung.

"Unnie, I brought something for you", Inkyung took out a box from her luggage.

Injoo opened it and was in awe of what she saw. A beautiful pair of diamond earrings.

"Those are real?", Injoo asked Inkyung raising her eyebrows.

"Yes unnie. Wear them on your wedding day, you will look gorgeous.", Inkyung with a warm smile as Injoo received the gift happily.

At night
Do-il was looking at Injoo while she was arranging her wedding accessories and skin care products.

"What are you looking at?", Injoo asked him.

"My to-be bride.", Do-il answered straight forwardly.

Injoo's cheeks turned red, as if all the blood in her body accumulated there.

"Ah Do-il ssi, stop joking.", she said while blushing.

"Although I used to be mostly blunt, but because of your habit of taking things in a face value, I have stopped being sarcastic at all. And see, this is the consequence.", Do-il chuckled.

"I am so worried and excited at the same time for the wedding that your words are passing over my head", Injoo suddenly remembered she forgot something important and ran to grab it from Inkyung's room.

Do-il smiled and thought, "This is why I love her. She is chaotic but beautiful."

Next day at the airport
Inhye and Hyorin held hands and came out of the airport. The best friends were so inseparable that they really stood the test of time. Though Inhye didn't want to come to the wedding, Hyorin almost dragged her into this.
But after seeing her sisters standing outside the airport waiting for her she forgot all her pain and worries. Beside them, the men were standing, Jong Ho and Do-il. The support system of her sisters.

"How does it feel to be loved to this point?", Inhye murmured.

"Don't know. Probably the best yet the most burdensome feeling in the world? Constantly worrying about each other's safety, that you can literally die to keep them safe", Hyorin looked into Inhye's and smiled, "let's go and enjoy the wedding".

Inhye nodded and smiled.

They ran towards the sisters and hugged them. The reunion was long awaited.

"Unnie congratulations", Inhye said to Injoo who was sitting beside her.

Injoo kept her hand on her head and said, "I am so happy to see you again Inhye-ah. "
"So, Inhye, how's your art school going on?", Do-il asked while driving the car.

"It's inpressive. The amount of dedication the students put in and even the professors. I like it there. What I most like is how people are so open about their thoughts.", Inhye said enthusiastically.

"Did you get a boyfriend there?", Injoo asked.

"No, though a few guys approached me, I didn't find them attractive.", Inhye said and looked out of the window.
Do-il looked at her from the rear view mirror.

"Where do you stay? You and Hyorin", he asked.

"We rented a studio there.", She replied.

"And food? What about that? You don't know how to cook", Injoo suddenly got worried about her sister's food habits.

"Hyorin and I learned to cook a little bit. Because the food is greasy there. Otherwise, we found out a good Korean restaurant. At times, we eat there.", Inhye smiled.

Injoo nodded her head and said, "Aaah I see. Good good"

"So we are leaving tomorrow for the wedding?", Inhye asked.

"No, tomorrow is the wedding. We are going tonight.", Injoo replied.

In the other car Inkyung, Jong Ho and Hyorin were there.

Hyorin couldn't stop talking about her and Inhye's adventures in art school.

"Hyorin-ah, it seems you two really like it there.", Inkyung said.

"Yes unnie, we even go to spa there. And we also have a group where we plan short trips. It's really great there.",Hyorin said as her eyes were sparkling with joy.

Inkyung and Jong Ho smiled listening to her youthful adventures.

"Enjoy your university to the fullest. And meet me at times. Whenever I asked Inhye to meet, she denied.", Inkyung said.

"Don't ask her to meet, text me first. I will drag her to you, like I did for this wedding", Hyorin laughed.

After reaching near the apartment all except Do-il were surprised.

A huge banner unveiled itself on the apartment written "Welcome Home Inhye and Hyorin" over it.

"Omo who did this?", Injoo kept her hands on her mouth.

"Do-il oppa, who else can do it?", Inkyung  looked at them.

Injoo looked at Do-il like she was impressed by him all over again.

Do-il smiled, meanwhile Inkyung said, "Isn't this biased? I also came home after a year. Nobody made a banner for me", Inkyung laughed.

"Yah! Are you a kid? Inhye and Hyorin are kids", Injoo replied.

"Unnie, we aren't kids, but thank you opaa for this beautiful gift."

"It's for them because this is the first time they are stepping in this apartment. All of you are special for me", Do-il spoke.

"Now it makes sense", Inkyung chuckled.

As they entered the apartment, Inhye was surprised. This is how they progressed from their small house?

The Han river was smiling at her, welcoming her to Korea again. Nothing is more beautiful than your own country, own land and own people. And that feeling of home finally hit Inhye into her core.
But in between the chaos, she chose to gulp her emotions down for now and went to have the lunch Injoo made for all.

*****to be continued****

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