Chapter 8 "Wasn't this the idea?"

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"Should I call him brother-in-law now?", Inkyung whisper into Injoo's ear while they were having brunch.

Injoo looked at her and cursed her with her eyes.

Inkyung chuckled, a bit loudly.

"Why are you laughing Inkyungah? Is there something on my face?", Jong ho touched his face to confirm.

"Aani aani", Inkyung waved her hands while saying no and burst into laughter.

Do-il looked at Injoo and understood the situation.

"I bought a new German car, Inkyung ssi", Do-il said.

Inkyung finally paused her laughter.

"Really? Then you really stand to win the 'tropy' this time", Inkyung gave him a thumbs up.

Injoo took offense to that and yelled impulsively, "Yaa! Do I look like a trophy to you?"

"When did I say anything about you? I was talking about the car challenge that's going to take place in our housing society", Inkyung said acting all serious

Do-il couldn't stop himself from smiling.

"Why are you smiling?", Injoo's wrath fell on Do-il too.

"Noona, we all know about you both.", Jong Ho smiled.

"How did you know? Inkyung told you right?", Injoo got all worked up.

"I did. There's nothing to hide now that we are dating", Do-il stepped up.

"Yaa! How can you? Aish!", Injoo lowered her voice and said.

"Oooo Unnie! You are blushing!", Inkyung took the teasing to another level, she stood up, and put a toast,
"May both of you get married soon and have 10 little kids"

"Yaa stop it now! " Injoo made her sit down.
Do- il on the other hand really enjoyed this. "Why to stop at 10?", he commented.
Inkyung and Jong Ho hooted, and Injoo stood up to leave the table, all flustered.

"You guys are crazy. I am going", she said.

Do-il grabbed her hand, "Sorry sorry Injoo ssi. Please finish your food.", he smiled. Injoo scrunched her nose and sat.

But that doesn't change the fact that the three of them continued to tease her. A never ending cycle.

One Month Later
Inkyung and Jong Ho was ready to leave for the States today. It was an evening flight. Finally the day has come when her dreams won't be on stand-by anymore.

Injoo, Do-il and Injoo's parents came to see them off.

"I'll be back soon. Don't miss me too much. Ok Unnie?", Inkyung hugged Injoo. She was more attached to her than her parents.

Injoo was in tears. Both her sisters are going to be away from her. Afterall, dreams come with prices.

"Eat and sleep properly, ok? Don't always just study. Hm?" She said.
Inkyung nodded.

"We have to board now", Jong Ho nudged Inkyung on her arm.

"Unnie, Omma, Appa, take care of yourselves. You too Do-il ssi", Inkyung said good bye to them.
Injoo controlled her tears with all her strength. But after they left, Injoo just couldn't control herself anymore. Do-il hugged her and patted her back while she cried.

After coming back home, Injoo went to Inkyung's room and sat on her bed. Do-il was standing at the doorway.

"She finally gets to fulfill her dream, Do-il ssi. Whatever we went through with that 70 billion Won is finally paying off.", she murmured while looking at a photo frame of the three sisters.

Do-il entered the room, sat beside Injoo and embraced her, "Injoo ssi, I have never met a stronger woman than you.", he kissed on her head, and sat down beside her.

"I never knew you are this clingy", Injoo said.

"You should've known when I literally followed you everywhere earlier", Do-il looked surprised.

"I thought it was the money that kept you closer", Injoo said innocently.

"Injoo ssi, you are too innocent for this cruel world", Do-il literally grabbed her face and said.

Injoo impulsively closed her eyes, but Do-il didn't kiss her.

"Why are you closing your eyes?", Do-il said cheekily

Injoo opened her eyes quickly, her cheeks turned red with embarassment, "Wasn't that the idea? Did I....oh shit", She got pissed off at herself.

"It wasn't the idea, it..then I can", Do-il whispered and went in for a kiss.

"Let's get married", Do-il ssod while caressing Injoo's hair.

"We dated just for two days and you want to marry me?", Injoo pouted and looked into his eyes.

"Yeah! I want to. Take your time, I can wait. But let me make it clear, I am not going to marry any other woman except you.", Do-il smiled.

"Aha Do-il ssi! You are charming I must say. Ok, let me think about it then", Injoo acted hard to get, but in the inside she was jumping with joy.

It's true that time heals everything, but when we are with the right person, the journey becomes much easier.

*****to be continued****

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