27. The princesses

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"So? Are you the spirit Terra talked to me about? Ivy related?"

She nodded. "My name is Princess Sibyl of Twilight Myth,"

"Princess? I thought the king only had a son?"

"I'm a princess of old Twilight, Vamperville as it was called then. That was about five hundred years ago," she explained, making a gesture I just couldn't read.

"Okay, so you died hundreds of years ago?"

"Yes, you know Queen Rida Red, right?"

"The greatest queen in vampire history?" She nodded calmly. She spoke with nonchalance and sophistication, like a true princess. Her Irish accent stood out and it made me wonder how exactly her accent was Irish.

"As you were told, Queen Rida Red gave out Twilight Castle to be used as a school, right?"

"So the history book says," I said with a shrug.

"Lies! All lies!" She suddenly shouted.

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" I asked puzzledly.

"The queen never gave it out, she loved this castle as much as she loved her daughters…"

"The queen had daughters?"

"She did, but not many knew about it. Please, stop interrupting me, I hate that." She said with a deep frown.

"I'm sorry, please continue," she sighed and stood up, her black gown flowing on the floor around her feet. "Queen Rida was my mother, she had two daughters; my older sister, Ivy and me. Ivy was six years older than I was, the heiress. We were both pure-blooded vampires, strong ones. After Mother died, the council made Mother's right-hand man the king, until she would grow old enough to be a queen. At first, he took care of us, treated us like the royals we were, and gave us the best education. Soon, he started changing as his wife poisoned his mind, and made power enter his head. His hunger for power drove him overboard, he went and acquired dark magic, but no one knew…" She floated to the roof and stared into space. "The king locked us up in a tower and kept us there under great security. He made the council believe that we were hopeless, wayward and selfish. He made them believe we only cared for ourselves."

"We were naive. We were locked in the tower and unaware of what was happening. We were hated and looked upon with disappointment before we even knew why. Before we knew it, we were being charged for a crime we knew nothing about, chained down for a murder we still don't know. Our lives were hell, it was painful for us until we met Armek,"

‹How long does she plan to bore me?›

‹Shh, don't distract me and don't be rude,›

"Armek was a nice bodyguard Ivy fell in love with. He was her joy. He would sneak us out to get fresh air but never let us run away for his life. The king wiped memories of us out of existence with his magic but that didn't matter to Ivy, she had Armek and that was all that mattered. Then it all came crashing when the king found out about what Armek had been doing for us…" she trailed off as she choked on her tears. "He made us watch him get killed. He killed Armek in the worst way a vampire could die…" she covered her face with her hands. "What he did broke Ivy completely and she went mad. He was her beloved, he shouldn't have died. She became quiet, only talking to herself. His death unlocked something in her, a darkness she never knew she had."

"Ivy was a special vampire. Like every heir to the throne, she had special abilities and hers was magic, one stronger than mother's. She disappeared from the cell for fourteen days though no one noticed. When she returned, she was completely different. Her beautiful brown eyes were nothing but black, she even smelt different. She transformed her pure magic into a dark, powerful one. The spirit of vengeance that captured her heart was inevitable. She did something to the underground passages and room in this castle. She turned it into something to complete her plans."

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