24. Darcy - the library

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Leaf pushed the leaves and branches out of our way as she walked ahead. Liliane, being a good friend, came with us. We ditched school before the third period, so we could be back before school ended. I didn't want to bother anyone else with my problem, especially Ace. He was going to take his final exams soon and I didn't want to bother him more than I already have. That's what a good girlfriend would do; we're dating now.

"Any idea where exactly we are going?" Ann asked, shaking off a spider from her leg. I shrugged. "Then how do we get to where we don't know we are going?"

"I know," Leaf whispered, "the trees and animals whispered it to me. We are heading to the western side of the forest, that is where it is."

"So, what else are we to know?" I asked. "I doubt it will be that easy,"

"It won't be hard getting there but going back will be an impossible task," Leaf said, stretching her hands up. Three vines danced down and entangled themselves around her hands. "We better get there by trees, the land from here will be very dangerous,"

"Unlike you, we don't know how to jump from tree to tree or teleport through them,"

"That's why you have me to do that for you," she said immediately. I felt something slapped against my waist. I looked at it and saw three thick wines holding onto my waist. "Hope you don't faint easily, this is going to make you sick,"

"Why?" Ann asked with a little fear.

"Can you swing from vines to vines like a monkey?"

"I can," I said with my hands raised. "At least, I think I can,"

"Splendid!" The vines pulled her up into a branch, us too. "Ready to swing?"

"No," Ann said frightfully.

"Can I get a minute to catch my breath?" I asked.

"Now!" Leaf jumped from the branch to another branch very far away. I watched in awe as she jumped from one tree to another with a speed I never knew could be possible but she's a tree nymph after all. "Come on, guys! We don't have all day!" She shouted.

"I can't! I'm a mermaid, not a landwalker. Walking I can do, running I can manage, but jumping from tree to trEE!!!" Ann screamed as the vine tossed her into the air. Another caught her just before she hit the ground and threw her into the air again. Another caught her by the ankle and tossed her to another vine. She kept screaming with fright. I grabbed my vine tight.

"Blessed heaven, accept my soul," I prayed and flung myself in the air. I caught the other vine before I fell and swung my body again. I continued swinging from vine to vine with fear while Ann continued screaming.

"Put me down!" She screamed in tears. I swung and stopped on a branch but slipped. I screamed as I fell down the tall tree, seeing my life flashing before my eyes. A vine wrapped around my ankle and whipped me into the air, my hands instinctively reached forward and caught a vine. I stopped at a branch, my heart pounding against my chest. Leaf teleported to me and bent down to scrutinise me.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just breathless," I gasped.

"Marinette, don't just swing, feel it! Be the vines, bond with the trees, feel the air around you and don't ever worry about falling. Feel like a monkey, the joy they feel when swinging. I promise you that you will enjoy your ride,"

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