8. He's not that dumb

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On the second day of school, I was excited; too ecstatic. Elle dressed me up again. My hair was packed up into puffy bunches with cute flowery pink and black hair bands, a pink cold shoulder crop top, black high-waisted stock jeans and Nike sneakers, pink and black to be precise. My handbag was black with pink zippers and a fluffy fur ball dangling at its front side. Elle made my makeup all pink and black; pink blush and eye-shadow, black lipsticks and my eyelashes brushed up with thick mascara. That's the best I can describe.

To say the least, I looked like a pretty flamingo.

"…I thought I should buy him something nice for our third anniversary but I just don't know what to buy." Elle lamented. She had been lamenting all morning about her third anniversary with Dermot. She had yet to do something nice for him.

"What did you get for the past two years?"

"First year, a hopeless wristwatch," she sighed sadly, rubbing her arm.

"Why do you think it's useless?"

"He's the crown prince, he has far nicer and more expensive accessories. Anything I give to him is worthless."

"Did he complain?"

She snorted. "He didn't, but he gave the wristwatch out to Gomez, that hurts,"

"And is a stupid thing to do. Even if he doesn't like it, something from the lady he loves should always be valued. I might not know much about love—or at all—but I know that what he did was wrong." I said as a matter-of-fact. You don't give away a present from someone you claim is dear to you. That's an insult.

"That is exactly what Ace said," she murmured. "I spent so much on that wristwatch, suffering to gather the money to buy it. I thought he would see the effort and value it but he didn't, he threw away my sweat just like that…" she laced her fingers with mine. "He makes me feel like a low-class bitch with how he treats everything I buy for him," I didn't want to tell her, but I honestly didn't like her boyfriend. I didn't know him, yet I didn't like him.

"I thought your Dad was rich?"

"His wife hates me, remember? I try my best to avoid them so I won't scatter their marriage. Even when he sends me money, I send it back or donate it to orphanages and widows,"

"Do you ask Dermot for money?"

"You know I have loved being independent since I was a kid," I nodded, she indeed loves independence.

"Your house?"

"Oh, that one was all Ace, he bought the house for me," she said with a blush, playing with her hair. Did she take a gift from a guy? That's a first.

"Ace doesn't like Dermot, does he?"

"Only pretending for my happiness. He hates Dermot's guts," she giggled. I hate him too.

"And you like your best friend hating your boyfriend?"

"They don't fight, that is what matters. Plus, I think it's kinda cool knowing Ace is being protective of me," I scrunch my nose thoughtfully. True male best friends are very hard to find and sustain. The ones that stay are usually gay or the girl is a lesbian. It was difficult to find mixed-gender best friends that were just friends. It's either they harbour hidden feelings for the other, or it's a one-sided thing. I'm not the smartest person in the world, heck, I was as stupid as a bag of sand. But, I could tell that their friendship had something. I wasn't entirely sure who among them harboured the feelings because hey, I just met the guy and Rielle usually goes crazy over her new friends. Perhaps, it's him. Elle does love her boyfriend.

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