25. Darcy - stupid tests

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"Ann, think you can connect to any form of pure water there? Use it to open the barrier a little?"

"Water and electricity are not the best of friends," she reminded me.

"That's the point," Darcy said with a snap of her fingers.

"That's the point," I repeated, snapping my fingers as well.

"You don't have to copy me, pipsqueak. Don't take my glory," I rolled my eyes. "Tell that twig girl to use that plant to assist your water angel,"

My lips dropped into a frown. If I could glare at her, I would. "Leaf is not a twig," I said defensively.

"Twig, trees, same thing," she said nonchalantly. I rolled my eyes again and then looked at Ann who had her eyes closed. She opened her eyes and shook her head negatively. "No pure water, just filthy ones,"

"Hey, why not try using the ones in those spell catchers?" Leaf asked with excitement, pointing at three flowers that were shaped like a dragon's mouth. One was pure white, the other was white and red with the red standing out the most and the last was black.

"Spell catchers?" I asked.

"Spell catchers are mystical plants that catch dark spells and turn them into pure energy, returning it to nature to purify and strengthen trees. They are white but with every spell they catch, they turn red. Once they catch enough, they turn black for two weeks and then grey, before blue and the energy is released." Leaf explained.

"Then turn white again," Ann added. "I can only use the white one, it is the only pure one but, Leaf, I'm going to need your help,"

"What would you have me do?"

"Hand," Ann said, stretching her hand out. Leaf took her hand. "We are going to connect our minds. I'm going to use your ability to control plants. I'll pull out some of its pure water and you will extend the flower to the barrier. We will use the flower to open the barrier, Understood?"

"Aye, captain!"

"Good," they looked at the flower through the barrier. It took almost a minute before the flower started growing. Its green vines were covered by glowing water before it stretched into the barrier, roaming circularly and creating a small hole. "We can't come in after you, Rinette, we have to hold it," Ann groaned. "Go!"

"Thanks, guys," I smiled. I ran closer to the barrier and carefully dived into the hole. The flower whipped back into its previous position and the hole began to close. Leaf fell on her knees and Ann crouched. "You guys okay?"

"We will be, go," Leaf smiled and winked at me.

"Thanks, guys,"

"Love you!" Leaf shrieked. I chuckled. I stood up and ran deeper into the aisle. The heels of my boots clacked against the wooden floor. Books were floating in the air. I looked at the shelves, the books were neatly arranged in alphabetical order. I saw a book, a beautiful blue book with white Italian writing, 'NAMES'. I had the urge to touch it, so I reached forward for it.

"I wouldn't touch that if I were you," I jerked at the gruff voice and turned around. It was an old woman with grey asymmetric Bob hair and beautiful brown skin. She held a walking stick with a snake's head and red eyes. She wasn't green, blue, or decapitated like the others, she looked like a real woman. "That book might be titled 'NAMES', but it is not a good book. Those five letters stand for something, terrible things. Open that book and you won't love what you will see,"

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