Chapter 6

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// This is a fan-translation. Do not repost this

// This fan translation is intended to be read as an accompaniment to the original artwork at

// All credits go to RK Studio

Starts where the previous chapter ended, with shirtless Jihoon kissing Eden in his dorm room

SFX: breathing heavily

Jihoon: Kang Eden. Remember this. You started it. 

SFX: Eden hugs Jihoon

Eden (internally): Sunbae, I- with sunbae...

SFX: Eyes snapping open

SFX: heaving breathing 

(tn: it was just a dream y'all)

SFX: sitting up

Eden (internally): What the hell am I dreaming about?


Eden: Manager-nim, hello. 

Dajung Manager: ah- Eden-ssi, you arri....

SFX: basically this sound means his face looks like he didn't get a good night's sleep. Like he looks exhausted and unwell

Dajung Manager: what the heck! What happened to your face?

Eden: I'm ok. I just didn't have the best sleep...

Dajung Manager: Really? Your debut is coming close you really need to be careful with your condition. Ah, Jihoon-ssi came early and is already recording. 

flashback to sexy dream

Eden (internally): what am I gonna can I face him...

shot of Jihoon recording  

Eden: woah....

SFX: glance

Jihoon smiles and waves at Eden

Eden (internally): really...what am I supposed to do.

Jihoon: You came right on time. It's your turn to record your part

Eden (avoiding eye contact): ah..yeah...

SFX: Eden walks away quickly

Jihoon: huh?

Jihoon (internally): ... he's a bit strange today.

time leap (oh-eh-oh) to the end of the recording session

Person: Good work everyone~!!

Other Person: Good work~

(tn: there is no indication of who actually says those two lines)

Eden: it's...done...

Eden had to re-record the same part 30 times

Jihoon: you worked hard- here, drink. 

Eden: thank you...

Eden (internally): he waited until I was done recording...this is uncomfortable...! Does he have something to say? Was my recording really that bad?

Jihoon: Is there...something going on with you?

Eden: huh?'s nothing...

Jihoon: Then why are you like that? You usually don't make mistakes. 

Eden: .....

Jihoon: If there's something...

Jihoon reaches out to pat Eden's head

SFX: Eden slaps Jihoon's hand away

SFX: Jihoon is surprised

SFX: Eden flinches

SFX: Eden gets gloomy

Eden: ah...I...I didn't...

Jihoon: did I..upset you?

Eden: no! It's not that-

Jihoon: sorry. You're just like a cute dongsaeng so my hand just keeps reaching out to you.

(tn: dongsaeng- a gender-neutral term for someone younger than you that you are fond of. Often translated as "little brother" or "little sister") 

Jihoon: I was being inconsiderate. Having a man touch you must be upsetting. You said you usually hate that kind of stuff. Anyways, seeing you like this has me worried- so if you have anything going on...even if it's Manager Kim you should talk to someone.

(tn: Jihoon is referring to Dajung Manager. Her full name is Kim Dajung)

Eden (internally): I even doing right now? To the person who is worrying about me...

Jihoon: then I'll get going first...

SFX: Jihoon stands up

Eden: Su...Sunbae!

Eden grabs Jihoon's wrist

Eden: it's...not like that. I've just been distracted and confused by a dream I I didn't get enough sleep. So...

SFX: Jihoon smiles

Jihoon: That's a relief.

SFX: Jihoon sits back down

Eden (internally): We almost had a misunderstanding, thank goodness we didn't...

SFX: Exhausted

Jihoon: but...a confusing dream? What kind of dream did you have to make you so confused? 

SFX: surprised/blushed

Flashback to shirtless dream-Jihoon

Eden: one appeared in my dream!

SFX: standing up suddenly

Jihoon: ah..I didn't ask if anyone appeared...but it looks like someone did? 

SFX: "oh mo" this sound is kinda hard to explain. it's the sound used mostly by older Korean ladies. some people translate it as "oh my god" but it's not quite the same. It has like a "oh dear I'm clutching my pearls" kind of vibe to it haha

Eden: No..I said no!

SFX: "ohmomomo" Jihoon is going full ahjumma here lol (ahjumma- usually refers to a middle-aged Korean woman. Actually just means married woman)

Jihoon (internally): looks like I hit the bullseye 

Jihoon: By any chance...was the person who showed up in your

End of chapter6

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