Chapter 2

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// This is a fan-translation. Do not repost this

// This fan translation is intended to be read as an accompaniment to the original artwork at

// All credits go to RK Studio

CEO: you have any issue with Jihoon being your team member?

Eden: OF COURSE I HATE IT!! I finally made it to my hard-sought-after debut but my team member is a past-his-prime sunbae! I CAN'T ACCEPT THIS!!

Eden: (internally): of course, I can't actually say that....

(tn: the end of the previous sentence was actually just Eden's imagination of what he wanted to say. He did not say it out loud)

Eden: ah, no...I don't have a complaint...

CEO: Ok, then let's continue.

Eden: yes...

Eden (internally): It's what CEO-nim wants...If I go against it my debut might even disappear...

SFX: fidgeting 

Eden (internally): ahh-!! But I really don't want to do it...

Jihoon (looking at Eden, internally): ...cute.

SFX: smirk

Eden (internally):'s true that Jihoon Sunbae is an impressive person. With his stunning visuals, stable high notes even up to 3 octaves, songwriting, and producing he's a full-package idol...! That unreal idol was 'Gong Jihoon'. But I still don't want to~~! I don't want to have a scandal explode and retire! The fatal blow to such a shining career was his sudden dating scandal- and rumors of being a jerk to that means his personality was a problem. 

Staff 1: Next we will present the strategies for our upcoming debut project. 

Staff 2: Yes, as you are all aware, the world of idols is currently in a state of "red ocean". 

(tn: 'red ocean' is a commonly used konglish phrase. It refers to a shark infested water that is filled with blood- thus turning the water red. So the meaning is that the industry is over-saturated and there are too many idol groups)

Staff 2: In one year, countless groups debut, and in those endless masses it is very difficult to obtain popularity. Standing out as different and being attention-grabbing is key. Thankfully, 'BoK' is a male duo, which is not very common and secures its difference amongst the crowd. The remaining part is being attention-grabbing...we have thought of a method.  Which is...doing business gay performance~!

(tn: the original text says "business gay performance" I personally find this phrase a bit awkward so I wanted  to change it to "shipped couple" but considering the name of the webtoon I'm sure they will continue using the phrase so I decided to leave it as is.)


Staff 2: BGP for short! Giving wings to the fantasies of your fans through your close actions and chemistry of course!

Eden: wai...wait...that..that, no're gonna make me a 'homosexual'?

(tn: Eden uses the word "homosexual" instead of "gay" to indicate his discomfort. The rest of the characters say "gay" instead.)

CEO: ...Eden, do you not understand the meaning of "performance"? yes or no?

Eden: CEO-nim, it's not's, it's just that I think the concept isn't really possible...! If we just use that time focusing on singing and dancing...!

Staff 2: no. Your dancing and singing are enough! We've already confirmed that you are both very talented. The only thing missing is a bit of drama. A boyfriend-like male idol? Yes, it's good~ But in this day and age instead of being the same as other idols, the trend is RPS! 

Eden: R...RPS...?

Staff 2: Real Person Slash!! If I explain it more simply, making BL with real people! Even an idol that can't sell albums will get thousands of retweets from a video of RPS with handsome faces! This is the trend!

(tn: "real person slash" is in reference to fanfic labeling "/" is usually read as "slash". So basically, RPS is just shipping real people together.)

Eden: that, that may be true- but that kind of marketing...

Jihoon: Are there successful cases? We can't just put our necks on the line and say we're gonna do it, can we?

Eden (internally): Wha...why is this sunbae like this?!

Staff 2: Of course! The trend is big enough that the major 3 entertainment companies have separate departments in charge of it. It will definitely be a success. I would bet my whole career on it. Your careers will soar for sure~!

CEO: There's also a lot of data. We've put a lot of money into preparing for this, so if you want I can let you see the data.

Jihoon: hmmm...

Eden (internally): wha..what? What is this vibe?! oh no! I can't accept this!!

Eden: Ji..Jihoon Sunbae...

SFX: stare 

SFX: grin

Jihoon: good, let's do it.

(tn: lmao Eden looks so cute here. How could Jihoon resist?)

Eden (internally): SUNBAE...?!

CEO: As expected, Jihoon understands quickly. I told you it was good! 

???: Ok so now we just need Eden's decision.

(tn: I actually have no idea who says this because every character has their mouth shut in the picture lol I'm guessing it's either the CEO or staff 2)

Eden: I...


Unnamed child: Thank you, Eden.....but actually I'm.....


Eden: I'm...I'm not gay! Just thinking about homosexuality makes me uncomfortable!!

CEO: If you don't want to do it you don't have to. 

Eden: I don't? Really?

CEO: We also don't want to force someone who doesn't want to do it. Instead...go into the hall and call in Hyunsuk. He was second place. 

SFX: bu-bum (tn: this sound is usually used when someone is shocked or upset. it's kinda like indicating that their heart dropped)

CEO: We've come too far to throw out the project concept. So if you don't want to do it we need to find another option, don't we? Even if you don't debut now you'll have many opportunities. But- your debut will have to be pushed back to later. So what will you do?

Eden: ....ah, I'll do it...

Eden (internally): 5 years of training. I can't wait any longer...!

CEO: good, then let's sign the contract. 

SFX: sound of sliding the paper across the table

SFX: Sounds of pens on paper as they sign

SFX: sound of putting down the pen

Jihoon (to Eden): let's work well together going forward. 

Eden: ah, yes...

SFX: sound of Jihoon grabbing Eden's wrist

SFX: sound of Jihoon holding Eden's waist and pulling him in

End of chapter 2

please remember to support the original artists! 

Bump Up Business 범프 업 비지니스 (English Fan Translation)Where stories live. Discover now