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7 Years Later

"Ana, CJ. You guys need to wake up. Today's your first day of school." I hear Cody tell our 5 year old twins. As I walk into the twins room, I see that CJ still isn't awake. Cody had Ana and was trying to help her get dressed. "CJ. You need to wake up buddy." He slowly starts to wake up and I pick him up.

Cody takes Ana downstairs and fixes her a bowl of cereal for breakfast. In the middle of getting CJ dressed, the doorbell rang. "UNCLE LUKE! AUNT KELLIE!" Ana squeals from downstairs. "I wanna see Uncle Luke and Aunt Kellie!" CJ exclaims as he tries to run out of my grip. "After you get dressed you can." I get him dressed and then he dashes downstairs.

Before I walk out of the bedroom, I grab their bookbags. Ana's is pink, while CJ's is green. After I grab them, I walk downstairs. The twins were sitting at the table eating their breakfast while Kellie, Luke and Cody were sitting there talking. I put the bookbags beside the door, then I sit in the chair next to Cody's.

"Are you guys ready to start school?" Kellie ask the twins. CJ said "No." while Ana said "Yes!" Luke just laughed at their responses. "CJ, you aren't the only one. I never wanted to go to school either." Kellie smacked him in the back of the head after he said that. "What? It's true!" "Don't give the boy any ideas! He needs to go to school!" The twins finish their cereal, so I put their bowls and spoons in the dishwasher. They talked to Luke and Kellie until they had to leave for Luke's football practice.

"Alright guys. Time to go to school." Cody says as he looks at the clock on the wall. Ana jumps out of her chair and runs to the door while CJ groans. Sluggishly, CJ comes over to the door. They put their bookbags on, then sit on the front steps. I take a picture then we all get in the car.

"Mommy, Don't leave me." CJ says as the wraps his arms around my leg. "Buddy, you have to go to school. Mommy and Daddy will be back to get you as soon as the school day is over, Okay?" I tell him as I pick him up. "Look at Ana. She's in there talking to some of the kids. Do you wanna go talk to them?" He shakes his head no.

"CJ, you are the only Zeller I know that's shy like this. Uncle Luke (Cody's brother Luke), Uncle Tyler and I weren't like this when we were little." Cody says as I set CJ down. Ana runs over to us and grabs CJ's hand. "CJ! Come on, they have Legos!" CJ's eyes light up when Ana says Lego's. They run into the classroom and start to play with the Legos.

"It feels like just yesterday that the twins were babies." I say as Cody and I walk back into the house. "Yeah. It does, doesn't it?" He says as he wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to his body. We stand like that for a while, until I decide to clean the house some, since Ana and CJ's toys were laying around everywhere.

When I finally got done cleaning, I walked outside and saw Cody playing basketball. He still plays for the Charlotte Hornets, and I still have my job as an Athletic Trainer there. Ana and CJ love hanging out with the team, and the team loves being around the twins.

The ball bounces off the rim and comes over to me. I grab it and shoot it, making it. "You still have game Bri. I wish you wouldn't of had to give up playing." I sit on the porch swing. "It was either that, on risk reinjuring my ankle." He sits down next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

Next thing I know, Cody's waking me up telling me it's time to go pick the twins up from school. We get to the school, and Ana and CJ run up to us. "We made so many new friends!" They tell us at the same time. As soon as we all get in the car, they start telling us about what they did during school.

Skip 4 Hours

"Alright you two, time for bed." I say as I pick CJ up. Cody picks up Ana, then we walk upstairs. After we get them changed into their pajamas, the twins lay in their beds. Cody and I walk back out and then back downstairs. I lay down on the couch then Cody lays next to me.

"My babies aren't babies anymore." I sigh as Cody starts to play with my hair. "Bri, they will always be our babies, no matter what age they are. But, I mean if it bothers you that much, we could make another one." I smack him before I start to laugh. "Babe, I think the twins are hard enough to handle." He kisses the back of my head and I just relax, enjoying how my life turned out.
I can't believe that this story is over. It was so much fun to write. Shoutout to everyone that actually read the whole thing, Ya'll are AWESOME!

Sequel? Originally I said no. Now that I've been thing about it, its a MAYBE! But if I write one, it won't be anytime soon!

Im gonna end this here. #TheBrodyFeelsAreReal (Thats all that needs to be said)

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