Hanging Out With Cody and Victor (But mostly Cody)

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I roll out of bed and see I have a text message from Victor.

From: Mr. 360
You up yet?

To: Mr. 360
Just woke up, why?

From: Mr. 360
Cody and I are coming to your practice. Wanted to maybe hang out before then.

To: Mr. 360
Aight. Meet me at Assembly Hall at 12

From: Mr. 360

I set my phone back down and walk into the kitchen. "Hey Abigail, Hey Allie!" I say to my 2 roommates as I walk into the kitchen. "Hey girl. Abigail told me about your game last night! Good job! Sorry I couldnt get back in time though." "Its alright." I say as I grab a bagel and the cream cheese. I fix the bagel and eat it, while talking to the girls. "What time do you have practice today?" "2:00, but Im meeting up with Cody and Victor before then to hang out." "WAIT!!!! CODY AND VICTOR ARE BACK!?" "Calm down Allie! And yes, they are back." Allie jumps up and runs out of the room and I just give Abigail a look. "What is that all about?" "She has always had a little thing for Victor. Plus she always hung out with them." I check the clock and see its 11:30. "Im heading on over. I'll see ya later. BYE ALLIE!" "BYE BRITTANY!" "Bye Britt." I grab my Nike gym bag, phone and truck keys and I head towards my truck, a 1995 Chevrolet Pickup.

I pull into the parking lot and climb out, grabbing my stuff. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I walk up to the front door where Cody and Victor are standing. "Hey boys, whats up?" "Nothing much, just thinking about some memories from our college days." I just roll my eyes and walk inside. "You make it sound like it was 15 years ago instead of 2." I lace up my sneakers and grab a ball, walking towards half court. Mentally setting a play up in my head, I run the play. Finishing it with a layup, I turn and see the guys staring at me shocked. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask them. "Not even. You just ran that play perfectly, and with no one else on the court with you." "That was awesome Brittany." "Thanks guys. Now, lets practice."

Cody starts playing defense against me while Victor stood back and watched. I was wanting to go for the paint, but I couldn't get around him. Deciding to try something, I switch the hand I was using to dribble, from left to right. I fake right and he follows, leaving the baseline open. Dashing down the baseline, I get the bucket. We do stuff like that for a little while longer until we decide to sit and talk.

Victor's phone buzzes and he checks it, causing him to smile. "I got to go do something. I'll talk to you guys later." "Bye Victor." So it leaves just me and Cody. He looks at me. "What do you think that was about?" "I have an idea." "Whats your idea?" "That my roommate Allie texted him." "Possibly, he always did have a thing for her." "Well she has a thing for him, so we need to set them up together."

"So Brittany, tell me a little about yourself." "My names Brittany McDermott. My big brother is Doug McDermott of the Chicago Bulls." "Wait, Doug's your brother?" "Yep! Im 20 years old. My favorite color is green and favorite food is peanut butter. Oh, and I cant stand chocolate." "Now thats just crazy! You don't like chocolate?" I tell him some more about myself and he tells me about himself. "Hey Brittany, do you think maybe I could take you out to eat later? I mean only if you-" I cut him off and look at him. "Cody, I would love to go out with you later." I stand up and kiss his cheek. "Its time for practice, you coming?" "Yeah." I grab his hand and pull him up. When he finally gets up, he doesn't let go of my hand, causing me to blush. We procced to walk into the practice arena hand-in-hand.

I walk into my locker room while Cody goes to the gym. After I change my clothes, I head into the gym. I put my headphones on and start playing music. Steal My Girl By One Direction starts playing. I grab a basketball and proceed to practice, where I soon go into a trance-like state. Just putting up shots and getting them to fall, plus running plays by myself. Soon, Im being brought out of the state by Cody. "Brittany? Brittany, practice is over." I run to the locker room and changed before coming back out, seeing Cody talking to Coach Crean. Throwing my bag over my shoulder, I walk into the gym. I see Coach walk into his office, so I walk up to Cody. "Im guessing you need a ride?" "Yeah, Victors at your place hanging out with Allie." "So you know where I live?" "Maybe, maybe not." We walk out of the building and towards my truck. "Your driving Cody." I told him as I tossed him my keys. He opens my door for me and then goes and gets in himself.

We pull up to my place and climb out. Walking inside, I saw Victor and Allie talking and Abigail doing homework. "IM HOME!" I yell, getting everyones attention. I take my bag to my room and drop it by the closet. After I take a shower, I change into some sweatpants and a Chicago Bulls Tshirt that Doug got me. As I walk back into the living room, I put my hair up in a bun. I sit in the floor with my back against the wall, as I scroll through Twitter. Just as I was gonna exit out of Twitter, I see I was tagged in a status.

@CodyZeller: Look at this weirdo Im hanging out with! #IUVisit #OnceAHoosierAlwaysAHoosier #SheTookMySpotOnTheTeam #SheDoesntKnow @TheBrittanyMcDermott18

@TheBrttanyMcDermott18: What are you doing taking pictures of me? #JealousOfMySwag

@CodyZeller: Because Im bored lol

@TheBrittanyMcDermott18: Boo-hoo. Cry me a river

@CodyZeller: I will go ahead and get started on that right now.

"Really Brittany? #JealousOfMySwag?" "Seriously." Everyone was commenting on the tweets, wondering if Cody and I were dating. We hang out with Allie, Victor and Abigail somemore. "You ready to go get something to eat?" Cody asks me. "Yeah. Can you help me up, Im stuck." He helps me up and we tell everyone bye. "You still got my keys?" "Yep." He helps me into the truck before going to the drivers side.

We go to Chick-Fil-A and eat, before heading out for ice cream! I mean come on, who doesn't want ice cream at 8:30 at night? We finally get back to my place at around 9. "I had fun tonight Cody." "So did I." Before I know it, my lips are on Cody's. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. "HEY!! NO MAKING OUT OUTSIDE THE DOOR!!" We hear Abigail yell. "Before you go, I just wanna ask you one question." "Whats that?" "Will you be my girlfriend?" "Absolutely." I say as I wrap my arms around his neck again. I kiss his lips just as Allie starts yelling. "WHAT DID ABIGAIL LITERALLY JUST TELL YOU GUYS!?!?" I just hide my face in Cody's chest as he just laughs. "Goodnight Cody." "Night Brittany." I walk in the door just as Victor was walking out. "Night Victor." "Night Britt."

"Really guys? You just had to ruin the moment." "To much PDA for our liking." I roll my eyes and grab a bottle of water before hopping on the counter to sit. "So, what did you do on your date?" "We went to Chick-Fil-A, then went and got ice cream." "She ain't sleeping tonight then!" "Let me tell my story, will ya? Anyway, we got ice cream then came back here. We kissed, he asked me to be his girlfriend, I said yes, and then we kissed again." "AW! BRITTANY'S FINALLY GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!" Abigail squeals. "Im heading to bed, night guys." "Don't stay up to late texting your bae!"

I get off the counter and walk into my room. After I get changed into my pajamas, I get on Twitter. My feed was blowing up with stuff about Cody and I, all wondering if Cody and I were dating. I feel my phone buzz, meaning I have a text. I open up my messages and check it out.

From: Cody😘
When do you wanna go public with our relationship?

To: Cody😘
Sometime soon. When do you head back to Charlotte?

From: Cody😘
Tomorrow Afternoon

To: Cody😘

From: Cody😘
A text with just emojis? Dont worry, I'll come see you before I leave. I promise

To: Cody😘
You better! Goodnight.

From: Cody😘

I plug my phone up and set it down. I turn the light off and then turn my lamp off. Crawling into the bed, I curl up underneath the blankets. It didn't take long before I was asleep, dreading tomorrow when I would have to say goodbye to Cody when he left.

The Hornet and The Hoosier {Completed}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora