Going To See The Other

104 8 1

April 16th, 2015

"Im sure Im making the right decision Allie, trust me for once." I say as I finish zipping my duffel bag. "I do trust you, but are you sure you wanna go see him? We all know what happened last time ya'll saw each other." I set my bag on its wheels. "I know, but I need to see him, hear his voice. I miss him so much Allie."

We walk downstairs and out to my truck. "I'll see you when I get back. Watch the place for me please." "I will, dont worry." I give Allie a hug then climb into my truck. Starting it up, I head towards the airport.

'Flight 4012 to Charlotte North Carolina is now boarding.' I hear as I take my headphones off. As I slide them around my neck, I hand the lady at the gate my ticket. I find my seat and sit down, preparing myself for the long plane ride ahead of me.

To: Biz
Can you come get me from the airport?

From: Biz

I put my phone up and sit on a bench. About 10 minutes later, Biz pulls up. "Britt! What are you doing back?" He asks me as I climb into the front seat of his car. "Came to visit my former teammates." "Is Cody included in that sentence?" I nod my head. "Yeah he is."

We pull up to Biz's house and get out. "Should I call all the guys and have them come over?" Yeah, I can surprise them that way." He grabs his phone and sends a message to all the guys and soon enough, they start showing up. When I say showing up I dont mean one at a time, no I mean all at once.

"BRITTANY!" I hear yelled at me as a ton of bodies land on top of me. "Cant. Breathe. Get your. fat selfs. off of me." I manage to get out. Slowly, the dogpile disperses and I can sit up. "Thank you." I gasp out, still trying to catch my breath. Glancing around, I see all the guys were there but one,

"Wheres Cody?" They all look around. "We dont know. Nobodys talked to him lately." I get worried so I stand up. Im gonna go check on him. Whos coming with me? If you wanna, pick a number 1-100."

"Apple pie"

I look at PJ after he said that. "You sir, are a genius. Come on." He stands up and we head out the door.

"Cody? Are you in there?" I say after knocking in his door for the 3rd time. Finally, I just get tired of knocking so I grab my key to unlock the door. It was dark and silent inside, which was odd. "PJ, you check down here for him. Im going upstairs to look."

I checked every room and no sign of Cody. Lastly I walked into his bedroom to look. "Whats that?" I mutter to myself when I saw something laying on his pillow.

Whoever finds this:
Gone to Minnesota to see Brittany. I need to see her and apologize.

"PJ! Look what I found!" I yelled as I ran down the stairs. He reads the note and sighs. "Whats he gonna say when he finds out you're down here?" I shrug my shoulders. "Im not sure." "Im heading back to Biz's, are you going back over there or-" He trails off at the end. "I think Im gonna stay over here. Thank you PJ." He walks out of the door and I lay down on the bed, cuddled up to Cody's pillow.
Same Day
Cody's POV

I was running around my house, looking for the paper with Brittany's address on it. "Where did I put that?!" I mutter to myself, still having no luck at finding it. "FOUND IT!!!" I yelled to no one but myself. Grabbing a piece of paper I write a note for if anyone comes by my place. I grab my duffel bag, keys and walk out to my car. Starting it up, I drive to the airport.

My plane from Charlotte to Minneapolis lands, and I get into a taxi. I give the driver Brittany's address and then lean back. Shutting my eyes, I begin to think about all of my memories with her.

When I first met her. Our first date and our first kiss. Me leaving to go back to Charlotte. Her declaring for the draft and draft night. Our first games on a team together, both Summer League and regular season. Her game winning tying shot against the Bucks. Getting the news she had been traded. Her leaving for Minnesota. Our fight.

I snap out of my trance and see we are almost to Brittany's house. When we pull up, I pay the driver and get out, after I grab my duffel bag. Walking up her driveway, my nerves began to kick in. I knock on the door and it slowly opens.

When it opens all the way, Im surprised to see that Allie answered the door. She had a look of shock on her face. "Cody? What are you doing here?" "I came to see Brittany, is she here?" She shakes her head. "No. She went to see you, in Charlotte."

We walk into the living room and I sit on the couch. "She went to Charlotte, to see me?" "Yeah, she left this morning." I lean back and groan. "Alright. Im gonna go lay down, Im tired from the flight." I walk upstairs and into Brittany's room. Laying down, I curl up with her pillow.

The next morning, I get dressed before walking downstairs. "Are you gonna go back to Charlotte to see her?" "Yeah, and Im gonna have to leave soon." I quickly eat a bowl of cereal and then grab my bag. "If she texts you saying shes coming back, get her to stay in Charlotte. Tell her the weathers bad up here or something." "I will." I walk out the door and then head back to the airport.

After the plane ride, I quickly hop into my car. I think I was going at least 20 over the speed limit, but I don't care. All that was on my mind was Brittany and how much I wanted to see her, hold her. I pull up to my house and quickly get out.

All the lights were off like nobody was here, but I could tell someone was. It better be Brittany. If not, I need to find my baseball bat. I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom.

When I opened my bedroom door, I couldn't believe my eyes. There was Brittany, laying on my bed, sleeping. My Queen I thought to myself. After I take my shoes off, I get into the bed next to her.

"Cody?" I look down at her and see that I must have woken her up. "Yeah Britt, its me." I say as I begin to run my fingers through her hair. "I missed you." She says as she lays her head on my chest, slowly falling back asleep. "I missed you too Britt. How about we just forget about our fight and act like we never broke up?" "Sounds good to me." She mutters before sleep washes over her.

I kiss the top of her head and continue running my fingers through her hair. I begin to think. I've missed this so much. Just holding her and kissing her. Now, we are back together and hopefully we wont break up again.

Not long after Brittany went back to sleep, I slowly began to fall asleep. Before I fully fall asleep, I mutter to her. "I love you Brittany." I swear I heard her mutter "I love you too Cody." back, but I was already asleep.

AYE, LOOK WHOS BACK!!!! Thats right, I AM! I hope the chapter repairs all your broken Brody hearts, because it repaired mine! Im so deep in the Cody feels right now, I need help with them.

In sad news, this book will be ending soon.

In happy news, it WILL have a sequel!

Um, I think thats all I need to say at the moment, so BYE!

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