Game Film and Bojangles

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I hear my alarm clock go off. 5:00. Slowly, I get out of my bed and turn it off then I walk into the closet. After getting dressed in some sweatpants and a Tshirt, I grab my phone from my charger and head out for my early morning jog. I jog the first mile of my jog and was turning around to jog the 2nd mile when my phone rang. Answering the phone, I keep jogging towards my apartment on campus while I talk.

"Hello?" "Hey Britt. Where you at?" "On my way back to my apartment. What's up?" "Wanted to know if you wanna get some breakfast then look at some game film." "Sure Yogi. Meet me at my apartment at 7:30." "Alright! See you then."

I hang up my phone just as Im coming back to my apartment. Unlocking the door and walking in, I look at the time. 6:30. I take a shower and put on some blue jeans and a long sleeve shirt. 7:00. Scrolling through Instagram, I like some pictures and follow some people back. I hear knocking on the door, opening it to reveal Yogi. "Hey Yogi!" "Hey B, ready to go?" "Yeah." I lock the door and follow Yogi outside.

We decide to go to Bojangles, dont judge us. After getting our food, we head back to my apartment and watch highlights from our last game. "We left them wide open on the arch. But our defense was good in the paint." "B, you have a good mind for basketball." "Well, look at my family." "Speaking of your family, how did you come to Indiana, but Doug went to Creighton where your dad is the coach?" I laugh and start to tell the story.

"Thats a long story. Doug went to Creighton and my dad coaches there, which you know. When it came time for me to commit to a school, I had a tough choice. I had offers from UNC, Duke, Ohio State, Michigan, Florida, Indiana and of course Creighton. I eliminated schools pretty quickly. My list of schools was down to UNC, Indiana and Creighton. UNC was soon eliminated because of the depth they had. Doug and Daddy wanted me to go to Creighton so bad, but I chose Indiana because I didn't want to be in Doug's shadow. I wanted to show people that I could actually play and that I wasn't just in the game because my dad was the coach. They were upset I didn't choose Creighton, but they understood what I was doing."

"Wow. Sounds like commitment was tough for you." "Yeah it was. I've got to go to class, your welcome to stay here till you need to go to class." "Aight. See ya B." "Bye Yogi." I stand up and walk out the door and head off to class. Yay class! Can you sense my sarcasm? After hours of sitting through different classes, I went back to my apartment. I dropped my backpack at the door and grabbed my gym bag, slinging it on my shoulder. Grabbing a bottle of water, I head out the door and towards the practice facility.

I walk inside and go to the locker room to change. After I change I walk into the gym and grab a basketball. "Hey Coach Crean! Is there something inparticular I need to work on?" "Yeah. Try to work on your 3's." "Alright." I practice my 3's until Coach Crean says its time to start running plays. We practice the plays for a while. "Do whatever you want for the last 10 minutes of practice, I've got some stuff I need to take care of." Coach walks out of the gym and towards his office. "HALF COURT BATTLE!!!" We all yell.

Half Court Battle is like the game Knockout, but at the half court line. The first person shoots, then the second person shoots. If the second person makes it before the first, then the first person is out. After the first shot, you can shoot from anywhere on the floor. We all line up and prepeare to begin 'battle'.

The game went on and the only people left were me, Hanner, and Yogi. Yogi was the 'first' person and Hanner was the 'second'. Hanner eliminated Yogi with a really nice hook shot. "Ready to lose McDermott?" "In your dreams Mosquera-Perea. Remember, your talking to the Reigning Half Court Battle Champion." I shoot the ball to begin, and bounce it off the front of the rim. I grab the rebound just as Hanner takes his shot, missing the rim completely. Making my layup, I run back to the half court line. Hanner is still struggling to get the ball in the bucket. I chuck the ball towards the rim and just watch. Its like time slowed down and everything was in slow motion. Everyone was watching it sail towards the net. It finally........went in! We hung out a little bit longer and then gathered our stuff up, heading back to our dorms or apartments.

I get to my apartment and do my homework. Just as I finish my homework, my phone starts ringing.

"Hello?" "Hey sis. Whats up?" "Hey Doug. Nothing much, had practice and just finished my homework. The normal life of a college athlete." "I know how you feel. Whens your next game?" "Sunday night, we're playing Minnesota." "You gonna go out and show off?" "Show off how? Scoring and defense wise or stupid and cocky wise." "The first one." "Oh, then yeah Im gonna show off."

We talk for a little longer before hanging up the phone. I fix myself a sandwich and watch NBA All-Star Weekend. Man, this celebrity game is fun to watch! Kevin Hart playing basketball is funny to watch, between his height and his trash talking, that makes the game hilarious. The game ended with Kevin getting MVP, again. Him retiring from the celebrity game, nah. I turned the TV off and went to bed, wanting to get up early tomorrow.

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