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We knock on the door and stand outside of it until we hear, "Come in." Walking inside, we sit down in the chairs across from Rod. I had a feeling in my gut, like something bad was gonna happen. He turns his chair away from the computer and looks at us. "Brittany, Gary nice to see you. Thanks for coming." He glances at his computer before continuing. "I have some news for you guys." What he says next makes my heart stop.

"You have been traded."

What? Is this some kind of joke? "You both have been traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves. Therefore, you are not eligible for tonights game versus the Detroit Pistons. You need to gather your belongings from your lockers and report to your new team. Brittany, because of the trade, you are also no longer eligible for the BBVA Rising Stars Challenge this weekend." We stand and walk out of the office and while Gary goes to the locker room to get his stuff, I run to the bathroom with tears threatning to pour out of my eyes.

Once I get to the bathroom, I break down. Im not crying because I've been traded. Im crying because Im going to have to leave Cody, again. I grab my phone and dial Allie's number. "Hello?" "A-allie." "Brittany, whats going on? Why are you crying?" "C-can you come h-here?" "Yeah. Where are you at?" "In the b-bathroom." "Im on my way." She hangs up and I put my phone in my pocket. I slide down the wall and pull the hood on my hoodie up. "Brittany? You here?" "Yeah." The door opens and Allie walks in. She sits down in front of me.

"Calm down Brittany. What happened? Did Cody do something? Im gonna go beat his-" "No Allie, it wasn't Cody. I've been traded." "Traded to where?" "Minnesota. On top of all this, because of the trade, Im no longer eligible for the game this weekend." "How are you gonna tell Cody?" "I have no idea. Im scared about how he's gonna react." "You're gonna have to tell him before Friday, since thats when you were supposed to play." "I know. Heck, if he doesn't already know." "What do you mean?" "Gary was also traded." I stand up and walk over to the sink. Looking in the mirror, you could definately tell I had been crying. After I splashed some cold water on my face, we walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as I stepped foot onto the court, everyone got quiet. 'They must already know. At least now I don't have to tell them.' Cody opened his arms and I walk straight into them, wrapping my arms around his body. As soon as I do, I start crying again. "It'll be OK baby girl. We've been through this before." I let go of him and turn around. The rest of the team was looking at me. "Come here guys." They all come up to me and we have a big group hug. "Im gonna miss you guys so much. You are all like big brothers to me." "Your like a little sister to us." "How about we take one last photo as a team? Just to remember the moment." "Lets do it." We got Steve Stricker to do it while we were still in our group hug. Pulling away, I saw there wasn't a dry eye left. After we get all my stuff round up and put in my truck, I look at them once more. "Buzz City is amazing, but its evidently not where I belong. I guess that I will see you guys again when Gary and I play you." I climb into my truck and wave to the guys one more time before I pull out of the parking lot.

When I pull up to Cody and I's house, I climb out of my truck and head inside to pack my stuff. "Where are my suitcases?" I mutter to myself. Hearing the door close downstairs, I turn to the bedroom door. It opens and in walks Cody. "Babe, have you seen my suitcases?" "Yeah, I have them put up somewhere." He sits down on the bed and I sigh. "Cody, you know I dont want to leave, but I have to." I walk over to him and sit in his lap, him automatically wrapping his arms around me. "You're going to Minnesota. Thats so far away from me." "Im not leaving offically until Sunday, after the Rising Stars Challenge." "But you have to fly up there tomorrow to sign paperwork." I nuzzle my head into his neck. "Can we just quit talking about it?" "Alright."

I open my eyes and see I was laying on the bed. As I walk downstairs, I hear Cody on the phone. Following his voice, I find him in the kitchen. I hop up on the counter and sit there. "Tyler, I'll call you back later. Bye." He hangs up his phone and puts his hands on either side of me. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss his lips. "Im gonna miss this." He glances at the clock before sighing. "I gotta go to the arena. Are you coming?" I shake my head. "No. Im gonna stay and make sure I have everything packed." I kiss his lips again and mumble against his lips. "I love you Cody." "I love you too Brittany." He grabs his keys and walks out the door.

I walk upstairs, find my suitcase and pack everything up. Grabbing the remote, I turn on the Hornets game. "And tonights Inactive list includes Gary Neal, Kemba Walker, Bismack Biyombo and Brittany McDermott." Dell Curry said. "Incase you haven't already heard, Gary Neal and Brittany McDermott were trade this afternoon to the Minnesota Timberwolves for Troy Daniels and Mo Williams." The game went on and the Hornets lost. The final score was 106-78. I turn the light and TV off before laying down in the bed. I doze off before being awakened by Cody coming home. He gets in the bed and I curl up next to him. "I love you Cody." "I love you too Brittany. No matter how much distance there is between us."

The Hornet and The Hoosier {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now