Last Chapter :(

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Skip forward 3 months! (August)

Cody and I are back together, and we are acting like we never broke up. As far as we are concerned, we have been dating for 1 year and 5 months, almost a year and a half.

I've been down here in Charlotte with him ever since the season ended because I knew he would need surgery to repair his rotator cuff. Kellie and I have been taking care of him, while Luke sat back and watched us. Even I needed surgery during the offseason, I needed it on my ankle. When I sprained it during practice, I torn some ligaments in it.

The doctors told me my ankle would never be 100% again, but that I could still play basketball. My ankle would be at an extreme risk of injury if I was to keep playing though. After talking with Cody, Doug and my parents, I decided that it would be best for me to give up playing professional basketball.

I moved all my stuff back down here to Charlotte, and sold my house in Minnesota. My teammates weren't really surprised, they knew that between missing Cody and my ankle, I wouldn't make it much longer in the league.

Instead of playing basketball, Im now an Athletic Trainer for the Hornets. The team is glad to have me back, they all told me it wasn't the same without me there. And trust me, I missed them just as much.

Oh, did I mention that Cody and I are engaged? He proposed at the practice arena, kinda. He left the ring box on my desk while he went to practice. I walked in and sat in my chair and then saw the box. When I saw the ring, I gasped. I ran back out to the court and wrapped my arms around Cody. Since I couldn't speak, all I could do was nod my head. The whole team knew his plan, I found that out later. That explained why they were adting so weird that morning.

Abigail and Tom are still dating. She moved to New England to live with him, but she always texts me when she can. Tom's kids really love her. They always wanna hang out with her, and I think sometimes Tom gets jealous.

Allie still lives in Indiana. She went back to IU to watch a basketball game Versus Wisconsin, and met Frank Kaminsky. They aren't offically dating yet, but it won't be long until they are. I mean, they already act like a couple.

Kellie and Luke are a really strong couple. Luke proposed at Charlotte Motor Speedway, after Kellie had convinced him to go watch the All-Star Race with her. Lets just say, it surprised her, majorly.

The Minnesota Timberwolves was a great team to play for. I just wish we would have had a team that could contend for the title. Zach, Ricky, Kevin Martin, Kevin Garnett, Shabazz, Gary, and all the rest of the team are really good guys to hang out with. We all got along great. I told them I would come back up and visit them every once in a while.

Until next time,
Brittany McDermott (Soon to be Zeller)

I put down my pen and close my journal. One day, I got extremely paranoid over something. When I went to my doctor, he told me to write everything that happens to me into a notebook. I've been doing that ever since, and I haven't been as paranoid about stuff.

I look at the clock and see the time. 1:12 AM. Yeah, thats another thing, my sleep schedule is messed up big time. Walking upstairs, I quietly walk into mine and Cody's bedroom. I heard snoring, so I knew Cody was asleep. After I change into my pajamas, I crawl into the bed next to him. I lay my head on his chest and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Guys, Sad news. As the title states, this is the last chapter of The Hornet and The Hoosier. There will NOT be a sequel. But there WILL be an epilouge posted soon. To all of you that always read this and commented/voted, You guys are awesome! Go vote for who I write about next, I have something published about that. Im leaving the decision up to you!!

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