"It is...?" Mae raises an eyebrow.

"I'm April Kepner. Used to be-"

"You're his ex wife." Mae realises as her face, and her heart, drops. "Harriets mom."

April nods. "Hi. Yeah. That's me." She scratches her neck. "It's great to finally meet you, I mean more formally. Of course I always see you in the car when Jackson brings the baby home."

Oh, passive aggressive are we? That happened once. Mae forces a smile. "That's me. So you're from Ohio?" She asks subtly.

April narrows her eyes a little. "Uh huh. Thinking of moving back."

"Ah. Nice." She nods small. "Bit of a trek though, huh."

"Excuse me?" April asks confused.

"Bit far to come see Harriet." She says.

"See Ha- she'd come with me." She frowns angrily.

"So you're happy to destroy Jackson? Coz that's what will happen. The moment you leave, his heart will stop. I mean its already hard enough you being a few hours away but to literally be on the otherside of the country? That man would fall apart. Although, from what I've heard, you don't care when that happens."

April glares. "Don't you dare bring up things you have no clue about. Secondly, this is none of your business. You think you're special? You're not the first woman he's seen since me - it's only been 2 years, that's not a long time. Stay in your lane." She snaps, storming away.

Mae cringes a little as she realises what she's done. She had no right to say anything - but how can she not? The idea has only just been thrown about and Jackson is already stressing. She can just tell. Being late, rushing about, being so casual - not his usual traits. He's spinning.

With a heavy sigh she drags the cart out and restocks some bits. She rounds her last few patients, signs some discharge forms and heads out, stopping at the store to grab some food and wine - lots of wine. As she's cooking, the cramp returns and she cuts her palm, cussing loudly. In a hurry, she wraps a towel around it and continues, uncorking a bottle of wine as the door to Jacksons apartment opens.

"Babe?" He calls, looking up and seeing her in the kitchen. "Smells good, what is it?"

"Paella. To say sorry for sticking my nose in." She blushes, looking over as she stirs.

"I heard about that..."

She cringes as she watches the rice. "I'm so so so so-"

His arms wrap around her. "I'm not mad. It came from a place of good intention." He rests his chin on her shoulder. "What did you do?" He tuts as he sees the towel.

"Knife slipped. I haven't even checked it, I don't even know how bad it is." She realises.

He turns her around and unwraps the towel, checking the cut. "Well it's stopped bleeding which is good. And I don't think you'll need stitches. But I think youre banned from my kitchen." He kisses beside the cut gently.

She blushes and looks up at him. "Oh really? I'll just use mine then."

He smiles. "Do I got time to shower?"

"You got 15 minutes, do with that time as you please." She smiles as he heads to his room. She slips a bandaid over the cut and continues to rush around, pour the wine and get the plates ready. She sets them on the table just in time, Jackson coming out in joggers and a white tee. "Grubs up."

"God I love you." He moans as he eyes it.

"I know." She giggles.


Jackson lays half asleep, only awake because he rolled over - it's that annoying thing where you're aware and sort of awake. Because of this he senses Mae tense up, so he looks over. She lays half curled, face scrunched up, clutching her thigh.

"Jesus, babe." He sits up quickly and turns the lamp on, reaching out.

"I'm okay I'm o- Ow Ow Ow!" She winces as he begins to rub her thigh.

"I'm sorry, I know, I'm here." He comforts, sighing as he eventually feels the muscles relax. "You okay?"

Mae exhales slowly as she relaxes, sitting up when she feels able. "I'm fi-"

"Don't bullshit me, Wigan." He tuts.

She sighs. "I was having a... dream. About..." she takes a deep breath. "About TJ. I guess I tensed up, triggered it."

"Did you trigger it earlier in the stock room?" He questions raising an eyebrow.

"Now your ex has a big mouth." She mutters.

"Very big. How many times has it happened lately?" He asks, stroking her thigh slowly.

She watches his fingers, sighing. "More so than usual. Usual being maybe twice a week... more like every day lately."

"Every- seriously?" He frowns. How hasn't he noticed? "At work at home here?"

"Random." She shrugs, looking over at him. "If it happens here I usually hide in the bathroom, same with at mine when you're there."

"Why didn't you tell me?" He frowns.

She leans over and kisses him. "Coz it's nothing."

"It is so." He sighs. "We are seeing Link tomorrow."

"Link is a very busy man-" She begins, planning a way out.

"I will tell Owen. And Teddy. And then-"

"Okay okay!" She tuts and sighs as he smirks. "I'll see stupid Link." She crosses her arms.

He kisses her cheek after turning the lamp off, wrapping an arm around her as he pulls her close. "Night baby." He whispers.

She hums. "Night jackass."

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