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I caught the look on Vina's face almost immediately and my smile dropped. I looked back at my friends, who were already enthusiastically making their way out of the restaurant so we could all head to one of our favorite clubs. I hadn't been in a while and I was excited to go back. They played the best music there and the crowd was always a good time. As soon as it was offered, I knew I wanted to go.

And then I remembered that Vina had said she didn't really want to go out tonight.

I weighed my options—I could ask her nicely to go, telling her that the club was fine and we'd only go for a little bit. I could also tell everyone that we weren't going to go out tonight and we'd catch up with them another day. I didn't know what to do. The thought of going home, knowing that my friends were out having a good time, didn't sit right with me. I wanted to go. I wanted to have fun.

I liked New York, but it was much different from Miami. Compared to Miami, the nightlife in New York was much more low-key. It was honestly nice to be somewhere that had a different nightlife scene—one with more to offer.

My friends jumped ahead of us, leaving me and Vina a few paces behind. "Vi," I said, reaching out for her hand. She accepted it, but it was fairly loose, definitely not the kind of handhold that I was used to. Vina was definitely not happy with me.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I wanted to stick to the plan we originally agreed on," Vina said. "I don't really have the energy to go out tonight and I'm not particularly interested. I thought that was what we'd both said before coming out."

"I know," I said and then sighed a little. "Do you want to go? Just for a little bit? I promise it'll be fun."

Vina stared at me, and I wished I could read her mind. I could tell she wasn't happy, which I hated. I didn't like seeing Vina upset at all, and I really didn't like the idea of knowing that I was the one who had hurt her.

"I don't really want to go," Vina said softly.

I studied her face, feeling like I was at a complete crossroads. On one hand, I wanted to make Vina happy. She'd made this huge change to come down to Florida with me, she didn't really have anyone or anything down here. On the other hand, I was excited to be back around my friends and I really wanted us both to enjoy time with them since we wouldn't be down here that long.

"I could drop you off at the house instead of you going out with us?" I offered. Vina narrowed her eyes at me. "I'm being serious... I don't want to take away from your night, but I also do want to go out."

"Yeah, but I want to spend the night with you. I wanted to have a night in with just the two of us at the house. I don't want to go back by myself. That's ridiculous."

"So, do you want to come out with us or not?" I asked and I realized as soon as the words came out of my mouth that I'd pushed it too far. I'd sounded way too blunt. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"I guess if it's going to be this way then I'll just go out with you," Vina said. "I'll save us both the effort."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel forced."

Vina shrugged. "Let's just go," she said and then walked ahead of me, leaving me behind. I watched after her, desperately wanting to make things okay with her but also not wanting to give up what I wanted. I had no idea what the right course of action was.

I'd been in a relationship before, but they were never anything serious. I would hop in and out, sometimes a few months with someone, and then be single for a little bit. There were ups and downs that came with that, especially with my most recent and most serious ex—Zera—but there hadn't been anyone like Vina.

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