Cheer up

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Before I start off this chapter I wanted to thank all of you so, so much. All your sweet and supportive comments really helped. I know there are some out there thinking I was fishing for attention and I don't blame you for thinking that, even if it isn't true. Anyways, Depression isn't something you can just get over but I'm on my way there and it's all because of you guys, thank you. I love you all so, so much.

Ironman/Tony Stark:

Tony winced as the door slammed shut, he had been on the phone with Steve and they were messing with each other. Pepper walked in and thought he was flirting with some other girl and left in a fit of rage.

He sighed with slumped shoulders he walked to the baby room (Y/N) always managed to cheer him up. The baby cooed as (he/she) saw their father, but the happy coo turned into a confused one at the frown on his face. Tony picked the child up and wandered to the couch.

Sitting the baby on his knees, the child reached up and placed a small hand on his face. At the smile (he/she) received (Y/N) laughed, and Tony's laugh followed.

Captain America/Steve Rogers:

Steve jolted up, breaking out into cold sweat. Another nightmare about the war, he sighed running a hand through his hair. As he got out of bed he heard the soft cry of his child from the other room.

Jogging towards the room his picked up his child, (Y/N) normally woke up around this time, not because (he/she) was hungry, or needed a nappy change. Just because (he/she) missed Steve. The baby pouted at the tired look on their father's face.

(Y/N) stretched (his/her) mouth in a smile, revealing toothless gums in an attempt to cheer up (his/her) papa. Steve chuckle pinching the babies cheek gently earning a happy squeal from the baby.

The Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner:

Bruce had just hulked out and now he sat in the corner of his room, wearing sweats. With his knees pulled to his chest and his head resting on his knees he continued to sulk.

Biting his lip he stood making his way to his babies room, the child was staring up at the strange object (which I can't remember the name of) that hung above her crib. Small figurines of the planets of the solar system hanging from it, each time it began to spin a small lullaby would play.

Bruce smile softly reaching into the crib, (Y/N) stared up at (his/her) father in wonder. Banner gently brushed the soft cheeks of the child with the knuckle of his index finger. (Y/N) squealed happily before taking (his/her) father's larger finger into their hands, investigating them slowly.

Bruce grinned, yes (Y/N) can cheer him up in his worst times.

Hawkeye/Clint Barton:

Clint got home from the hospital after breaking his leg, he was frustrated and he was tired, and he still had a job to do. Take care of his baby. Throwing his backpack down and taking off his hoodie, he thanked the babysitter and paid her immediately going over to his child.

Sitting on the floor next to his baby, he took a deep breath. The small child tried (his/her) best to crawl to their daddy but only ended up kicking the ground and staying still. Clint chuckled, scooping (Y/N) up he pulled (her/him) to himself in a hug.

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