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Ironman/Tony Stark:

Like always Tony was working on an invention, Jarvis was assigned to look over young baby (Y/N) and to notify him if there was. Just as Tony was about to add the finishing touch to the machine Jarvis spoke up "Sir (Y/N) is crying" Tony sighed putting down his spanner and thanking Jarvis.

Wiping grease off his hands he walked into the baby room and saw the self rocking cot that he had designed holding the crying infant. He checked to see in the babies nappies needed changing, but it was all clear.

(He/she) wasn't hungry either. Ironman sighed picking up the baby and holding it to his chest, immediately the crying stopped. Tony cocked a brow pulling the child from his chest, (he/she) began to tear up once more. Tony hugged them again, happy squeals.

Ironman smiled before walking to his sofa he sat down and flipped on the T.V. keeping the child close to him. It didn't take long for the both of them to fall asleep.

Captain America/Steve Rogers:

Steve had gone away on a long mission he had left (Y/N) in Natasha's care, now he had finally come back. As soon as he opened the door Natasha rushed over looking completely exhausted "how was (Y/N)?" he asked "she missed you, goodbye" before he could say anything else Natasha walked out and slammed the door behind her.

He walked into the living room to see (Y/N) laying on a play mat tear marks on (his/her) face. He put down his luggage and picked up the whimpering child, with some balance he managed to remove his jacket and pull the sad infant to his chest.

(His/her) breathing calmed quickly, (Y/N) gripped onto his shirt tightly and Steve made a mental note to iron his shirt later.

The Hulk/Dr. Bruce Banner:

Tony had given Bruce a call for what reason you may ask? Well, to annoy him basically. And the professor was losing his cool. His clothes were getting tighter and his skin began tinting green.

He hung up on Tony his hands balled into fists, slowly he began growing in height but a happy squeal caught his attention. The small child reached out to be held, Bruce soon to be Hulk didn't want too in case he her (him/her) but he happy face begged him too.

His growth stunted as he held (Y/N), the child reached forward gripping onto his shirt which was seconds away from being ripped to shreds. Pulling herself forward Hulk kept a grip on the infants back so it wouldn't fall. The (girl/boy) stayed there pressed against her father in an attempt to calm him down and sure enough it was working, just like the day they met.

Bruce began to shrink once more his skin returning to it's natural colour, he was calm.

Hawkeye/Clint Barton:

(Y/N) was crying and Clint was stumped "how does this thing work?" he mumbled, he held the baby by the ankles upside down. The child giggled slightly but returned to balling. He sighed holding the child right side up now.

The sobbing stopped but (Y/N) was still pouting and had tears in (his/her) eyes, Clint sighed pulling the child too him. One hand on the back to keep them up, one hand on the back of the head to keep (him/her) to Clint.

It was silent for a few moments before there was a happy squeal from the young one. Clint let out a relieved sigh "that's all I had to do?" he just wished he had realized that 2 hours prior.

Black Widow/Natasha Romanova:

It was a (son/daughter), mother day so Natasha would spend the whole day doing nothing without her child. After bathing, feeding and changing the infant it was play time but nothing was interesting to (Y/N).

Rolling onto her stomach the baby struggled to keep (his/her) head up, dropping it every now and then in exhaustion. Seeing the young ones troubles Natasha chuckled and picked up the baby. (Y/N) grinned closing (his/her) eyes and blowing a bubble out of (his/her) saliva.

Natasha smiled not daring to fangirl and hugged the little one close, the baby cooed and giggled gripping onto (his/her) mummy's hair.

Thor Odinson:

Though he was a God, Thor was hardly ever busy despite what you may think. Wars don't come often and how many people believe in Norse Gods anymore? Thor sighed spinning his empty cup which once held some traditional Asguardian beverage.

Now that he had a child being drunk was unacceptable, until the infant could take care of itself he banned himself from drinking any alcohol. His baby was currently sleeping, Frigga had sung (him/her) a lullaby.

Thor walked over the cot seeing the sleeping baby, a crash of thunder went off outside, but Thor wasn't angry, no he was happy. The loud noise didn't even make the baby flinch (he/she) was a deep sleeper.

The God reached into the cot and pulled the baby out carefully, it didn't wake them up. As gently as he could he lay the sleeping infant on his chest and lay back on his sofa in his room. Keeping a light hand on the babies back in case (he/she) rolled off in (his/her) sleep.

Both of them went out like lights.

Loki Laufeyson:

As he was a frost giant Loki was always cold to the touch, but his child also being a frost giant or at least he thinks (he/she) is, didn't care about that and was always cold just like (his/her) father.

Loki, not being big on affection, found this situation quite awkward. He had picked his child up to burp (him/her) but it just so happened that (Y/N) had fallen asleep on him.

Loki wasn't used to being touched for this long, though he knew he needed to tolerate it. It was his decision to look after the child. Trying his best to accept the fact the infant wasn't going to wake up any time soon Lokig decided to get comfortable.

Sitting down in an arm chair e put on hand on (Y/N)'s back to keep (him/her) up, and the other reached for a book which he balanced on his knees. With a small smile he glanced the sleeping face on his baby which was nestled on his shoulder and then turned the page in his book. (All the metaphors)

Deadpool/Wade Winston Wilson:

Another lazy day for Deadpool, while he talked to the many voices in his head while he laid back on his grimy couch his baby rested on his stomach. He had his hands behind his head as a cushion while his baby was doing tummy time, training (his/her) neck to be able to take the weight of the head.

It was beginning to get tiring for the baby and (Y/N)'s neck ached, with a small whine indicating (she/he) was about to cry Deadpool began to pay attention. He scooted the baby up closer to his face "aw, it's okay baby" he cooed.

At the pout, the big, desperate teary eyes Deadpool squealed hugging and squeezing the baby careful to not make his grip too tight. The baby calmed down in her new father's arms and did what a baby do, fell asleep.

Spiderman/Peter Parker:

Peter was up in his room, he Aunt was gone on a vacation for a few weeks so he could use his webs freely. He had a web attached to the ceiling hanging down holding his baby like a makeshift hammock. He nudged it occasionally so it rocked.

Peter had an earphone in one ear blasting music, the other ear free so he could hear if (Y/N) needs him or not. He sat up and looked into the cot, as it had been quiet for quite some time. Peter grinned and removed his earphone dumping it on the bed.

(Y/N) had a piece of the web intertwined in (his/her) hand. (She/he) was gazing at it curiously, before (Y/N) could stuff it in (his/her) mouth Peter pulled them out of the web cot.

Pulling the infant too his he gently bounced (him/her) up and down careful not to rattle (his/her) brain. The infant wrapped their arms around their father and gripped onto his shirt tightly while Peter got rid of the web as Peter's aunt was going to be coming home soon.

When May stepped into the room she smiled at her nephew. Peter was laying on his side one arm behind (Y/N) the other resting on (his/her) waist. Whilst (Y/N) was holding onto his shirt face hidden in the fabric. May turned off the light and shut the door "sweet dreams".

Marvel parent scenariosHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin