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Ironman/Tony Stark:

Tony looked over, (Y/N) was playing with play doh and managed to make what appeared to be ironman. The brunette grinned and leaned down to place a kiss on the small child's head, Tony pulled some doh out of the pot and began to mold making Ironman himself, all the way down to the ball joints in the arms, shoulders, knees etc.

He compared his own mold to the barely human sculpt that his child made, the millionaire pouted "it's not as good as yours but I'm still learning" he teased the baby earning a laugh. Tony's eyes softened as he smiled "daddy is proud of you" he whispered.

"Sir, are you crying?" Jarvis spoke up, Tony rubbed his eyes "no, shut up Jarvis" the man retorted before standing up and walking back over to his work desk to continue building, he glanced over at his child once more. He really was crying.

Captain America/Steve Rogers:

Steve was polishing and fixing his shield which had managed to develop a nick in combat, he muttered to himself as he went over it with a rag and polish. (Y/N) who was sitting next to him leaned over and opened (his/her) mouth, the drool dripped down her chin onto the metal.

Placing a flat hand on the shield, the baby clumsily began to scrub, Steve watched his baby's actions with surprise and pride. With his large hand he stroked the soft hair on her head, once the wetness had dried (Y/N) looked up at (his/her) father with a large grin, causing the infant's eyes to close.

Steve put down the shield and placed his baby in his lap instead, placing a kiss on (his/her) nose "it's going to be even shinier now, thank you" he said to his child.

The Hulk/ Dr. Bruce Banner:

It seemed he was doing it more often. Hulking out. I mean, his child kept him calm but the stress didn't help to keep him- well, him. So there Hulk stood in front of his child, hands clenched and muscles bulging, eyebrows furrowed and teeth bared.

He tensed further and opened his mouth wide he let out a loud, intimidating yell. The child simply giggled and clapped, replying with (his/her) own scream, this one was high pitched and changed, the child's voice cracked in the middle of it. Hulk reeled back at the scream he grinned and let out a huff through his nose, leaning down to hold the child in the palm of his hand lifting (him/her) up till they were eye level.

Hulk nodded approvingly, proud of his little monster.

Thor Odinson:

Thor laughed loudly as he chucked his head back chugging down a mug of beer. His child, sat in a high chair with a sippy cup full of apple juice repeated his action, Sucking the juice out of the small hole the cup provided.

As soon as Thor slammed the mug down on the table, (Y/N) did the same, slamming the sippy cup down on the plastic table of the high chair. Thor grinned over at his baby with a chuckle "well done my child, soon you'll be drinking alcohol like a man! (even if you are a girl, he still said that)".

Frigga rolled her eyes, taking a sip from her wine "I'm afraid not dear, (Y/N) will be busy learning to be a (Queen/King) like you were when you were young", Thor sighed and ran a hand through his hair "mother, relax a little would you? (Y/N) deserves even the smallest taste of freedom, I'm proud of (him/her)" the blonde said patting the table.

Frigga smiled "of course, son".

Loki Laufeyson:

Loki laid back in his bed, one arm under his head and the other hand raised. He wiggled his fingers, a soft green light emanating and through that small snowflakes. His baby laid on his chest, on their back. (Y/N) watched the magic in awe before raising (his/her) own hand and began to wiggle their fingers.

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